We survived the apartment inspection. We were written up for having small scratches on the kitchen floor. (Side note: it is the cheapest kitchen flooring money can buy, and we’ve been here about three years… Yay.)
So there’s that.
There are two books releasing next week. I am not done enough other stuff, so Book Faire will resume… as soon as I get over this hurtle. License to Kill is locked and loaded. The scramble for Murder Mittens is heavily underway. I am hoping for the base ability to breathe by Monday. Wish me luck. I’ll need it.
Here is a picture of a amazeballs enamel pin I got for Christmas. In case you were wondering… why yes, yes I DO love it.

That is a beautiful pin!!! I love it!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
I do tooo!! 😀 I legit squealed when it arrived in the mail.
Depending on where you are, there are laws about “normal wear and tear” that could help. I don’t know about other floors, (but I assume they are taken into consideration too), but carpets, for example, have a 5 year time limit on the for their “lasting” period. If the (carpet) was not new when you moved in, then if the carpet was 5 years old, (ex. being 2 years old when you moved in, plus your 3 years, equals 5 years and the landlord could recover nothing bc they have to replace every 5 years, by law, in most places.) Even if the flooring was new when you first moved, and you were there for three years, then the landlord has to subtract 3 years worth of wear and tear, and can only change you for 2/5 of any replacement value.
I am a criminal defense attorney, but I have lived in apartments myself, and had to use this EXACT defense to keep the leasing company from trying to make me pay for the whole carpet replacement. Like yours, it was crap and cheap when it was put in, so any walking on it at all (around the kitchen and bathrooms) meant that it looked almost bare when I moved. I don’t know if this will help, but I read your first sentence and had to write to you.
Thanks so much, and Happy Holidays!
Kristi Gladden
Yep. They solely put the note down so they would have a stronger case if we didn’t try to pay the entire renovation of the apartment on my dime rather than theirs. It’s common here. And very, very annoying.
They did install everything new, and this stuff does NOT have a 5 year lifespan. It’s horrible. Ugh.
But the notations of the scratches was just suppppperrrrrrr annoying. There is a chart in our lease that tells us exactly how much they’ll charge. They just auto-charge it. Doesn’t matter if we treat it super well. Because that’s the law in my specific area. They can charge the amount no matter what condition the apartment is left in.
I know exactly what my bill will be once we move out. /eyeroll
What a lovely gift, the pin is beautiful.
I do wish you all the luck. I’m sure you will not only survive, but also thrive. Best of luck for both book launches. That is a really beautiful pin. Happy Holidays, whichever you celebrate.
I am so happy that this is the last day of the quarter for the school where I work. My laundry hasn’t been done, the bathroom is scary, and the ceiling fans look like they are going to sprout something from all the dust coating it. Housework, housework, housework! HOWEVER!! I intend to take a couple of days to wallow in the joy of reading License to Kill before I hit heavy on the cleaning up. I am so looking forward to reading it! I really enjoyed Karma and just trying to imagine what is she going to come up against next gives me the chills. The good tingly kind. The anticipation is killing me. Grading, reading, cleaning. In that order. Sigh. I want more reading in my life.
PS I love the pin. I thought how lovely it would be if it were a suncatcher. All those beautiful colors.