Wild Wolf’s new release date is now January 19, 2021. This will be updated and announced to vendors soon.
Assuming I get approval from a booked promoter, The Flame Game will also be rescheduled for the end of November. Expect November 24 for the Flame Game, but it has not been confirmed yet. If the promoter cannot reschedule everything, it will have to stay for October, but I tried.
I’m tired, so I’m spreading things around a little.
Good, don’t give up because of those armchair editors.
Glad to see that you are spreading things out a bit. Please, please, please put your health first. Much as I love your books I would much rather hear how you are relaxing in your preferred area (beach, mountains, home!) and sending us cat pictures.
No problem – thanks for the info.
Hope you get a breather at least.
Its ok
It’s fine. Gives us more time to reread our favorites.
I’m glad to see you’re taking a break and moving things out a bit. Not that I’m not looking forward to the books, but you sound like you need a break.
I’ll still be waiting eagerly.
It’s all good! Relax, unwind… buy some more Unicorns! Perhaps some more honey! We get it when we get it and we are OK with that! You do YOU first girl! (Luv n hugs!)
Good for you for spreading things out! Especially during this time, I think we all need to spread things out to make it easier on ourselves.
Seems like a sensible move to me. We can stand the wait, and your mental health will thank you.
please don’t be discouraged by the asshats of the nitpicky alliance, i adore your books, every single one! I haven’t found a dud and I doubt I will. ( I swear on Lucy’s horns and tail that I’m telling the truth.) I know I am just a reader but I am totally ok with you slowing down and taking care of yerself, and I would wait indefinitely for even one of yer books, I know all your other readers who adore your books would say the same. I know my opinion is worth bubkis but you should be showered in praises and foot rubs, back massages and free housecleaning. . . Along with a million bucks!
You produce a fantastic amount of wonderful work. Don’t apologize! I have to await your books for less time than any other author I can think of!
I’m fine with those new dates! The less stressed and tired you are, means better , longer(?) Books…which translates into more and longer(?) New books! Take the time you need… Your true fans will wait, maybe not patiently, but with understanding!???
Please take care of your health. I love your books, but I can wait. We don’t want you to quit, and from the way you have been telling us, that’s a possibility. We will be patient.
What, you can’t write books as fast as I can read them? Well, farkle. (sigh) I will just have to re-read the 48 I already own…
Don’t be sorry. You are not responsible for my state of happiness. You unfortunately overextended yourself. I was very worried this would happen when you posted your schedule at the beginning of the year. Please take time off so I can continue to enjoy your future releases. If I must, I will buy from Apple. ??
Would you and the rest of your team, four and two leggers, please accept internet hugs.
Oooh! Sorry for the delay because of your stress but on the plus side for me, now I have a book for the MLK holiday!
We will wait.
I am sorry your workload was so very heavy this year, even as I have enjoyed the fruits of your labor.
Rest. Be Well. And most of all, stay healthy so your writing remains a joy rather than a chore.
Good for you. Still have the preorders and will have the books as soon as you are ready. I am a loyal customer of yours. Love everything you have published.
I said it before and I will say it again. I don’t mind waiting. For some authors I wait a year for a new book. Don’t stress yourself. Take your time and I will be waiting. Enjoy some time and don’t work so hard.
I could not say it better myself.
Your health should always come first. Your books are fun to read and I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve read them over. Please don’t stop writing.
I, for one, am very glad to see you spread things out a little. I have been some worried since I discovered your wonderful work that you would burn out at the rate of production you were maintaining. Relax a little and enjoy life!
I’m with them! Stay healthy and happy. Go play with the kitties.
I am not normally leaving comments on web pages, but enough is enough!
Dear RJ, please take the time off, please restore your sanity and health.
We, as the readers, should enjoy and praise your work, not destruct your life.
I am enjoying each of your books, I look forward to any new stories you like to share and I abhore the idea the people that are neither creative nor accountable for their deeds have the capability to hurt you.
Please get better, please go on, please accept my virtual hugs .
Although I love your books and the mag rom com esp, your health has to come first! Good chance to re-read our favs again.
Take care, try to relax if/when you can. Lots more cat comments pls!
Keep writing the books you love as and when you feel able. I have written to Amazon – hope it helps you kick out the armchair editors, who must have very little happening in their sad little lives.
God Bless. P
You need to worry about yourself and your health. Fans aren’t going to be upset over a delay. If you have to delay something to take care of yourself, so be it. Let the people who want to nitpick find someone else to nitpick, not you. Any way I just got notice from Amazon that The Flame Game has been delayed and honestly, I didn’t remember when it was supposed to be released so it doesn’t matter. I just pre-order books I want when they become available and just wait for them to show up.
Please take care. Things should work out decently.
Sending you internet hugs. I know how much you were pushing to get things done to your timeline but I am happy they are pushed back for your health and wellbeing.
Squeeze your kitties and hubby. Stay away from the rose bathbombs . But possibly take a nice long soak in the tub.
Thanks for the up date but more importantly, thanks for taking care of a favorite author of mine. I can wait for your books. Can’t wait for your books if you are so burned out that you don’t want to write anymore. Stop and smell (maybe nibble if you are a cindercorn) the roses. We will wait for you!
Take your time, we will wait, some authors don’t do preorders because of bad experiences, so maybe, in the future you could keep us informed, but wait to put the books up when you’re ready, that may reduce your stress, take care ?