Dear humans,
In good news, Blood Bound is currently 52,300 words long. It is a good length novel. The female is having much fun.
In bad news, Blood Bound is feral, it releases in late January, and as such, she’s going to just have to commit to two novels because all of the things that she wants to do cannot be accomplished by 100,000 words.
What a pity.
The female is so sad about this. Honestly, she doesn’t even care about the preorder counts at this point. She loves Blood Bound. If she could write for 500,000 words, at this point, she probably would.
You poor humans will just have to deal with her unreasonable love of Pepper and Emerick. Unlike her normal writing procedures, I’m concerned she won’t actually stop writing once she finds a nice place to end book one. At current, the brood master is currently enjoying the upper hand.
There was some confetti. There was also glitter. He is absolutely not sorry. He is, in fact, gleeful. He enjoys pushing Pepper’s buttons.
She likes order.
Glitter is anything but order.
He knows this.
And so it goes.
In case you haven’t been able to tell, there will either be a murder or a marriage.
Such a pity.
The book has been a quarter edited so far, as the female sends to her editor in chunks. It is the curse of the deadlines. But, it is working, and all of the staff, for the most part, is happy.
Typos were found post upload in Steel Heart. Typos have been fixed. New upload will be made Christmas morning. We’re sorry about that, humans.
(The female has been working through a migraine. One that started Friday sometime. Days are hard. She no longer knows what day it is. She probably has to do laundry. Tomorrow might be a work day. Hopes migraine is gone by tomorrow.)
Few words were written today, but some were written, and some is better than none.
Migraine led to glitter and confetti, but upon close second thought, she is enjoying the migraine-brain inclusion, and it will have good mileage within the book.
It adds depth to Mr. Broody Vampire Brood Master McSexyPants.
Of course, the only thing Pepper wants to do with his pants is remove them, but she is a young, hot-blooded American woman, and he’s delicious.
So far, his pants have not been shredded or removed. We have hopes she will either a: seek therapy b: remove his pants or c: prance around until he removes his pants. Really, watching this female book character? It’s sad, humans.
Hopefully, the vampires will be sensible about the removal of pants.
Wait. What? It’s not that sort of book? Bah humbug.
Stupid female human.
Tomorrow, we are hoping the female’s migraine is at least controlled enough she can work, or the early part of January will be terrifying and stressful.
Some random things upcoming:
Female will be loading in preorders for everything that has preorders to wide vendors over the holidays. There will be a post to links of things that have not had links sometime over the holidays. (Cold Flame, in particular, will be made available at all vendors for preorder.)
Newsletter will go out on Christmas. If you miss it, check out the page. A link will be posted to it sometime after it is sent out to subscribers.
Here is a random unedited snippet stolen from Blood Bound:
“Ben is incapable of admitting fear of anything, especially a woman who is a lawyer and a vampire capable of ripping his head off and drinking him dry.”
“Has Ben done something to justify that?”
“Not yet.”
“Then Ben is safe.” I shook my head and turned my attention to the box filled with new laws dealing with vampires. “Would you please bring me a cup of coffee while I get to work on this?”
“You do realize I’m the master of this brood, right?”
“Yes, that’s why I asked you to bring the coffee. Why settle for anything other than the best?”
In case you missed it all of the other times before I have forced this upon your poor persons, you can preorder Blood Bound at the following vendors: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
Here are some pictures of our majesty for your amusement:

Hello Your Majesty! This is Princess Nini, taking control of my human’s email for a moment to write you a reply. Has your female tried a supplement called DMG? My human female takes this (almost) daily and she suffers from fewer migraines. That is fortunate since none of the other humans in the house will feed us when we demand it like she will. She is a very good human servant. The other humans will actually eat their meals before they serve us our meal. Can you imagine that?!
Anyway, our human female gets her migraines right before her monthly cycle. She would not be happy to know that I have snitched on her like that. If your female suffers migraines on a monthly cycle like that, she might want to ask her veterinarian (I think humans call them doctors) if DMG could help her. I’ve overheard my human tell another human that DMG must be taken daily and doesn’t work on demand like aspirin does. I can always tell when my human doesn’t take her DMG on a daily basis. She’ll get a migraine or a slight headache that apparently isn’t a migraine. When she gets a bad migraine, she will sleep for hours to try to get the migraine to leave. As any cat knows, sleeping is a fine way to deal with many issues. However, sleeping off a migraine takes her attention away from me and the three other cats in our home. This is most unacceptable. A couple of times she had left the house and came back hours later feeling better. She said to another human something about seeing doctors at an Eee Are and that the migraine cocktail they gave her took away the migraine. Regrettably the migraine cocktail isn’t available outside of the Eee Are.
I hope your human female finds a way to safely deal with her migraines. Your pictures are wonderful. Tell your human to share more pictures of you and the other cat. Such beauty needs to be seen by the world! ??
Dear Fellow Feline Supreme,
My female’s migraines are triggered by a physical condition. One of the vertebrae in her spine-doohickey is stiff, and it creates very unhappy muscular spasm issues, which in turn become migraines. They are no fun.
She is currently taking the medication to help unlock everything, but until it unlocks (and she acquires a new bed for us all to enjoy) she must suffer through. While hitting the heavy duty drugs.
She has improved to the point she can almost function. There is hope for tomorrow!
So sorry about the migraine. I suffer from them, too. The knitting looks nice!
Re-reading Water Viper (for the nth time) in preparation for Steel Heart. Thank you so much for writing these books!
A friend of mine told me about Migraine Defense by Naticura. At that point, he had gone from three or four migraines per week to one in four months. I should check back with him, both to thank him and to update the data. 🙂 I began it about three weeks ago and my daily migraines have dropped to about one per week. The visual disturbances I get have reduced from a burning brand in the air to a slight ripple.
You can see the ingredients on Amazon. I get no incentive from them or the maker nor does the friend who told me about it. This is something you take every day. My migraines are light-induced, so I take them as soon as I get up.
Won’t work for mine because mine are muscular in origin. I have something the doctors gave me that work. It’s just episodic, and it sucks! (A new bed will help a lot because of how mine are triggered.) But on the up side, I don’t have to watch my diet or anything like that to prevent them; I just have to hope nothing happens to that section of my damned spine!)
Ouch! Another friend of mine started getting migraines after a broken neck. She’s very happy with the botox shots to keep the muscles relaxed. I hate needles so I never tried it, even though I hear it also helps with light-triggered migraines. I’m just so happy to have something that works for me!
I hope you feel better soon!
Mcsexy pants and glitter..so much fun…it will be worth the wait..and two books..happy happy joy joy..
Awesome pics of kitties and “quilts”! ?. Sorry to hear you’re having migraine woes ?. Its fun to hear about upcoming books and pre order options. Kitty sass/sarcasm is also fun. Wishing you some fun, laughter and joy this season??
You evil feline you…I have now been suckered into pre-ordering Blood Bound.