When we have time, we will be going through all comments and removing any that may be inflammatory or negative in nature. While we do allow unmoderated comments from those who have posted comments before, we will be removing any comments that may classify as hurtful or do not bring a positive tone to the site.
If you want to debate something, this isn’t the place for it. We’re sorry, but it’s stressful allowing an open forum, so the forum is no longer open to negativity.
We will moderate the site every day or two, and we will remove comments with negative commentary or language.
In short, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all, and we will be slapping the female’s hands and making certain she abides by the same rules.
We want the female and readers to have a positive experience. We are sorry for comments that are ejected into the ether, but we want a better experience at our blog.
Please enjoy this picture of a cat sleeping on a sleeping cat.
As a teacher of third graders who are learning remotely, I do wish I could repost this for the parents. Your books bring me joy and lighten my load. Please don’t stop.
Thank you for looking out for the female. You are both good kitties. My Granny also said the same thing , if can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all – a lesson well taught to me. You look so comfy sleeping together. Hugs from Canada
Thank you for being such vigilant Kitties and protecting the Female. Her work is too important to be annoyed by negative people. Keep up the good work ladies.
I’ve always said that cats are more sensible than humans!
Nancy Gilbertson
My 16 month old kitty tries to sleep on my 11 year old kitty … it never ends well ? Sweet picture of your resident furbabies!
Cynthia Emery
I think.it is a good idea and understandable. If you don’t like a book keep it to yourself or your friends. Totally not acceptable to go out of the way to be rude to the author who puts life into that book.
Mary B
It’s sad that common courtesy is no longer common.
Keep up the good work caring for your human. Love her books and she doesn’t need any additional stress in her life.
J. C. Jenkins Jr
To for it. People should be supportive and encouraging, not mean and hateful.
J. C. Jenkins Jr
I meant go for it. Forgive any misunderstandings. My kindle constantly changes my words.
The Sneaky Kitty Critic
I am fluent in autocorrect. Hah!
I love the. With a body count series. My hard chosen is Double Trouble. I have pre ordered all the books untill i believe 2022
I always enjoy how R.J.Blain incorporates bunches of kitties into her books! You can always tell the good people by their love for those kitties!
I love that little face, and I would never say anything to hurt the human or either of the two kitties that run the house/business. 😉
Exactly! I even apply that, in a certain way, when I do reviews on a book. I will not post a negative review on a book, I will email the author and explain why I didn’t like a book. I know that reviews are like a life line to an author. For many of you, writing is a source of income. Positive reviews sell books. Negative reviews do not.
I would never say anything negative about those beautiful kitty faces! ?
C. Renee Olson
Love your books!!! I give them as gift sets and pick-me-up ? gifts. Please don’t stop.
Susan E Aceto
Bravo, Kitties! Negativity should not be allowed. Parents always said, “If you can’t say something nice, shut the F….k up! Oops, was that negative, just saying. I love this newsletter and hope to see it continue.
It never ceases to amaze me that people are prepared to say the most awful, hurtful things online that they would never dream saying to someone’s face. There’s something seriously dehumanising about the way some people engage with others online. Is it that they think that because they can’t see the person and the person can’t see them that it doesn’t count?
That’s rather like a child who plays hide and seek with their hands over their face and thinks that because they can’t see you that you can’t see them!
People, it doesn’t work. Play nice or go home.
Hurray for moderation! Boo for the female having to do more work! My youngest cat has gotten a lot bigger than his older sister, and still hasn’t figured out all that means, like while SHE can lay on top of him and he’ll barely feel it, HE will squash her when he tries to snuggle by laying on top of her. She’s a very good big sister and mostly tolerates it. My poor tiny girl.