This is directly from R.J./the operator/author… but let’s face it, the cats would say similar. Except possibly with even more Really Pissed Off Commentary and cussing.
Those who come onto the website and get nasty in the contact form because a book was delayed due to life/COVID gets put on the “you’re a fucking miserable and terrible person” list and likely to be banned from the page/website.
Seriously, life happens, and the contact form is not the place for you to bitch about being unhappy a book was delayed because I do not want to kill myself from stress. (Or from health problems, which I’m currently dealing with.)
Shame on you, person who yelled at my PA and got nasty because a date was ‘wrong’ on an older post in the website. Shame on you.
No, I did not see the message, and I told my PA to send a rebuke because that is NOT how this works.
Dates are changed only if I must change them. I do NOT want to change dates on a book release, but if it’s a choice between a book and my health, I’m choosing my health.Do NOT send abusive messages to my PA on the contact form. That is how the contact form is taken away. I hope that has clarified the situation.
I have updated the contact form to make it clear such behavior is not welcome, will not be acknowledged, and may result in a banning from the page/website.
Seriously. She is paid to make my life easier, NOT to put up with abusive assholes mad a book’s publication date was changed.
And while I’m here… the $5.99 I charge for a book does not entitle you to abuse me or my staff. No. Just no.
If abusive, snide, and mean-spirited commentary to my PA continues, the contact form will be removed. End of story.
Please do not make yourself sick trying to meet book deadlines. Your books are well worth the wait. We may get impatient, but we will happily wait.
Some people won’t, as is evidenced by the abusive commentary my PA received.
Hopefully, the person who wrote the pleasant note will do the right thing and apologize to her. She is not paid to deal with abusive commentary.
I DO very much appreciate those who understand and respect I’m a human being with limitations, and that I can’t sustain writing as many books as I have in the past, especially with trying to handle my health issues AND my husband’s health issues at the same time.
Take care of yourself and your spouse. Take some time off and get well. Honestly I thought your release schedule was very ambitious and was worried about burn out. A number of authors have schedules slip due to life.
A lot of things have been harder due to the pandemic and there is a lot out there that has been hard on mental health. Books are a bright spot and fans will survive.
I am very sorry that someone was mean to you or your PA. If you think about it though, exactly who did they think was going to write the book??? Hugs. My cats give you purrs.
I’m so sorry people are assholes. You take care of you and I will read whatever you write whenever you write it.
Hugs from me, and purrs/headbutt from Lucy, Binks, and Link
Good for you. No one deserves being disrespected. We should be glad that you are still writing these wonderful books. Take care of yourself, this should be the first thing you do.
I am disappointed when you have to change a release date on a book, but shit happens. If you are an adult you deal with the shit. The people who get nasty online about this are obviously not adults not matter how old they are in years.
The problem with the internet, one of the problems anyway, is that it allows people to be nasty. The same people would usually not say the same thing to your face.
Yeah, having to change up my schedule or whatever REALLY blows. I do not like doing it. If I’m doing it, it’s a “this must be done” sort of thing.
And you’re right. Most people wouldn’t do that in person.
?? I hope your day goes better ignore all the mean and nasty people!
RJ we appreciate your work when ever it gets out. Brinda and Linda
Seriously? Some one ranted at your poor PA because unforseen circumstances caused a date change? Block that sad person ASAP . Your PA does not deserve this.
Hugs to said PA we are not all entitled idiots.
Wow, how uncalled for! Sorry to hear about this troll.
Good for you. No one ever warrants abuse in any form. I’m with you. No, just no on abuse
I can’t believe that someone would get mad at you, and be rude to your assistant, bc of a book date. That is horrible! I am sure that person is one of the ones who posts nasty comments on social media but would never say things to your face. Those people have miserable lives (usually of their own making) and they want everyone else to be miserable too! Just know that most of us delight in your books, and they are one of the things that make us so grateful for the escape they provide, especially in times like these. Thank you so much for your books, and thank you Ms. PA for helping RJ, too!
Dear PA,
So sorry you had to deal with a MF A**hat. But remember that’s exactly what they are.
“You” however, are a sparkly ray of Sunshine. And as a sparkly ray of sunshine, you get to decide who receives your patience and compassion and who gets glitter bombs. Not that glitter bombs are considered anything similar to revenge.
Oh, and yes, you RJ, the kitties, and dare I say the husbeast are wonderful too.
I’m sorry to learn that you’re having health issues at this time and pray that you have a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself and don’t give the “Karens” a second thought; they deserve it.
That should read the “Karens” don’t deserve a second thought.
I’m so sorry that people have lost both understanding and compassion. Crap happens and they need to get over themselves.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and take time to breathe. I’ll be waiting.
I don”t care if you have to delay releasing a book. There are plenty of other books to read. (Although your books are among my top ten to read). Readers relax. Cool your jets. The world will not end if release dates are changed. I am surprised at the number at the number of books you write in a year. Author go directly to your Furballs and give them tummy rubs. The best medicine in the world. PA , do the same. Take care of yourselves
I am so sorry that happened. Life now is hard and yelling at other people does not help. Being the author, you have the right to what the price is. I love all of your books and keep looking forward to your latest books!
The problem is these people have gotten used to the idea that they are anonymous on the ‘net. They feel as if they can say anything and no one will call them on their bad behavior.
Nobody should be abused, but especially for not something they had no control of. Your PA does not set publication dates. This rude a**hole was just screaming to make someone unhappy so they could feel powerful. What they are is cowardly. Thank you for doing the right thing.
I am so sorry that thoughtless people had the nerve to do such a thing. We should all try to be kindler and gentler when everyone is struggling so hard now. Hugs to your PA
I’m happy that you stick up for your PA. That shows that you are a good person. Just because someone else isn’t is on them. Love your books.
You go girl!
If we must wait , we will wait. Your books are worth it.
And, if you don’t stay healthy, and have a healthy family, we may not get any new books at all from your pen.
Please take care of yourself.
I’m so sorry you have to put up with assholes. It’s wrong. There is no excuse for people behaving like entitled spoiled brats. You are human and sometimes life gets in the way of being an author. I wish saying ignore those idiots would make it better. It doesn’t. Know you have a strong supportive fan base. We do realise there are things more important than writing. Staying healthy and alive are examples of such. Maybe a tech guru could program it such that assholes are blocked for a month first offense, banded for a year second offense, lifetime for third. Some may consider that extreme but abuse does not have to be tolerated.
I am so sorry your assistant got yelled at when the book publication date changed. Authors are human and things happen that delay a book’s release.
I am always happy to see a book show up on time but if it is delayed for whatever reason, I just wait hoping it will finally be published.
I had a favorite author give out a title to a new book in her series in 2016 and it still hasn’t been published (and I am still waiting).
I have another author that I ordered a book from her personally and paid her for it and never got it so I ordered it 3 years later from B&N when it finally came out .
Thank you for all of your books!
Take care of yourself first! We can wait a little longer for your books to come out.
Whenever we hear about negativity in commenting/armchair editors/ all the other things that bring you to a boil, I consider that not that long ago (okay, maybe a bit long ago), the only contact a fan might expect to have with their favorite author would be a form letter response to fan mail. MIGHT have the author signature. I think it absolutely the coolest thing that we can now go to the authors we love and tell them “That was awesome!” or “Why, oh, why??!!!” or whatever. It never occurred to me that that freedom to communicate must come with a really huge downer on the author’s side. The having to hear from people who don’t know: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
How absolutely terrible! We (human and feline) believe you should banish the foolish bully, or filter them out somehow. No author or assistant should have to endure such ickyness.
I am so sorry that this happened to you and your PA. Good grief.
I hope your health improves soon. Please take care of yourself.
I am sorry both you and your PA have to put up with horrible people. I hope you both know that there are many more of us who are grateful for the books you write whenever we get them.
Horrible people give the rest of us a bad name and I am hoping Karma catches them sooner than later.
Best wishes to you and all your family, including your PA, and yes your health will always be more important than your (amazing and wonderful) books.
Honestly, these fucking keyboard warriors really boil my piss! If they’re based in the UK I will gladly hunt them down (once we’re allowed out and near people again, obvs) and break all of their fingers and thumbs so they have a good, long time to think about the error of their ways…just kidding!! I can “talk a good fight“, as my mum used to say! ? *whispers* but seriously, PM me if you like the idea… ??
? ?? ? ? ?
? ? ? ⌨️ ?
???? ??
You Go, Girl!!! I am rereading All your books right now. They are as enjoyable the second and third time around. Please do what you need to do to keep those wonderful creative juices going! You got Fans!!
I love your books. I’ll wait till they come. Why people are pricks I don’t know. Wipe them off you’re site don’t think of them. My mom would say such an nasty bit don’t pay attention to them. I’d say bite me and ban them.
Seriously, some people’s kids!
If you don’t mind me saying so, some people need smacked by the kitties! Or told to go write their own devildamn books….. Just my 2 cents. Have a great day! ☺️?
Some people are just so unbelievable !
Sorry it happened to you/your pa
So very, very sorry your PA was abused. It is amazing how many asinine people are out there. Please tender my apologies to her on behalf of all the readers who very much appreciate her hard work
ERK! I hope the trolls have left the station! I got a five star review once with a note–“I’m not buying the rest because they aren’t free even though this one was very good.” I’m not sure how things work in their world.
I’m wishing you good cups of tea and hot cocoa, improvement in your health and most of all peace of mind.