Dear humans,
Book! Book! Book! There is a book coming! To celebrate the upcoming book, we have taken the liberty of stealing a few more words from the female. Please enjoy them.
I should have worn something nice.
It was one thing to face off against the Devil, who’d opted to show up as a tanned white man in a black suit, while I wore wrinkled work clothes. It was another to face off against the Devil, one of his brothers, and one of his top generals while wearing wrinkled work clothes. Unfortunately for my peace of mind, the archangel proved to be Raguel, best known for pursuing justice with unrelenting determination. To further complicate matters, the devilish general proved to be Belial. How the devil in charge of ruination of all things tolerated the archangel in charge of justice baffled me, but they accompanied a dark-haired woman in designer clothes, who contained the forces of heaven and hell with a single glare.
Even Lucifer behaved at the first sign her attention would fall on him.
How interesting.
The young man with them did take after his mother, and he gave Lucifer a run for his money in the tall, dark, nicely tanned, and handsome department.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and questioned my life. It’d been so long since I’d been on a date that I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to do when a tall, dark, and handsome crossed my path. If the tall, dark, and handsome kept his mouth shut, spending two hours with him a day would not test my patience in the slightest.
Unfortunately, I’d learned long ago that the tall, dark, and handsome men of the world tended to talk, and their often inane prattling rendered them tall with deliciously dark hair but otherwise removed their appeal.
No, his hair wasn’t just deliciously dark. It was pitch black, long and thick enough I could tangle my fingers in it.
How dare the Devil bring temptation into my home when my cat was missing?
Catnapped can be acquired at the following retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo.
For a little extra tease: “My manly status as the Devil certainly helps, though.”
Oh, and why not. One more: I considered crying. An hour and twenty minutes with the Devil while he prattled on about what I should do with the rest of my life would test my patience, but an hour and forty minutes might drive me to madness. Damn it, I loved my cat enough I’d deal with far more than an extra twenty minutes to help him.
Humans, you want this book. You need this book. You need it so bad you are tripping over your own feet making sure it is preordered for early delivery onto your various devices.

If that wasn’t convincing enough, here is a picture of yours truly, reacting in utter shock and astonishment the female dared to photograph me during a moment of weakness.
Yes, I am adorable.
Yes, you need Catnapped.

The female met these ducks yesterday. Ever since, she has been trying to figure out how to get the sweet ducks to let her pet them. She is smitten with the complex ducks. Absolutely smitten.
(The female duck is super, super friendly, was looking for a treat. The female is plotting healthy treats for the ducks. According to the internet, she has one treat that is duck-safe, which she’ll snip from the plant (that has not been treated with anything nasty and will be washed prior to offering to the pretty ducks) and give to them next time she goes on a walk in hopes of duck visitation.)
Yes, the ducks are spoiled. Yes, the ducks are fed by the complex, with healthy duck food as far as we can tell. All of the ducks seem healthy and happy, and their coloration is brilliant.
We love the ducks. Princess, in particular, loves watching the ducks from her window hammock. I watch them from the window ledge. That window hammock looks sketchy.

While we’re here, enjoy this picture of my sister in her sketchy window hammock observing the humans playing a game at the table. She is a very stern overseer.
We of the Furred & Frond Management hope you enjoy Catnapped!
Frozen peas are supposed to be healthy treats for ducks. Our town is recommending them instead of bread, anyway
Yeah, peas are decent. Hard to carry in a pocket for bird-feeding purposes, though… hahaha.
Thank you for researching healthy snacks for the ducks. Bread is very bad for them. Love the kitties and eagerly awaiting new book.
In some places, bread is MUCH better than the birds starving to death. They started a campaign in the UK saying bread is bad for ducks.
The ducks died. They starved to death.
So, this is something people VERY much need to be aware of. If the birds are starving, SOME food is better than NO food, and a lot of places (especially in the UK) no longer have suitable forage for ducks.
Can’t wait until tomorrow (or late tonight). I’ve had this book preordered since last year.
Looking forward to Catnapped. I remember it’s your birthday book, so, Happy Birthday!
I rescued a baby turtle-dove squab 2 days ago – (s)he poos constantly, everywhere :o( But it’s SO worth it, especially when I give neck scratchies to get rid of the baby feather quills that are flaking to make way for the adult feathers, or when (s)he climbs up my arm, onto my shoulder and nestles under my jaw/ear… *sigh*
Yes yes yes! You so want this book. No spoilers, got to do a Beta read. You really really want this book. This book classifies as a NEED! Enjoy!
Our ducks really enjoy safflower seeds. They have been known to come into the garage at our home if we don’t get out there with the bowl quickly enough. Ducks are adorable.
I am very aware I need this book! I’m waiting patiently until tomorrow… Okay, so not so patiently. ☺️☺️☺️
If you are lucky, you will get baby ducks to watch. I live on a lake and feed the ducks, geese, and many birds that come in my yard. There are three goose families so far this year with one family of 12, one family of 6 and one family of 2 so far. The ducks are still courting.
I just got notice from Amazon that Catnapped is here! As soon as I get off the computer, I’m reading it. I knew it was Belial (from your previous snippets) but had no idea which archangel he had hooked up with. Oh my, this is going to be good. Now to dive in and find Mr. Flooferson the Magnificent. Oh, your ducks are great. My ducks pretty much stay in the ponds by apartment complex has, or behind the fence keeping nosy tenants away from the ducks. You are lucky that your ducks wander freely.