Dear humans,
The female is sad. Her birthday concert to see Garth Brooks was date changed. She can no longer go to it. But, the female is CLEVER.
She accidentally wandered to ticket master ten minutes before a Garth show was opening for ticket sales in Vegas. LOOK AT THAT SECTION, HUMANS. LOOK AT THAT SECTION.
She was in the nose bleeds for her birthday concert.
These are not nosebleed seats. These are front section of stadium seats! Mid-level of the front section! Close to the stage! He’s playing in the round (it’s a circular stage so he can perform to the entire stadium) and the female and the male are super close and dead center to stage!!!
The female is very, very excited. Very excited.
Dear 2020, please go into remission for this concert. Please. We’re begging. This is the last Country Music Bucket List Item on the Bucket List. Pretty please? The female is begging. We’re begging for the female.
So, using the ecredits from her cancelled birthday concert flights, she got tickets to go to Las Vegas.
It’s much cheaper to fly to Las Vegas compared to Cincinnati. Let’s just say she’s considering asking the male to take her to London for Christmas this year.
Airfare would be covered.
Yes, it’s that expensive to fly to Cincinnati. We have not figured out how first class to Las Vegas and main cabin to London is the same amount as flying to Cincinnati.
Obviously, the first class part to Cincinnati has something to do with it, but it was supposed to be for her birthday, and it was something like eight hours in the air… the male indulged her so they could cuddle in first class and doze, and drink and be pampered. Yeah. That didn’t work out.
The female must figure out a way to convince the male that somewhere fun for Christmas IS an option.
The ecredits expire in December, and she can’t transfer the credits to someone else. Boo on that!
So, time to sha-la-la, sha-la-la, hey! The female is listening to Bon Jovi’s The Circle album today. She is clinging to the hope that the mid-June concert is still a go. She’s been to two Bon Jovi concerts, and she loves Bon Jovi. LOVES Bon Jovi.
The sha-la-la, sha-la-la, hey! song is “When We Were Beautiful.”
This doesn’t fit Grave Humor, but the female loves it. She will make it fit. SHE WILL MAKE IT FIT.
I like holding the shift button on the female’s keyboard this morning. It’s entertaining! Be entertained with me.
This song, from the same album, fits Grave Humor very well:
The Circle tour was amazing live. They had a mobile (circular) stage, and it was just yum! The female extroverts hardcore during Bon Jovi concerts.
But since we’re talking about writing music, Dirty Deeds is going to have a set of Bon Jovi songs to get things in the right mood. There’s no official music video, so you’re getting a clip from a live concert instead.
Also, if you ever go to a Bon Jovi concert, you will be in for a major treat if he does Hallelujah. His cover of it is spectacular.
This is the major theme song for Dirty Deeds, though:
Okay. We’re done on that subject. Enjoy the music, folks!
Onto the book review for the day.
Diana Pharaoh Francis is one of the Dirty Deeds ladies, and her Path trilogy is among the female’s favorites. It’s traditional fantasy, and it has everything the female loves about fantasy, from drama, more drama, even more drama, magic, birds of prey, more magic, angst, some more drama, magic, action, adventure, and even some romance tossed in for good measure.
Truth be told, I don’t like the new covers. The old covers were SO nice… but yeah. Please don’t judge these wonderful books by their cover. You can check out the trilogy bundle here. I think it’s cheaper to grab them as a trilogy rather than individually.
The female just thinks these books are fun.
As always, you may not love what she does, so she is presenting all of these titles with the best of intentions. We hope you love the books she loves, too!
Yesterday, the female worked on Grave Humor, License to Kill, Doggone Mess (from Dirty Deeds), and What an Otter Mess. Today, she’s going to be working on Grave Humor for certain, a little on The Run Around, License to Kill, and whatever else she can cram in.
Her goal is to write 110,000 in March, and she’s at 82,000 words. We’ll see how the next few days go, but it’s looking a little sketchy…
Good effort though, female. Good effort.
Have a great day, folks!
Crossing my fingers hoping you can make your concerts AND see London at Christmas 🙂
My bday is in December and I’ll be turning 60. Hubby and I plan on taking a river cruise in Bavaria to see the Christmas markets. We’ll see if covid-19 allows us to do so. Otherwise, we’ll be celebrating my 61st bday in Germany. Bon Jovi’s a good Jersey boy. Tell the female I approve of her choices. Good luck on the Garth Brooks concert. The last major act concert I went to was probably a Kathy Mattea Christmas concert. Both hubby and I adore her Christmas album, Good News.