Dear humans,
The female is tired. She hasn’t written any new words in two days, as she’s been doing all of those things required to finalize books for publication. In good news, The House Lost at Sea is finished. Hooray!
In bad news, she’s still scrambling to get other stuff done, including some polishing work on older titles. That’s mostly done. (She just needs to name a few more chapters, as she really likes naming the chapters of her books now. It’s an obsession. She might need help.)
We of the Furred & Frond Management have some observations we wish to share with you.
1: The male really likes computer games and has figured out the female will play games in exchange for food. This has resulted in many food offerings to keep the female playing computer games in the evenings.
2: Some readers like to complain, and when they don’t like a book, they come back and read the next book, they insist on complaining again, and generally make themselves more upset each time because they keep purchasing books they don’t like.
Please don’t buy books you don’t like, humans. If you were unhappy with the previous book, don’t preorder the next. Just wait to read the sample. If the sample doesn’t make your heart happy, the rest of the book isn’t going to make your heart happy.
If you keep buying books you don’t like and leave mean reviews, that indicates only one thing: you are not good at picking books you like.
Please pick books you like.
3: We have also noticed readers get upset when authors either a: write the same type of book over and over or b: fail to write the same book over and over.
We have witnessed readers get upset with the same exact author for both of these things.
If we were treating this like a drinking game, we would be dead from alcohol poisoning.
4: It is literally pointless to leave commentary directed at the female in your reviews. She doesn’t read any form of commentary directed at her, and all such commentary is generally discarded from her mental landscape. She sometimes looks at the happy commentary, but not often.
(She’s too busy writing new books, and there are far more happy people than there are unhappy people, and she’s not going to change for a few unhappy people when there are many happy people.)
If you don’t like the other books in a series, if you don’t like that the female does not write the same exact type of book with the same exact tone with the same exact general feel, she’s probably not the author for you.
She doesn’t want to reread the same book over and over again. Some books, like Bonds (Susan Copperfield), she wants to enjoy action and adventure and high seas and various things crashing. Some books, like Cold Flame (also Susan Copperfield), are more psychological in nature.
The female will not be changing this. Please pick the books you think you’ll enjoy. You don’t have to buy them all, no matter how much the female wishes every other human would love all of her books.
5: Headaches suck, and the female is weaning herself off caffeine and sugar for the sake of her blood pressure. Yuck. Saying goodbye to coffee has made a huge difference in her general health, but let’s just say she’s a grumpy bear right now.
6: The Witch & Wolf Complete Series is on sale for $0.99. It will be featured in a Bookbub mailer tomorrow! Hooray! It’s an older collection, but the female does really like it despite its age.
7: The female really likes the Run Around. It makes her happy.
8: If you don’t hear from the female next week, she’s in her trenches working. Don’t worry about it. She really wants to get a book cover for a hilarious pun she came up with for a Mag Rom Com, but she can’t unless she writes enough words on the books that are coming out soonish. (She really wants this.)
Happy reading, humans!
It sounds like there are some people who didn’t like Cold Flame, but I loved it. I really enjoyed Rachel’s character and my only complaint was that it wasn’t longer! Please keep writing – I buy all your series (& only got caught unaware by the re-release of one so now have two copies of “Home, Hearth and Havoc”). Also glad I found your blog/email. 🙂 -joan
I love your books. I am so glad my sister Jack /Lisa introduced me to you and all your worlds you write. You have helped my heart so much. I get to missing her and I can read one of your things books and feel like she is still here. Much respect and love.
Debby Wright
I love your books. They make me happy and they are very re-readable, so happy more than once! The rest of the whiny-butts can move on to another author.
Yay for the bearded one and getting the female to play more games!!! I think this is a most happy thing.
Best wishes on the elimination on the caffeine and sugar. I am a sugar addict and must work on that. I must shed some poundage to get healthier. I also hope the fixing of your teeth goes smoothly and you heal quickly.
I bought the Australian charity anthology, and will enjoy having another copy of Fowl Play, in addition to reading the books of some amazing authors that I have not enjoyed before- and I am indeed enjoying them. I hope much money is raised for Australia, and hopefully the authors will get listed on the USAT top sellers list. ?
After reading the sample of the House Lost at Sea, I preordered it. I wasn’t going to get this book but the scene with the octopus made me change my mind. If I don’t like it, oh well. I won’t leave a negative review because I don’t do that. I just won’t purchase more in that series (if there are more). My favorites are the Mag Rom Com so I will buy any and all in that series but I don’t expect my authors to write the same story, over and over, and/or cater to me. That’s why I read different authors. I’ve never understood people who insist the author stay in one mode and get mad because they don’t like the book that was written.
I agree, people who buy the wrong books and complain are a pain. One author, who wrote historicals and modern FBI books, found most of the most vocal negative reviews were from readers who bought a modern book and said they liked the historicals best. Read the description of the book, before you buy it –dummies.
I loved Cold Flame! You are spot on with the psychological study with a great side of quirky and a hefty heap of snarcky! Keep it up!!
I have NO complaints about ANY of the books I’ve read. The puns are great. The characters are engaging and VERY clever. Their minds twist and turn and arrive at their destinations with style seldom seen. Fire breathing, carnivorous, talking unicorns who fall in love with demon/human/angel/Egyptian pantheon beings are amazingly fresh and mind bending. I have a hard time waiting for the next one and order it as soon as I get the promo.
Never give up, Never surrender. Keep them coming.
Thank you. They bring smiles and laughter to my face and heart and furrowed lines to my forehead when I ponder the new thoughts you bring.
I love all of your books, including all the ones written by your alter egos. My only problem is that I am so addicted that I keep rereading all of them waiting for the next ones to come out, LOL! Please keep those books coming I am a customer for life.
Whoops! I’m glad you’re having fun with the books and they have a good re-readability rate for you!
I don’t know how you do it but I haven’t found a book of your I didn’t love yet! I’ve read all of Susan Copperfield and can’t wait for the audiobook versions to come out too because if I find something I like I have to own it on all platforms. I’ve read a lot of R.J. Blain and love it them as well and can’t wait to finish the rest! I’ve just learned there is a third Pseudonym as well and can’t wait to read those either!