Edit Update: 24 hours is (probably??) over, so the Royal States portion of the adventure is over. (I think. It might be another hour or two but I wouldn’t count on it.)
Dear humans,
The female is at it with kickstarter again… except this time, she’s an author in an anthology, and she’s offering all backers a copy of the first 8 books in the Royal States series. (The whole shebang.) Backers who contribute $7 or more dollars in one of the tiers will be able to grab this deal.
Yeah. That’s worth it. Eight books for the price of two. Doooo eeeeeet.
The female also posted on facebook… something about two backers being awesome enough to get a handwritten short flash story the female wrote just for them, a cross stitch project she made… painting she made… two signed books. Swag. The details are on facebook, but clever humans can click the link and figure out what that’s all about. If they’re clever.
You’re a clever human, you can do it!
At this point in her life, the female is literally exhausted. After she drops packages off to UPS today, she will be hiding in her hole to write words. (She will update her kickstarter if a few more trades are unlocked. Otherwise, tomorrow there will be a new update. Hint: dropcards for Witch & Wolf are coming.)
Okay – I backed the Kickstarter. Now what?
Don’t tell me to check out the Facebook post – I don’t have a Facebook account, nor do I want one. If that’s the only way to get the special price, I don’t have to have it. I was going to give the books to my daughter, since I already have them.
Thanks for telling us about the Kickstarter. I want the books without any extras being necessary.
Back any of the $7+ tiers on kickstarter. As long as you backed within the first 24 hours, you’ll get the books.
Thank you.
I’m sorry. That reply sounded snippy and it was supposed to be a little (very little, I know) funny.
The anthologies are my jam here.
I love sharing your books with people who have not found them yet!
I think I did do the backing not sure if I did it within 24 hours.
Also, the two big swag packs with cross-stitch are already sold, but I’m talking with the operator of the campaign to bring two more out with a later fulfillment date. We’ll see.
I clicked on the above link and found something by Joshua Palmatier. Nothing to do with the Royal States. I already have ebooks of all the Royal States books, so I’m not upset, but you might want to check the link. (I was reading Cold Flame while eating lunch just now.)
If you read down in the Kickstarter, you’ll see that our gracious hostess is in one of the anthologies. [Squee!] She graciously donating the e-books as part of the early backer incentives, as are some other authors, as detailed further down the screen. I don’t always get the print copies, but do get the e-books of these anthologies each year; they always assemble excellent authors and interesting themes.
But that’s not the 8 books she mentioned…,
Yes, you have to check the early backer incentives at the bottom.
Read the entire thing carefully. 24 hour early backers get the Royal States series as an incentive.
My apologies. I’m not familiar with Kickstarter. My sister is, she found the incentive and ordered it. Now I’ll have someone to fangirl Royal States with!
It’s okay! <3
Done! I have got to get your story!
First time I’ve ever done anything like this; but your offer was too good to ignore!
I ordered the $7 package. I didn’t see the Royal States add-on. Will I get an email about it later?
It’ll just show up after the conclusion of the kickstarter. Anyone who ordered in the first 24 hours will be given the files.
I have pledged $12 to this Kickstarter. Two of the three books have my intrigued.
I’m backer #313!