Dear humans,
We of the Blain Household would like to take a moment to squeal over Ilona Andrews’ new release, Emerald Blaze. it kicks ass. We think you should read it. It was just a super fun continuation of the Hidden Legacy series.
We won’t lie, humans. The female likes Hidden Legacy more than she likes Kate Daniels. Silver Shark is still her absolute favorite. The female could read a bazillion stories about Claire and like it. Her feelings of this are not a secret.
But, seriously. Emerald Blaze. It’s great. The female loved it.
Also, the female got an epic surprise upon reading the acknowledgements, and she wandered through yesterday (when it released) at a rather undignified skip.
You can grab Emerald Blaze at all of your favorite vendors, but here is the link to it on Amazon.
Please enjoy this picture of me catching a nap on my human.

“Please enjoy this picture of me catching a nap on my human.”
Enjoying a picture of a beautiful creature such as yourself is a given,’s grand of you to honor your human with your presence!
Whoop whoop! R.J. Blain in Emerald Blaze acknowledgements!!!