Dear humans,
As promised, Blending In is now on sale! You can grab your copy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play! Blending In is also available as an audiobook, and you can download it from Audible, Kobo, iTunes, Google Play, and a bucketload of other places. (It’s one of the flagship audiobooks available for expanded distribution. The female has no idea what she’s doing. She’s flailing. But, the audiobook IS available in the wilds for your enjoyment. We’re sorry we don’t have a link for iTunes and the other places. We can has a dumb.)
We hope you have a happy holidays, no matter where you’re from, what you celebrate, or who you’re celebrating with. (Characters make fantastic holiday companions, and we highly recommend your favorite beverage and a good book to make the most of your special days this winter season.)
Other news! We have news! We have stuff!
The female has been sneaking coffee. Unsurprisingly, she has upset her dictator stomach. She is blaming the feral Steel Heart. But, the feral beast has been tamed. It is with the vendors, and all vendors seem to have confirmed it is ready for release on Christmas. Hooray! (As always, we apologize if we have allowed any typos to slip through, and we will be doing an update on Christmas morning with any we find between now and then.)
I tried to tell the female she doesn’t have to work on Christmas, but she gets very anxious about mistakes in her work. She wants to bring you the best book possible! If you do find something, please make use of the form at the top of the page! The female will be going through everything submitted at the beginning of the full year.
Here is the complete collection of links for purchasing Steel Heart:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and Google Play.
We thank you very much for your support through these dark and difficult times. The female seems to be recovering from the trauma of having contracted rabies from the feral book.
Playing with Fire is still on sale if you need a last-minute Christmas present for some unsuspecting friend or family member. Playing with Fire is available at the following vendors: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, and Google Play.
And, because I’m not a true monster, here is a rather lengthy sampler of Blood Bound for your enjoyment. Wanted to know why Chapter One was entitled “Let’s use the cuffs”? Here’s why.
From Chapter One of Blood Bound…
Backing up as far as I could go on the roof, I sprinted for the edge, picked my target on the neighboring building, and jumped. Before the terror of hanging in the air could kick in, I smacked into the ledge. Sharp pain tore through my chest, and I slid back before shaking off the stunning impact and scrambling for a hold. I crammed my elbows against the brick, hissing as my skin tore. Jamming my toes into the mortar, I kicked, rolled over onto the roof, and gasped for breath.
No matter how many times in a night I cursed my existence as a vampire, I had to admit there were perks to unlife.
With a low groan, I rolled onto my back to ease the pressure on my chest. The next time I did something stupid like jump from building to building, I’d remember the landing hurt.
I’d also remember to check for signs of life before making the jump.
When I staked a vampire, I went for the chest, hitting hard enough to pierce the skin. The instant sacred wood contacted undead blood, the vampire froze. The best stakes came from ancient trees, the living wood withstanding hundreds of years beneath the light of the sun.
The tip pierced my chest between my breasts, angled to pierce through my heart should the shadowy form holding it decide to finish me. I managed to suck in a single breath before my heart stopped and my blood froze in my veins.
Violet eyes, gleaming in the darkness and stared into mine. My last breath still warm on my lips, and the evening cool stung my eyes, but I couldn’t even blink.
The figure leaned closer, descending into my field of vision, his smile exposing the elongated fangs of a vampire preparing to feed. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d smiled the same way before drinking until my victims had nothing left to offer me.
Unable to breathe, every moment pulled me towards my second death. It would take five to ten minutes if he let me suffocate, one or two if he opened my jugular and claimed my blood.
It could go either way. I’d never seen a miscreant as well groomed as him, and I could guess why he’d been granted eternal life after death. Human women would kill to have a chance with a model-pretty man, and undeath had immortalized my captor’s pretty face. No, pretty wasn’t the right word. While he had a softer jaw, he carried with him a sense of age and strength despite his modern suit.
Miscreants never wore suits.
“This one’s too old,” he announced. “Another.”
I wished I could move my eyes; it’d give me a chance to see how many surrounded me if I had a chance to escape.
Someone handed my captor a new stake, a beauty of polished wood gleaming in the moonlight. He eased the tip from my skin long enough I could suck in a labored breath. My heart managed a single, painful beat before he pressed the sharpened wooden tip into my flesh, once again angled towards my heart.
His expression soured, his satisfied smile fading. “Still too old.”
The sirens below quieted, but it wouldn’t save me. Nothing would except mercy I wouldn’t ask for even if I could speak.
“She could be an infant. You can overpower her if we try a sapper?”
“Give it to me,” the violet-eyed beauty demanded, holding out his hand.
I’d never carved a stake from a sapling before; I though it too slender, too flimsy to be dangerous, but the vampire holding me allowed me a single breath again before stabbing me in the chest with the flimsy twig.
My body remained frozen, but air flooded into my lungs and my heart thudded back to life. I shuddered.
I hadn’t known I could be staked but live and breathe, hostage to the wood’s power.
My captor chuckled, and he placed the older, thicker stake on the roof beside me. “That’s better. Excellent. How old was the wood, Ben?”
“A branch from a yearling.”
“I doubt she’s even a year old. All right, young lady. As I’d rather not hold a stake to your heart all night long, I have a special present for you. You won’t like it, but it beats being actually staked, doesn’t it?”
I wasn’t so sure, but I couldn’t force my lips to move to tell him to take his stake and shove it up his ass.
Ben proved to be another vampire, closer to what I expected from my brethren but cleaner. He wore denim from head to toe with a black leather hat tipped forward enough to obscure all but his mouth and his pronounced incisors. “Needle, manacles, or cuffs?”
“Let’s use the cuffs.
You can preorder now at the following vendors: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
We hope you have a happy holidays, and I shall be back tomorrow with some form of entertainment, likely in the form of tormenting the female, for your enjoyment.
Please note that I am withholding cat pictures until tomorrow. Honestly, the chameleon is so cute that we feared we would break all humans if we put a picture of a chameleon and my beautiful self on the same page.
We’re just that magnificent.
~Zazzle the Beguiling Tyrant
Zazzle, you are right. You plus the chameleon would break the interwebs with your adorableness. 🙂
Once again, I am contributing to your toy and treat fund. I swore that I was not going to start any new series of your (spending all my hard earned cash on MRC , Witch & Wolf, and Royal States) yet here I am, hitting that pre-order button. You are and evil, evil kitty. Please enjoy the treats that my pre-order money will buy you.
Merry X-Mast and Happy New Year!
PS Please put in more kitty photos. Those make sitting in my classroom grading papers on the winter break tolerable.