Dear humans,
It has been brought to our attention that at least one reviewer wishes they had been warned about the ‘scolding’ at the end of the Flame Game.
Okay. We’ll bite, since it was brought to our attention that this seems to be the case.
Here is the letter to the reader. And since we’re here anyway, we’ll unpack this letter to the reader:
It boils down to “Please don’t ruin something good because you’re unhappy the female writes more than funny books.” While the female would absolutely love to continue writing the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series, she absolutely will stop publishing them should readers continue to leave nasty, mean-spirited reviews and commentary on the rest of the books.
The female writes them because they’re a fun cleanser between more serious fare. The more serious fare accounts for three-quarters of what she writes.
Because that’s what she likes writing.
She likes writing the Mag Rom Coms, too, but the “I’ve deducted stars because this wasn’t fluff or funny” reviews are the equivalent of shitting in the public pool.
The Mag Rom Com series is the exception and not the rule.
So, please let’s not shit in the public pool, shall we?
If it doesn’t say “Comedy” in the subtitle, chances are, the book is dark with some traces of humor in it, because humor in with the darkness makes the darkness bearable.
So, yeah. The female is sticking to her guns on this one.
If you’re offended by this letter to the reader, we’re almost even sorry for it. Almost.
(But really, the female absolutely does mean what she says here.)
Please be kind. The female is not a one-trick pony. If you only want humor, stick with the Mag Rom Com series and the Bernadette Franklin novels. Those are the only humor books the female writes.
We love and appreciate everyone who buys ‘every book to support the female’s writing!’ We really do. But please, if you don’t enjoy dark books, you absolutely do not need to. We would be happier if you bought books you actually want to read.
That’s on the female for writing books you don’t want to read. This is also why the female works different advertising campaigns trying to engage with certain types of readers for certain types of books. (Yes, that IS why some of you, who use Facebook, haven’t seen ads for some of my books! They’re set by interest, and chances are, your interests haven’t aligned with the book being promoted. We don’t want to advertise to people who won’t enjoy the book.)
The rest of the female’s books have accidental humor, inherent snark, and moments of brightness in the darkness, but they all pursue serious subject matter.
Remember: fluff really does mean without substance or value, and if you think the female’s books are fluff… you have not been paying attention to what you are reading.
So, to the reader who was offended this letter to the reader exists,
You are entitled to your opinion. The female should also be able to make a statement, in a place readers will actually read, that addresses a growing problem.
In reviews.
On goodreads.
In her private messages, constantly.
Also, since we’re here, please stop messaging the female with your complaints that she didn’t write the exact book you wanted to read. It’s really stressful trying to find a polite way to say “Please go away, I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now.”
Hint: the female does not have the energy or life in her to deal with this right now.
So, here is the letter that is in the back of The Flame Game.
Dear Reader,
In 2016, Bailey tumbled to life as a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) project, written because a close friend (Diana Pharaoh Francis, and she writes some of my favorite books!) was having a hard time in her life and needed some laughter. So, while I wrote Playing with Fire, I shared it with her, hiccups and all.
She laughed. So did I.
The Flame Game is the last Bailey & Quinn novel, although they will show up here and there as side characters in other stories set in this world. They may also make short appearances in future Magical Romantic Comedy anthologies of short stories and novels.
All things must come to an end, and I hope you enjoyed their books. No, no matter how much you beg and plead, there won’t be a fourth Bailey & Quinn novel. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not sorry for making that decision.
They have the happily ever after they deserve.
But since I’m here, I’d like to answer a question about the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series.
This ‘series’ won’t last forever. While I enjoy writing them, I am tired of being typecast against a series that represents approximately a quarter of what I actually write.
I’m tired of people leaving nasty, low-star reviews because my other books “aren’t Magical Romantic Comedies (with a body count.)” Or that “This isn’t funny!” Or that “I was here for fluff!”
Please stop it.
If you think the Mag Rom Coms are fluff, you haven’t been paying attention to what you’re reading.
Fluff means ‘lacking in value or substance.’ If you are missing the substance of these books, you are not paying attention. It’s there. It’s dressed up in humor to make you laugh and enjoy yourself, but there is substance.
Something being funny does not mean it lacks substance.
Leaving unhappy reviews because the majority of my books aren’t Mag Rom Coms accomplishes one thing and only one thing: It makes me want to cease writing Mag Rom Coms.
There comes a point where the only person who isn’t laughing is me, the author. I want to write exciting, fun, adventurous, and somewhat dark books. I also want to write exciting, fun, adventurous, and somewhat hilarious books.
It’s okay to like only one series.
It’s not okay to sabotage other series because you want more of something else.
So please. Stop doing that. All you’re doing is sabotaging the series you like.
I want to keep writing Mag Rom Coms as cleansers between my darker and more serious fare, so please respect that I’m not a one-trick pony.
I enjoy writing (and reading) a variety of books, and the Mag Rom Com series is only one facet of what I like to write.
I’m not going to quit writing the other series because people are leaving unhappy reviews the books ‘aren’t Mag Rom Coms’ or ‘they aren’t funny like the Mag Rom Coms!’
I will quit writing the Mag Rom Coms first, so please keep that in mind when you want to vent in reviews my other books aren’t just like them.
Next year, there are only two Mag Rom Coms scheduled. I want to get caught up on other series, and I need a break from trying to be funny all the time. Sorry.
Writing comedy is hard. Please do me a solid and don’t make it harder, as I really do want to keep writing it.
Stay safe, stay well, and happy reading.
~R.J. Blain
If you like darker books with some hints of humor, you can try Outfoxed (The Fox Witch Book 1), Booked for Murder (Vigilante Magical Librarians Book 1), or the Witch & Wolf Series. (Get the completed series set, as that will save you money.)
I also write as Susan Copperfield, and those books are darker while still having some humor.
Just don’t expect them to be Mag Rom Coms, because they aren’t.
~ End Letter ~
I would be very sorry to see the excellent series of romantic comedies with body counts cease. But you are not a machine, nor an indentured servant, and have every right to write what you wish, when you wish. Would that there were actual practitioner spells to encourage Karma to hit Trolls quickly and with extreme prejudice.
most of us love what you write, please keep on with all. Some people are assholes I read the series i’m interested in and leave the others alone. Most of the authors i read have different series again read what you like leave the others for the people who enjoy them. People need to get over themselves you are an amazing author please keep writing all the series at your leisure your real fans will wait.
I love all the genre R.J. writes, and now that I’ve read the Dawn of the Dae, I eagerly look forward to the updated series. I’ll never look at Mac’n Cheese the same way again!!!
Loved the Flame Game so much! There are always going to be complainers, and they probably complain at every book they read.
Keep on writing! We need you!
Please keep writing. I personally like all of your series. There are some very stupid people out there, ignore them. Too bad we can’t breed out stupidity
I l have loved almost all of your books I have read. I almost never leave a negative review on a book unless there are story flaws or major errors that makes a book unreadable. To leave a negative reviews just because it’s not to your tastes seems to me that you should have read the info before purchasing. You’re one of the best authors in my opinion. When a book makes me laugh or cry out loud. You know it’s a keeper.
You can see why so many authors feel they have to resort to multiple pen names in order to write books that are out of the comfort zone of a section
of their usual readers.
But reading the different styles of book that an author writes gives us the privilege of being able to step into that world – and the opportunity to step out if we don’t like it. That we may not like that world does not invalidate it.
What we ought to be thankful for is an author whose imagination is so creative that those worlds spring to life on the page as we read about them.
I will never cease to be grateful to authors who have taken me to places that stay with me long after the last page has been read.
Thank you for sharing your worlds and your imagination.
I like all ur books.keep on writing
I read the “author’s afterword” when I finished reading “Flame Game”. I completely agree with the author. She is creating works and characters in the hopes that we, the readership, will want to purchase and enjoy. I have truly appreciated all the stories I have read – sure, some more than others but that is the nature of consuming original creations. If you don’t like something, just don’t buy more of the same. If you do like something, be grateful for the opportunity. However, it is rude to try to bully a creative soul to create more of what YOU like instead of appreciating the gift that author’s skill provides us. Sneaky Kitty, tell your human that most of us appreciate her efforts and applaud her skill and dedication. We will read her works with pleasure and gratitude – in part, because we cannot write anywhere near as well.
I love all your books, have bought every one, please keep in doing what your doing. So sorry that some people are giving you grief, I’m sure a lot of people feel like I do! Keep up the wonderful writing.
Just what does the author’s comments have to do with the enjoyment of the book? The review process is supposed to be about the novel not the additional contents.
Variety is the spice of life, and you do an amazing job of providing that spice. I really do enjoy your various worlds, and you are the author that I find myself going to when I’m at a loss for something to read.
Please don’t let the trolls get you down. Take time to smell the roses along the way (or eat them like Bailey if you choose) and write what pleases you. There are a lot of us who enjoy the ride.
The Flame Game was a really good read: fun, entertaining and never insipid. I loved the characters, the plot and the fact that the author sticks to her writing in spite of the 1% out there who probably couldn’t write themselves out of a paper bag but insist on finding something to whine about. The whiners will always whine, it is their nature. You just have to ignore them. The reader cannot dictate to the author. I am always delighted to read what you write.
I read all of your series and love them all. None of them are really fluff…..funny yes but not fluff. I truly hope you don’t quit writing the MagRomCom books but would be much more unhappy if you quit writing the Royal States series. I realize you can only write so many books a year and have tons of stories left in most of the series. They are all great. Write what you want when you want or feel inspired to write. You are one of the go to authors whose books I read more than once. Thank you for sharing your worlds and talents.
I am truly sorry that someone has to be a naysayer. Apparently, that person was never taught that if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. I do ARC reading for a number of authors. I make it known, in advance, that I will never leave a bad review on an open forum. If for some reason that I didn’t like the book, I send an email to the author, explaining why I didn’t leave a review. Thankfully, I have only had to do this a couple times. I am not a professional reviewer and a review is my opinion only. Authors make their living from their books and I wouldn’t want to be the one that disrupts their livelyhood based upon my opinion. As for those naysayers, ” learn to say that if you don’t have anything nice to say, shut the hell up. “
I have read most of below comments and totally agree with them , what sort of person takes pleasure in giving a lower star rating because their tiny mind can’t comprehend the author is the one putting in the many Hours of hard work for their pleasure.
These are the people who usually put their mouths in gear before their brains give information. They in my opinion are spiteful and to be totally blunt ” arseholes “.
Please keep writing your hard work is appreciated by many and let’s hope the few can go do an ouzloum.
I have not completed Flame Game yet but am enjoying what I have read to date. You have to make room for other character to take the stage and we will still see Quinn & Bailey in cameo appearances. Loving this series and several of your others. Love stories with substance not just “Fluff”. Keep it up, write what your heart tells you to! There will always be readers that want to read your tales. Myself included.
Dear R J Blain: I personally love everything you write — the darker stuff as well as the fluff. I have bought — and read — nearly everything you have for sale through Amazon, and if I get an Amazon gift card for Christmas, I will order the rest of your books as well. I am sorry some people are idiots and can’t see beyond the fluff; they’re missing out on some really good stories that keep me up to 4:00 a.m. — even on the second or third time through. Keep writing what you love, please, your passion shows and is appreciated and enjoyed more than I can say.
You, all of you (referring to the pennames) write what you want to write! I’m an adult, I can figure out which of your books I want to read at a particular time. Sheesh, some people! You own the damned book, not the author, readers!
People need to read the freaking synapsis. They give a good idea if you are going to read a serious dark book or a light funny one. Don’t get me wrong, I have read everything you have put out as Bernedette Franklin, Susan Cooperfield, and RJ Blain. I even ended up buying (and loving) Dawn of the Dea and the Rift stories. I loved them all but they are very different and I for one am grateful that you have the talent to write a diverse style of books. It is nice to read funny books but there are times when I want to read serious books or books that make me cry (and I have cried reading a lot of your books) or books that keep me on the edge of my chair (OMG! I can’t wait for the next book for Outfox and the librarian series to come out! So Good!). Your books always give me the range of emotions that I am looking for. You also bring up issues that are relevant and current. I didn’t know how prevalent underage marriage is here in America until you pointed it out in The Royal States. I am also in awe of how much research you must have to do to get the details of the different nuances of the stories right. When I think about the scenes you write about guns, I have to say that I am amazed and impressed! You must do intensive research to make the story come to life. I really dig that. I say write what you like.
Dear R J Blain,
I just wanted to give you some encouragement after reading the letter/rant at the end of the Flame Game. I love your magical rom com, but I also love some of your darker stuff to. I really enjoyed your Wolf and Witch series and I loved your books written under Bernadette Franklin. I haven’t read anything from Susan Copperfield yet but they are on my list. Don’t let the critics get to you. All of your books are great with a bonus of fun.
i honestly hope you report-abuse of that BS single star rating of “I’ve deducted stars because this wasn’t fluff or funny” — or is that something that WE (readers) are supposed to do?
Hiya, I have all if your body count books, starting and really enjoying the outfoxed and planning on getting your librarian series. Don’t let a sour pushed, wanna be critic dissuade you. You’re great at what you do. I always preorder when I see one coming out. Hang in there.
You’re helping me get through the loneliness and loss.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for writing. I have enjoyed everything. You write a wide range of books, none of which I would call “fluff”.
As a reader I take responsibility to figure out if I am likely to enjoy a particular book. Part of that is liking a certain writer. Part is looking at the cover and reading the description. With Amazon I can even preview a portion of the book. I have made mistakes in some choices, but I don’t blame the writer.
One thing I never look at are the reviews until after reading. Not everyone has the same taste and it is not unusual to find rave reviews on books I disliked and terrible reviews of books I love.
Some people just need to get a life. You are the best type of author for me, as I am omnivorous in my reading habits. In the past year I have acquired all of your available titles, and have never been disappointed. (Ok, there was that one that left me confused, but that’s just me- not something that you did wrong) I have pre-ordered everything I can, and will continue to do so- and be very happy that you are as prolific as you are. Looking forward to whatever stories you choose to release (and quietly hoping for the next Royal States book, as they are becoming my addiction, with Wolf books a close second!), with thanks ahead of time for ignoring the idiots and continuing to publish.
Please continue writing. I just discovered RJ Blain and Susan Copperfield series in 2020 and have now read and devoured all of them. Several I have read multiple times. I am an avid reader and favor stories that have well developed characters and an interesting plot and you have delivered. I consider, the included humor a plus. I enjoy that your characters face hard issues, difficult choices and that they find solutions but not easy or perfect answers. Thank God for your prolific writing and extraordinary imagination. I include your books in my must buy list.
I’m glad that she’s going to write what makes her laugh, happy, is fulfilling and/or anything else she d*** well wants to. The happier/more engaged the writer, the better the book. Please keep write on with yourself RJ, Trillian, Susan, and right on dude!
I adore your books only things I wish are for you to ignore the a holes there not worth your time.keep writing because your books are awesome. And can you pleas rather write or some one tell me were the part two is to serial killer princess is pleas. The cats oh the cats every time I read dear humans I see fluffy cats sitting around a computer. Sometimes glaring at the mouse. So cute. Love your art keep going .
Well, I’ve just finished the last Bailey and Quin book (after rereading the first 2 of course). I have to say I really enjoyed it. Thank you for that. I just want to say I also enjoy your different styles of books. keep writing what you enjoy and I know I’ll enjoy it. 5 stars.
I loved booked for murder and the first book in the seeking the zodiac series. I enjoy the way you cut the tough stuff through with your brand of humour. My only real quibble is that in one of your series Australia is a nuclear wasteland. I’m an Auzzie and would LOVE to see some awesome magical beings coming onto the stage in your books from my homeland. (Trust me, they’d be awesome mate!) I love how most leads are completely unaware how awesome they are too. Xx
I get confused with the witch and wolf series as I feel like I’m missing something (I may be one of those readers that needs a guide on the realm and it’s lore of this particular world.) But although some books of yours are more to my liking than others, I appreciate your saying that you are not a one trick pony. Keep your awesome brain working. There are those of us that really need the uplift that your style in ALL your series under all your pen names provide. Thanks for taking the dive to write. You bring back my smile on days when dealing with my multiple children with special needs is hard. THANK YOU!
Witch & Wolf is a puzzle series. Little tiny clues from one book click into another book, and it’s designed for readers who want to puzzle things together. It’s not an easy one, and it’s not ‘written out’ for those who didn’t follow the puzzle. That’s okay!! <3 So, don't worry about what you missed. It happens often, because it's very subtle and very tiny comments become important... two books down the road. <3
And re: Australia. There aren't precisely many awesome magical beings, but there are a few survivors who can do incredible things. The number of survivors from Australia... are limited. The sequel/spinoff trilogy has more on the one Australian! <3
Oooooh, very interested and intrigued by this trilogy and the Australian. I’m having a brain fart as to if you’ve written that yet. I’m going to have to re read everything. I was thinking as to our New York survivor being in the middle of an unsurvivable event that it may then have been possible for a few awesome people to be banging around the outback like the rainbow serpent. Not to mention everyone forgets Tazzie. So we’re not as likely to be bombed. ? super excited to read whatever you have written!!! Thanks for replying!!
I will try the witch and wolf series again when the two youngest (a set of twins) are at full time school next year. (Yay!!) that way my brain may be a little more agile.
Just keep writing – I like some better than others, of course, but I’ve found something in everything you write. I won’t tell you what I want you to write next because I want all of them so just suit yourself and I will too. Thanks. Read everything you’ve written at least once. I read you when I need a break from everyone else. Thanks
You are a brilliant writer. I finished flame game last night and was super upset on your behalf that some nonse had the audacity to critique you in such a way. I have read some of the above comments and could not agree more. You do you because we love all of what you write. With few exceptions I’ve read almost all of what has been available to purchase, under your name, Bernadette Franklin and Susan Copperfield. You are fantastic for all of it. I want to say thank you so much for sharing your stories. I will be cindercorn sad at the time you decide enough is enough but I most definitely feel that’s your right and we should be grateful for what you have already provided. I was over the moon when I discovered you had other pen names and dove head first into all of those novels. All I wanted was your talent and you more than delivered. I cried at the end of the first Royal States book. So to sum up, much MUCH love for all that you do. I’ve pre ordered everything that’s available to pre order and told all my friends how wonderful and versatile you are. Thank you