Dear humans,
The female had an adventure last night with a bath bomb. It was hilarious. it was her first choice bath bomb from a bunch of frou-frou bombs she bought for self-care purposes.
She really, really likes reading in the tub.
So there she was. Preparing for a book with a bath bomb. It’s one of her favorite self-care routines.
She opens the bath bomb, which is a rose-filled one, frou-frou with natural ingredients, rose petals, etc.
It hits the water. Rose petals bubble forth from its depths. Bubbles! Foam! Rose scent!
Instant sneezing, chain sneezing, the sneezes of eternity, repeating into forever. So many sneezes, so little time. And sniffling.
So, the female has been wondering WTF she could possibly be allergic to in the complex, which has mulberries, roses, roses, and more roses.
Most people aren’t allergic to roses.
Guess who seems to be allergic to roses. The female. This explains so much.
So, rather than enjoying her book, she enjoyed allergies instead.
She will not use a rose bath bomb tonight, as she is determined to enjoy reading a book.
Today is The Cleaning Day. Ew. Female does not like the cleaning day. But the cleaning day concludes with “proofreading Grave Humor” and “bath bomb time” so it’s not all bad, right?
Today’s mini quest is to go to find a friend and tell them about the female’s send-a-card to save the USPS effort. The form is here:
Anyone who fills out the form will get a postcard featuring art from one of her books.
At the same time, if you think they will like Grave Humor, tell them about it! But mostly, everyone who fills out the form will get a card or letter and post card, and the female is looking for an excuse to buy an entire coil of stamps for letters and cards.
Okay, the tell them about Grave Humor part of things is really, really helpful.
She has no idea how she’s gonna get all the cards needed but she’ll figure that out later! She’s buying more cards every week and will be writing out little cards and letters during the week on breaks.
Also, if you’re an author who is doing a similar initiative, leave a comment with how they can find your form. (Links may or may not get eaten by the system, but we’ll try to check all links we can and get them into the comments.)
Go go USPS.
And now the female must proofread Grave Humor. She wants to be completely done by tomorrow. Then she’ll spend the next week on client edits, hoping to have that fun project all done sooner than later.
She ordered containers to plant tomatoes in. She also ordered some dirt to put in the containers to plant tomatoes in. She has two honey rock plants spouting. If she doesn’t screw this up, in eighty days, she will have melons!!!!
Please join us in not holding our breaths for this miracle.
The female will earn a bath in forty pages of proofreading.
Wish her luck. She needs it.

Sweet kitty I feel your human’s pain. Anytime I get near anything floral scented I explode with sneezes, sniffles and watery itchy eyes. Bath and Bodyworks would require an antihistamine before I went (I just quit going).
Tell your human that I have found fruit scented things to be much easier on my allergies. Maybe they will help hers. ?
Such an EVIL bath bomb. For me it is not the floral; it is the stuff that makes it go fizz.
If I wait until after all the bubbles have escaped, I can enjoy the bath (although the water needs to be rewarmed).
Allergies suck, I feel for the female. Hope you all have a great day.
Heavy floral / wood scents and any scented washing detergent really get my sinuses angry with me. I just prefer to be happy and go with unscented on most things and I have now pretty much quit buying fresh flowers just because the pollen will drive me batty.
I love flowers. I just wish they would keep their sex lives out of my nose.
I technically don’t have allergies, I have what to allergic reactions what migraines are to normal headaches. Which I also have. Hence prescription antihistamines hence weirdness. I highly recommend shopping for a good allergist. Good allergists can make a huge difference.
I’m allergic to some form of rose scent. A certain cosmetic brand will cause a weird rash but not all rose scents are bad. So it’s a guessing game and I choose to avoid it in general.
Sorry that you found this allergy in such a drastic way.
Every seven years my neighbor’s rose bush sends out flowers like it’s on steroids and makes my life miserable until they all die off.