Hey, folks. R.J. here.
Rather than give you an impersonal cats’ eye view of a rather troublesome problem I’m facing, I have the wheel on the blog for today.
I am strongly considering, after the release of Catnapped, pulling all of my titles from Amazon. Right now, there is a plague of “armchair editors” who are reporting issues on Amazon, which result in quality notices and threats of book suppression (AKA, our books are pulled from sale) if we do not adhere to the editing recommendations these armchair editors are making.
Booked for Murder was reported and threatened with a quality warning this morning.
The armchair editor reported four errors. One was not a mistake. One was a mistake in the backmatter, which was a sample of an unreleased book. Two were small typos in the book. This is an error rate of approximately one in sixty thousand words.
Yet Amazon’s stance is if I do not fix these mistakes, within 72 hours, my titles may be flagged or removed from sale.
Enough is enough. I have not had a day off in 31 days. I work often over 14 hours a day. I have an editorial staff of 16 people, myself included. I am doing my best.
My best is not good enough for Amazon.
Okay, fine.
No other vendor has a report issues tool. Do you know what other vendors do? They have review tools. Reviews inform a reader if there are problems like this in the book. Readers are not stupid. They can check reviews.
So, if you want to help a lot of authors out, please take the time to email jeff@amazon.com with an email requesting that they permanently disable the ‘report issues’ function allowing armchair editors to make critical commentary on the interior of a book.
It is not Amazon’s job to quality check a novel. They allow samples, and readers can check the samples. They allow returns, so readers can return a shit quality book if they would like.
There is no reason for this tool to exist.
When you email jeff@amazon.com, include the following:
A polite greetings,
A complaint that the ‘report issues’ function is creating substantial issues for your favorite authors, and if the quality warnings continue to exist as is, when it’s not Amazon’s job to provide editorial of books, your authors will leave for other platforms.
Make a statement that you do not want to stop reading on Amazon, but if your favorite authors leave, you will leave, too.
(This is important, because Amazon only cares about YOUR dollars. They do not care about the authors. At all. This is well established.)
Close with a thank you for their attention on this matter, and they hope they will bar random readers from having editorial control over novels.
Sign it, send the email.
That’s it, that’s all. Vocalizing complaints to Amazon is the only way this abusive tool will be changed.
Frankly spoken, I do not want to leave Amazon. The majority of my income comes from Amazon, and ultimately, if I have to leave Amazon, my career will enter its death throes. I will only be writing for enjoyment, and when the money I’m putting aside to pay for production costs in the future dries up, understanding I may have to leave Amazon because of this tool, that’s it.
This is the inevitable conclusion; I’ll write for myself, and my career will be over. I will no longer be able to publish. I won’t be able to afford the bills, and I won’t have the heart to scrape together pennies when I’m fully aware there will be armchair editors thinking they’re helping, when in reality, they are not.
I’ll probably return to my previous career as an editor, helping authors write stronger, better books. I may format for people. I’ll probably also paint and do a lot of things I’ve sacrificed to write books. I might find a nice office job doing secretarial work or office gophering.
I actually like office gophering. It’s fun. I enjoy scrambling around doing Jack of All Trades work. I like solving problems for people.
There are a lot of things I like doing that I simply don’t, because I want to write more and better books.
I have not yet discussed this issue with my husband, but the truth is? He’s probably as tired of me as the days I just sit and cry because yet another armchair editor had a book flagged on Amazon, and they’re threatening to remove it from sale. Yet again.
Because 16 people working hard on a book still isn’t enough to make a perfect book.
I’m exhausted.
I’m tired of the stress of checking my Amazon backend daily to see if there’s a new warning I’ll have a book pulled.
It’s happening two to three times a month now.
I love my readers. I love writing. But I don’t love this writing environment. I’ll always write books I want to read.
But I won’t take it beyond finishing the book and self-editing it to my satisfaction. I may share the books with friends. I may not. The death of a career doesn’t begin with a heavy workload.
It begins with armchair editors.
Please email jeff@amazon.com.
I’ve worked hard to make this career what it is, but there comes a point where enough is enough.
The end of my career looks to be beginning with armchair editors, because I have had enough.
The paycheck isn’t worth the entitled armchair editors, it’s not worth the multiple times a month of Amazon flagging my account because of a handful of typos in long books.
And no, extending publication times aren’t going to remove those handful of typos. I literally have sixteen people, myself included, combing the books for errors. And we still miss errors.
This is the nature of books. It will always be the nature of books.
I’m exhausted.
I love my job, but not enough for this.
Catnapped is the last book I’m promising will be available at Amazon, and I will not be setting up any preorders for future titles.
Something has to change, and I’m sick and tired of rolling with the punches and dealing with the threats from Amazon.
Please email Jeff.
Publishing books is not worth my health or my sanity, and the stress levels of dealing with Amazon threatening quality warnings and suppression are becoming lethal. Literally.
Enough is enough.
I’m sorry, but enough is enough.
Ask Amazon to change, because I cannot deal with armchair editors anymore, and I am tired of fighting with Amazon to be ‘allowed’ to hold my creative rights.
Because right now, I’m being forced to change my words to an armchair editor’s standards.
And no. Just no.
Those are my books and my words, and I’ve had enough.
Please email Jeff.
Thank you for listening.
Wow, that’s ridiculous. I really hope it doesn’t come to that. Couldn’t you use another site to publish through amazon? Like smashwords?
No, I cannot. The books would still get notices, and I would be unable to fix them, because Smashwords does not give authors access to the tools needed to tell Amazon to process corrections. The books would be pulled from sale without recourse if I distribute non-directly through Smashwords.
Also, Smashwords doesn’t honor copyrights, and I have had issues in the past with them refusing to honor my copyright, so… I have permanently boycotted them as a distributor.
Done. If they want to improve quality the need to get on the scan and dump books. There is no way they had any proofreading and they are main stream publishers.
I did email him. u hope it works.keep u on Amazon
Done! I buy thru Amazon Canada so also forwarded a copy to their complaints section. Hope this helps. Keep us updated.
I also emailed him. I love your books and would be heartbroken if you stopped writing. You bring pleasure to the sad days and make the good ones more enjoyable. I do not see any errors in you writing. Much love to you and yours
I hope u stay on Amazon .if not tell what vidior u in
Done. I really hope you can continue writing. You’ve become My Favorite Author (and I don’t use that title lightly) and your novels have been a light in the dark, and a joy to read (even when they make me cry.) Thank you.
I will be very sad if “armchair editors” give you so much grief that you decide to quit writing and publishing. I truly enjoy your books. I have all of the Royal States books and the ones you write as Bernadette Franklin. I just finished Booked For Murder and enjoyed that one also and am looking forward to the next one even though it is many months off. I did email Jeff at Amazon and expressed my displeasure about the “hassling” your receiving from people who have nothing better to do than hunt for mistakes.
Email sent to Jeff. Take care of yourself.
I love your work and would absolutely hate not being able to read it, so I have done as you asked and emailed Jeff. And since I spend hundreds of dollars in that company every year I worded my email strongly. I was polite but tried to get the point across that this will affect the business. Please, take a couple of days, rest relax pet the cats. Love on them for a while. Come back in a few days refreshed and able to breath. We your loyal fans are here waiting and we have patience. We will wait……
Done. I hope it becomes a ‘notify only’ tool that leaves changes up to the authors discretion. It could be a useful tool for readers to notify authors of typos – but it should be up to the author if they want to do anything about it.
You know what? I would be 100% okay if they just used it as a notify tool and it had zero influence on book sales. I’d just reject the stupid armchair editors, roll my eyes over the rest, and go about my day, fix once a month or when I’m in the mood. That change would 100% allow me to not stress out over the notifications. Because they’re just that, a notification. It’s this big brother fix or else thing that is horrible.
Done! I’m so sorry you are going through this because of a few people who believe their petty opinions matter more than the enjoyment of your readership, and who do not appreciate your hard work. You are greatly loved and appreciated,
Sent an email to Bezos. I really hope that you don’t have to leave Amazon, as I have thousands of books on my Kindle app. But I will go to Apple Books if you do.
Emailed. Agree with everyone else – take a day for yourself already, we’ll be here when you’re rested. 🙂
I am writing my email now. I am also adding the fact that Kindle unlimited books are telling with typos but other authors, you, are being harassed. Not just typos, but whole chapters cut off or out of order. But nothing is done about them. Like you said, they only care about the money they make and they make more money from Kindle unlimited than other authors.
Done! I personally buy your books from B&N but I do read other books on Amazon.
Email sent.
I’m sorry to learn more about this. I never knew much about the pressures an author has to deal with until I started reading your blog. It has to be discouraging and worse to get these notifications. Never used that function. Now happy I haven’t! I read reviews for book issues of all kinds.
I love your books! They’re fun, entertaining, and also deal with serious topics, so not fluff. You’re a favorite author! Thank you for all the hard work you put into your books. I sincerely hope you can continue your work.
Agreed that
is there any thing a person can do to get amazon to stop harassing’s authors
Please email the jeff@amazon.com email address about it. That’s the top way you can help, if they are pressured by enough readers, they might actually remove the tool.
Those wannabe’s can’t get an editing job in the real world, so they spend their time nitpicking your work. Trolls, all of them.
Please take time for yourself. I will follow you to a different platform if you can find one that will help you pay the bills.
Done! I really hope you do not quit writing. Your stories are a massive bright spot in my life – and many others from what I have read online. If you quit amazon, just let us know & know I am 1 of many who would be willing to follow you to whichever platform suits you best.
Done. Just sent my email
I sent an email as you suggested and I for your sanity it works I find it easy to buy books on Amazon then on the other platforms and REALLY REALLY enjoy your writing! Please close down your email, take a needed breather and go outside and enjoy some sun (if possible where you are LOL) Very sorry you are having such an issue.
Oops just saw I left a hopefully out of my first sentence, see even us non authors have those days!
Hello, I’m requesting that you permanently disable the ‘report issues’ function allowing armchair editors to make critical commentary on the interior of a book.
There is no reason for this tool to exist
A complaint that the ‘report issues’ function is creating substantial issues for my favorite authors, and if the quality warnings continue to exist as is, when it’s not Amazon’s job to provide editorial of books, my authors will leave for other platforms.
I do not want to stop reading on Amazon, but if my favorite authors leave, I will leave also. If you check my account you will see I have spent thousands of dollars on Amazon kindle.
Thank you for your attention on this matter, and I hope you will bar random readers from having editorial control over novels. They aren’t authors, I call them reading Nazis. Let them write their own books, stop allowing them to criticize my authors. Tell me please, where did they get their writing degrees? I hope you will bar random readers from having editorial control over novels. I like Amazon, I love my Fires and paper white. I like the ease of preordering and ordering but if they leave I will follow. I get little enough enjoyment out of life, reading is my escape. So if I have to choose between Amazon and my authors the authors will always win. Again thank you for your attention and I hope my fervent request will be instituted.
Deborah J Roill
I love your writing. Take a break. I sent my email in to Amazon and a copy of it here I hope I did ok. If you leave let me know I will follow. I have 5,000 books in my kindle account all of yours plus my favorites. And I add new authors to peruse that’s how I found you. I am a FAN love to hear about everything. Take a rest I spit on the reading Nazis lol Debbie
Email sent to Jeff.
I’m so sorry you are getting so much hassle. I know how frustrating it is to deal with Amazon. I publish in a small way on KDP (two or three hundred year old books on the 16th century). A few months ago I updated the back-matter in one title and set it to be republished. It took more than 17 emails from me (threats on every response from them) and at least 3 weeks to get them to accept that I could not give them the name of an anonymous translator who did his work (anonymously) in 1757!
I love your books, and I thought Booked for Murder was absolutely brilliant – 5 star review on Amazon & Goodreads from me 🙂
Nil Carborundum!
Done. I will follow you where ever you go. I love your books.
I also sent an -mail to Jeff. I hope it helps. I love your books and look for them all the time. If ever I can’t get them from a kindle vendor I would continue to purchase them as paperbacks. Please do not stop your writing. You bring joy to a lot of people.
Done. Frankly, it was a bit more rant than email, but I hope it helps stop letting uncredentialled pseudo experts drive an excellent author to the point they want to quit!
Take care of yourself!
I sent an email and explained I thought the report edit tool was abusive. It damages your confidence which impacts your writing. Your suggested letter sounded better but I’d already sent mine. ? I hope the letter helps.
It was verbose as per usual for me but I think I got my point across and went as far as calling the aggressors against you as “ignorant troglodytes.” Too much perhaps but boy did it feel good!
I have read and loved all of your books….and recommended them to others. I buy mine mostly through B&N but understand that Amazon is a bigger market. I do hope they remove the obnoxious ‘report issues tool’, which is just a vehicle for abuse.
I sent in my email to Jeff B. I included all your perfectly valid points. Now I’m off to find the book nazi who started this mess (well, this most recent mess).
please keep writing and offering it someplace; your stories and characters are well loved!
Be well, Rick
Done. I have told Jeff Bezos that I have been a loyal customer of Amazon for 15 years and that I have been spending between $1,500 – $2,500 a month on that web site. But that if the report errors function is not permanently disabled and my favorite author is pushed off the site I will leave and follow her wherever she goes. I told him that the report error function is a weapon for vindictive and mean spirited people to take vengeance on people or books that they do not like. Also that if they have problems with the books then they should go through every book on their platform and edit every book. Only then is it fair.
Being an author is not for the faint at heart. It is your job to create the best story humanly possible. You talk about 16 editors but Amazon has just expanded your pool of editors. You call them entitled armchair editors but you do not have any idea of who it is. They may have a PhD in English for all you know. What they are is free editors. FREE Stop belittling your readers… you know the ones you claim to love.
You say this is 2 or 3 times a month. Are you telling me that opening your documents for the different formats and searching for a few errors takes an entire morning? Perhaps you should improve your skills or the tools you use.
This feature is a part of this industry. It may not be available now on other sites but it likely will be.
As a self published author your job is to put out a great product. The edits you get, regardless of right or wrong, mean someone cared enough to read your book and let you know about errors they found. Fix the issues and move on. Be grateful they’re reading your book.
I’m not going to argue with you about this. You’re entitled to your opinion. I don’t agree with your opinion. The CHOICE of how I change the book is taken away from me with this system.
I. Do. Not. Have. Editorial. Rights. To. My. Own. Book.
If I do not change it to how this armchair editor wanted, my books may be pulled from sale.
So, no. This tool is not good. If it was a notification system, I’d be fine with it.
But it’s not.
No. Readers should not be able to take editorial control of a book from authors.
Have a great day.
Sent, I hope it helps!!
I emailed! Maybe it will do some good!
My email was sent today. I would be so terribly sorry to see you go but your sanity is much more important. Please take care of yourself!
Sent my email. I really do not want you to quit your writing career. I am selfishly addicted to your books. Would you consider selling through Smashwords or Payhip? I would definitely buy through those. Also, would a Pateon account help? I would be interested in supporting you through that. Please, please do not stop writing!!
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. I’ll be writing an email in regards to this. I love your books, I’ve bought them in e-format and audio (same book) because you’re that funny and that in depth. When I finish something you have written I’m completely satisfied, you rank right up with Ilona Andrews in my mind. I really hope this situation get fixed and jerks with too much time on their hands can’t impact you in this manner anymore. Thank you so much for the many hours of happiness and laughter.
Done. Email sent. I really hope this works.
dear mr. bezos,
so that you know the basis i write from, i have over 21,500 books in my amazon library, with many months of $1,000 to $1,500 sales each.
i also know that books were one of bases you founded amazon on.
specific to this email, i am requesting you, as chief executive, to remove, system wide, from books, the “report errors” buttons and functions. the /only/ possible proper use of this function would be for file corruption/transmittal; this /could, and /should/ be done through either return for credit, or bot/person chat in help/contact.
over my lifetime, i have bought and read many excellently edited books, some well written, some so so; i have bought and read many poorly edited books, some well written, some not. i have NEVER whined about those books to the vendor/publisher; were i sufficiently moved, i would contact the author[s], or the proofreader[s], or the editor[s], and mention finding some anomalies.
what i do NOT need, is some ‘armchair editor’ trying to force ‘changes’ to an author’s work; what i /absolutely/ DO NOT NEED is amazon using these ‘armchair editors’ crap to vindictively harass an author for ‘changes’ or loose sales. amazon is a vendor, not an editor, not a proofreader; were ‘errors’ sent via ‘notifications’ only, that /might/ be acceptable; ‘report errors’ is beyond permissible. the review books function is where praise or complaint should be placed; possible buyers will have the acumen to judge properly whether or not to buy.
with over 21,500 books, i have a number of favorite authors. quite a few of these have reported ‘problems’ with amazon; some have had sales stopped, some have withdrawn books, some, very regrettably, have ceased writing. several have left, or are seriously thinking of leaving, amazon; should they leave, i WILL follow the author, NOT amazon. i will let the author, social media, book clubs, etc., know what i have done, and why. ripples, though they seem to diminish, keep rebounding. i buy a lot on amazon, i would like to continue doing so. i respect authors and their works more.
please, though your schedule be busy, devote your personal time and effort to correcting this problem.
daniel j dayton
Email sent to Jeff, support you 100%.
Have you though about sell ebooks directly to your patrons or looking at the model that http://www.baen.com uses. I by directly from them even though there books are also so on Amazon.
Copy of email sent:
I am sending this email to address an issue that several of my favorite Amazon authors are experiencing and it concerns the “Report Issues” option. Readers are reporting what “they” are considering issues, but most are not actual grammatical or spelling, they are regional etc. As I am sure you are aware, even national publishing house have a few small minor errors. That independent authors are having to take their precious time to address issues of microscopic proportions or have their books flagged and removed is egregious. If a book has completely not been edited that is an issue, but this is not the case with the authors that are being referenced in this email.
I hate to say this but this has made many of my favorite authors consider leaving the Kindle/Amazon platform and I would have to as well to read their books. I prefer to have my books all in one place but I am able to switch easily.
I appreciate your time in reviewing this issue and hope you remove this tool that is hurting authors, readers and your bottom line.
Patricia Griggs
Sent from my iPhone
You are a wonderful author. I love your books and it makes my day when a new one comes out. Please do not let the buttheads of the world deter you from your chose career. You are a wonderful author. Thank you for your work.
That’s just ridiculous. I had no idea Amazon was giving editorial power to random readers, but that should absolutely not be happening. I just sent an email about this issue. Hopefully, we can get Amazon to stop allowing this. Your books are your books, that you put your hard work, time, and effort into. Out of thousands and thousands of words, it’s very understandable there will be some typos. They shouldn’t be policing books and damaging people’s careers like this. I really hope it stops. Best wishes!
I am a professional editor, and have been for over 15 years, and sent Jeff an email telling him that unless people that use the “report issues’ tool’ have the education and experience to edit books, they have no right to do so. Also mentioned that it is not within Amazon’s job description to edit books, just sell them.
I also said I’d be buying my books at another venue and stopping my KU subscription, and letting others know of the issues you and other authors have been having with Amazon too.
I did send a comment for you . I would hate to see you leave Amazon because this is where I get all my books. There are no bookstores in my town anymore and it is a 60 mile drive to anywhere there is.
E-mail has been sent. Please take the rest of the day off and have some fun with the cats and husband. Let your readers know where you will publish your books, and we will follow. We will figure out how to download from non-Amazon platforms and read them on our Kindles and ultimately change to another e-reader that is not an Amazon proprietary device.
Thank you for writing. Please don’t quit.
Sent my email to Jeff. It would be interesting to know if Amazon threatens Berkley, G.P Putnam, etc., for editing. I just ignore the typos, unless there are more mistakes than good reading.
Just sent it off. Thank you for bringing this to your fans attention. I had never heard of a “report issue” tool for books before. I have read reviews and used them to decide if the book was for me, but I never even knew this “report issue” thing existed. Then to hear that they are threatening to pull your books instead of just informing you that some people have concerns is preposterous! You write reviews for books and let the reader decide if it is worth their time. You let the reader look at a sample and make up their own mind. You don’t go and threaten an author become someone has difference of opinion.
I have never written a letter of complaints before. Ever. However learning about what you are going through, moved me to write to Amazon. It isn’t fair to you who is getting harassed, it isn’t fair to me who might lose an author who I have bought every single thing you have written. I, too, encourage everyone to write to Amazon and voice your concern. We can’t keep quiet about this.
Please know that we, your fans, are behind you 100%! Go Team Cindercorn!
I e mailed jeff as requested. Very easy to do. Thank you for alerting us (readers who enjoy your books ?). I’m sorry to hear that this has been a problem. I agree and understand why that/this could be a “deal breaker”. I hope my letter (and hopefully others’) Will help. ????
I adore your books. No one is perfect and there should be some sort of threshold before dire threats are issued!
Good luck!! ❤
I have emailed Jeff. Hopefully he listens
I think I’m turning into a drama queen in my old age.
Here’s the subject title of the email.I sent to Jeff.
“Armchair editors using Amazon to bully and brow-beat an excellent author.”
Ok, I sent a complaint to Jeff@amazon…. I hope it helps you. When you consider the differences between, English English, Australian English and American English, you wonder why Amazon would even have that tool. If I sent a complaint for everything that seemed wrong, either with spelling or grammar, I would never finish a book! (I’m Australian by the way). I simply assumed that it was the way of things in your country.
Anyway, it’s done, and I hope it helps make a difference.
You, the Beard, and your kitties, stay well and safe,
Email sent. Hope it is one of thousands! This is nothing but sanctioned cyber bullying. Take care of yourself. My life, like that of many others, would be verY bleak without your delightful novels.
From Thea Harrison’s FB:
August 28 at 11:17 AM ·
My friend Elizabeth Hunter has a reader who apparently doesn’t like her creative writing style (which is awesome, by the way) and has flagged dozens and dozens of “errors” that aren’t errors in any way, but instead are simply stylistic choices.
Anyway, apparently, according to Elizabeth’s latest update, Amazon is aware that this is a problem and is looking for ways to handle it.
Ok, so, dreadful as it is, they are trying to fix it. I think they should disable it until it works, myself.
Email sent. I hope they come to their senses.
Plus please take it easy and slow down. I love your books but would rather fewer books than you to burn out ( been there, done that,not fun).
I just found your Susan Copperfield books last week. And spent all week reading them, lol. Then I found Booked for Murder; loved it. Cool new twist on magic and lots of snark & personality. Had no idea it was the same author.
Then while I was checking for even more titles, I came across your message about the “report issues” tool which I had no idea existed.
So I sent my email to Jeff & closed with the following:
“I also have a very relevant question. If an author pulls his or her books off of Amazon due to be hassled and threatened because of the ‘report issues’ function, what happens to e-books by these authors that I have purchased? And want to keep? Likewise, if AMAZON pulls books off due to the author not fixing mistakes reported via the ‘report issues’ function, what happens to MY e-book(s) that I want to keep? I’ve had one book just removed from my Kindle by Amazon – with notification that there was a copyright issue – so I know you can just yank stuff off my Kindle without me being able to prevent it.
So if my books disappear (do they?) when the book is removed from Amazon, either by Amazon itself, or by the author removing them and leaving Amazon due to the hassles of this ‘report issues’ function, then as far as I’m concerned you, AMAZON, are violating the trust I have placed in you that my e-books will remain available in the future. If you destroy my faith in you keeping books available, then why should I continue to buy e-books from you? ”
So I hope they dump this “tool” as it currently exists. I suggested a report function that authors could opt into (or not) & that Amazon had nothing to do with except for providing the tool.
Please, take a break but don’t stop writing!
Your worry about the books being yanked is exactly why I download each and every book. I use (and recommend!) Calibre to organize my books, and it can send books from the Calibre library to your device. It can also convert your books to different formats, and even lets you edit them if you wish (I like the epub split plug-in to split anthologies into individual books).
Done! I didn’t even know this tool existed.
Well, I seem to be redundant but sent.
Done! I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your writing. It always makes me smile. I just finished “A chip on her shoulder” and I LOVED IT! I am currently on my third rereading of it! I LOVED the little extras that made several of your other books mean even more (I won’t spill the beans – but OMG!) thank you thank you thank you
Done! Hopefully they will remove this bullying tool and realize they are supposed to sell the product, not edit it!
I love your books, and would be devastated if you stopped writing. People can be such obnoxious idiots! (Imagine a lot of swearing here) Please hang on a while longer. (((hugs)))
Done! I didn’t know this tool existed, or that Amazon used it that way. It’s ridiculous! I hope our voices make a difference, you’re one of my top ten favorite authors. And I read a lot. I’ve had fanfic authors I like stop writing and pull their work because of bullying, I didn’t know it could happen to published, making-money authors. It’s insane!
Please take care of yourself, know that I’m wishing you well. I’d rather you be healthy and happy and never have a knew book from you than for you to publish a bunch at the cost of your wellbeing.
Hello again – after I sent my email to Amazon, I went to Barnes and Nobel and am getting a nook and have already repurchased your books through them, so even if Amazon blows up (and I will get rid of my kindle if it does) I can still read your books on the nook. I have to have an reader due to vision issues (long story but I got two corneal transplants) so I can control the font. You are an AMAZING author and I will support you wherever you go.
Take care of yourself please.