Hey, folks. You’re getting the human today. It’s me! RJ! Hooray.
Okay, not even going to lie, that was tiring to type. So, I’m going to get straight to the chase today because I have a bazillion things to do before I can go to bed tonight, and I’d like to get to the fun portion of my day sooner than later.
I’ve been putting in a bunch of long days lately trying to get caught up from basically a year and a half of struggling with every word. Words are not a struggle right now, so my intention is to ride the pony until it bucks me off. So, what’s new and exciting?
Runaway is finished and with the editor. No ETA on release date. It will be a live drop.
The Trade Paperback kickstarter ends within the next two days. There are still two complete collections with killer swag up for grabs. The set should include 51 or 52 books or somewhere thereabouts. The swag is also legit nice, so it’s generally a good deal.
At this point in time, I don’t know if I’ll hit the May deadline; there are literally 52 books requiring new covers, and there’s one designer doing all the work. It will get done when it gets done, and I’ll keep everyone up-to-date on the progress.
Booked for Kidnapping can be preordered as a mass market paperback here. It is $15.99. The trade edition will also be $15.99. Be aware there are two different sizes at the same price point. I set the mass market as cheaply as I could (and still receive some royalties on it) so that it could be priced at the same rate as the trade edition, with the trade edition having a higher appeal to brick and mortar stores.
I get paid roughly the same for each edition of the book, so it was set up to allow people to pick / choose the version/size they wanted. (So, while the trade version is cheaper to produce, the brick and mortar stores are getting a better cut so they may stock that version.)
It’s complicated.
Yes, paperback copies of Booked for Kidnapping do count towards USA Today if ordered from B&N. (They’ll also count if ordered on the Amazon US site, but they have not loaded the paperback version yet. I do not know how long it will take for this edition to be launched. I also do not know how long it will take for the 6×9 trade version to be made available.)
Both versions of the book use a larger sized font for the visually impaired, which is why they cost more. (Authors/publishers are charged by page, and larger font sizes equal more pages and higher expense.)
Once upon a time, I did smaller font sizes, but a lot of people couldn’t read the books, which made them pointless to print, thus the more expensive book but… it’s legible in a nice, large font size.
I honestly don’t expected Booked for Kidnapping to hit USA Today, but it would be really, really, really nice if it did. I am very good at getting ‘close but no cigar’ in terms of new releases hitting the bestseller list. I’m quite used to it now, really. LOL. Hey, a woman can dream, right?
The cats are doing well.
My foot is healing. I walked half a mile yesterday, and I have regrets, but I did it. I’m going to try for somewhere between a quarter mile and a half a mile today. Thursday, I’ll be taking it easy because I need a functional foot for the weekend. I don’t have to do a lot on my foot for the weekend, but I do need to have some basic abilities to climb a ladder. I shall manage. Awkwardly, but I shall manage.
Doggone Mess (the extended/complete edition) will be coming out in May… ish. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m going to be doing a birthday book this year, which is why there isn’t a preorder.
There will be a Dirty Deeds 2, and the preorder will be coming to a vendor near you soon. While Grace Draven couldn’t join us due to a contract conflict, we’re going to be welcoming the delightful Jennifer Estep on board.
More details coming soon on that.
And no… don’t go running to search to see if there is a preorder available yet. There isn’t. (I’m onto you all. ? )
I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I wonder how many people, other than me, will immediately go to Amazon and check and see if there are any books by you that I need to preorder even though you specifically said not to look for a certain book as there are no preorders available. I will do this because I’m obsessed. I also will sometimes find other books that I must have.
LOLOL Hey, whatever makes you happy. LOL
I look for new books from you almost everyday. Even when in my heart, I know that there isn’t anything coming out yet, I still look at all the wonderful book I will be eventually reading. Heck, I even double check my pre-orders just to make sure that they are still there. I am not obsessed or anything. I just MUST HAVE YOUR BOOKS immediately. Now. As soon as I can get my greedy little hands on them. They are just that good. Like potato chips, you just can’t stop with only one.
Awwww, thank you!
It’s great to ‘hear’ that you’re on a roll! I know things have been a bit tougher than usual for you – and usual for you would make my brain explode! I’ll keep on buying them as you finish them. Have a great, but an even better weekend. Thanks for all the wonderful hours of fun and escape you provide my with daily! ?