Dear humans,
Today, I have stolen a snippet for your enjoyment! The female dared to not press the button on my new toy to make it go. I have chosen this theft as my retaliation. That, plus the more nice humans who order the book, the higher my odds of the female buying me even MORE new toys.
I need more toys.
She got me this little one with a magic button that makes the red dot appear! I love it. It’s glorious. I want to play with it ALL the time. All of the time, I tell you.
Then she got me this thingie with three levels and there are BALLS TRAPPED INSIDE. I have been working valiantly to rescue the balls from their prison. So far, I have not been successful, but I refuse to surrender.
Those balls will be freed.
Anyway, here are the words I have gleefully stolen for your amusement.
From Ginger Snapped
At five minutes until closing, the store should have been empty, but a handful of men and women still wandered the aisles in search of confectionary perfection, ignoring my supervisor’s notices on the intercom that everyone needed to check out. If I clocked out over my allotted time, the head honcho, Mr. Grande, would flip his lid, call a staff meeting after hours on a Sunday out of spite, and chew us all out, showcasing everyone’s misdeeds.
The customer was always right, and it didn’t matter if they were the reason I couldn’t clock out on time.
To make matters worse, my name tag cheerfully confessed my name was Ginger, and my current part-time job involved the blasted cookies that I both loved and hated above all others.
One of these days, this Ginger would really snap, and I’d use a snickerdoodle as my weapon of choice, as ginger snaps had a tendency to break into pieces without the choking hazards of my preferred cookie. If I was going to go postal for the holidays, I’d do it right.
The headlines would be spectacular.
To add to my toy and treat supply, gracious humans can click on one of these links and commit to the toy and treat supply fund: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books.
Should the female fail to properly serve us, I shall steal more teasers for you… soon. Because let’s face it, she usually fails to properly serve us.
Yippee!!!! (steal more tidbits Zazzle. Please)
Will you be posting “Water Witch” to Kobo? Please? I tend not to buy from Amazon.
Kobo will only be launched once the book(s) are 100% completed. Kobo doesn’t allow direct preorders without ready assets, and I’ve generally moved away from the distributor who allows it. It will be coming, it just won’t be coming until the book is fully completed. Sorry. It’s too much of a hassle generally to move the books post publication and can lead to confusion for readers.
Seriously! if not for the opposable thumbs, oh•so•useful to open containers of gushy food, would cats even bother to associate with humans? time to go contribute!
thanks for the snippet, and I’ve already done my pre-order. Looking forward to a christmas-y book by Ms. Blain!
Once upon a time, working retail (grocery store) the night before Foodmas (also called “Thanksgiving”) a customer asked “How are you?” And without hesitation I replied, “Homicidal.” Fortunately she also worked retail and replied, “Ooh, I need to remember that reply!” with a great sense of humor.
I have committed to all of the toy and treat fund links, enjoy. 🙂