Hey, folks.
Truth is, I (that RJ person) is too tired to get the cats, wrangle them, and make them earn their keep today. As such, they’re sleeping. (Their favorite hobby, y’all.)

Here is Zazzle having claimed ownership of my purse.

Here is Princess having claimed ownership of a potato. (Side note: the paper is from preparing for 20Books in Las Vegas. The potato… just don’t ask about the potato, okay? It’s been a rough week, and that potato is now HERS.)
All hail Princess’s Potato. (She was worried I was going to take her potato, y’all. I did not take her potato. The potato is still on the floor because she keeps SLEEPING ON IT and I don’t have the heart to take away her potato?)
Yeah, I’m whipped, and that’s her potato, no longer fit for human consumption. Like I don’t even get why she likes that specific potato so much. She let me have the other potatoes. But that one? No, that is hers. Even if you don’t please.

In this picture, you get to see what my cute little baby car was OBVIOUSLY purchased for. Look how purrfectly sized it is for taking two kitties to the vet!
Verdict: both assholes are healthy, even Senior McSenior Cat. Senior McSenior Cat is the perfect weight. Zazzle is slightly overweight, but not enough that the vet even suggested we do anything about it? That was confusing, but whatever. Looks like you get to stay a hair overweight, Zazzle .Good girl.
In this photograph, Princess was hoping I would let her out of the carrier of shame.
Princess weighs 9.7 pounds.
Zazzle weighs 14 pounds and is only a hair overweight. Do you know what a 14 pound cat is? Demon seed of doom.

Here is photographic evidence of her status as “Demon seed of Doom.”
For the record, I had stopped petting her, thus the expression.
Now, onto the fun stuff:
Hoofin’ It is $0.99 for the rest of October. I linked to Amazon, but you can grab at other vendors, too.
Playing with Fire is part of an SFWA Storybundle going on for a short while longer. Hooray! Playing with Fire is available as one of the bonus books.

Runaway is now available for preorder, releasing on December 21, 2021.
Kobo links coming in the next week or two. (Kobo wants a preorder file, and I’m a week or two from having the final, so I’m just waiting until I have the final to do Kobo’s preorders.)
Assuming my designer’s computer is repaired, I will be trying to get the print editions available for order by its release.
Upon His Royal Highness of California becoming His Royal Majesty of New York, Cassandra Ferran descends into a living nightmare. Thanks to a mass exodus of aides, it falls on her shoulders to rein in the new heir’s life while navigating through a Royal mess of a transition.
With the stress piling on and no end in sight, Cassandra dreams of slipping out of the palace and beginning her midlife crisis as a runaway.
Instead of a peaceful escape from the palace, Cassandra is dumped into the murky waters of political intrigue and a gambit for the throne that will forever change her life and determine the fate of California and its royal family.
You can preorder at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It should also be available at Apple Books, but let’s face it… I’m really tired this week. (I’m on summoned status for jury duty, and while I haven’t been actually physically summoned to the courthouse, I take my civic duty seriously, and I’m a bundle of anxiety over it, because peopleing?)
Wish me luck. One more day left to go.
As I mentioned elsewhere, my new schedule, once Silent Stalker and Doggone Mess are finished next year, will involve writing books. When a book is about to come back to me from the editor, if I feel like it, a preorder will appear. If I don’t feel like it, a preorder won’t appear and the book will mystically go live.
I knew some people had been super disappointed there wasn’t a winter holiday week book this year because I needed the breather space, but it turned out a play project I was working on around the main deadlines finished, so it is getting the winter holiday week slot.
Hooray, Happy Holidays, people.
I need to clean my kitchen so I can do dinner some time tonight, but boy, am I tired.
I think I’ll just take a nap on my desk for a while. Night, night.
Side note: I really meant to discuss the Vigilante Magical Librarians, but I’m tired… so it didn’t happen. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Thank you for the Christmas Book!! I shall read it immediately upon receiving it!! I think this made the holiday for me — I have no idea what I shall give anyone else, but I know I’ll be happy!
I am very pleased to see Runaway coming out! Happy Holidays, indeed. I sorta thought Vampire of Montana would come out first, but, whatever. It will come in time (I hope). Good luck with jury duty. Even Supreme Court Justices get called. (Elena Kagan was called a few years ago, although I doubt she actually served on a jury.)
Kenjoy your books! Will of them! You write it I’ll buy it! I call them keepers and I will often reread them. This keepers!
This was quickly ordered. Really great timing due to me listening to Cold Flame right now.
Yay, bonus book! Frankly, not only am I happier with you taking care of yourself, it’s more enjoyable for me to have a surprise book I wasn’t expecting to get. So anybody bugging you for ‘more books, waah’ like whiny babies? Phooey on shortsighted them. Yay for surprise books! Yay for less burnout! Yay for NAPS!
Have a good Thanksgiving. Thank you for your books.
Thanks for the update! I just finished listening to Last but not Leashed yet again, just because it’s so amusing and the narrator does a great job! So I have a question. Somewhere I read that you planned on a sequel to be available in an anthology. Is that yet available? I would love to pick it up, if so. Thanks again and have wonderful holidays. Looking forward to Runaway in Dec, already ordered it as a gift to myself. Heh
It isn’t available yet, sorry! It’s in the big pile of things I want to catch up on during 2022 and 2023, though.
I have just finished inhaling Up In Smoke. Lovely. Thank you.