I woke up to this today. It is December 23, 2021. There was no warning, just suppression. All because of an armchair editor, AKA someone who decided to complain to amazon, unsolicited, and ‘edited’ the book.
There were examples of the current armchair editor rewriting things in their style rather than mine. They did catch some legitimate typos, but… nope. I’m done.
I was taking significant losses running those collections to give people an affordable way to catch up in a series. No more. I’m not taking those losses anymore, especially not when armchair editors are going to Amazon like modern-day tattletales having a temper tantrum because they found a few typos in 600,000 words.
So, no. I’m done.
What I will do is this: once my temper is no longer ‘Armageddon’ I will make a list of books, and I will put them on sale for 3-7 days at $0.99 to allow people to catch up on older books.
I will probably do it based on publication date, which will help minimize the losses I take offering the $0.99 sales for catching up.
As I mentioned last time I blogged, readers only owe authors one thing: the money for the book. Authors only owe readers the book written. I prefer to do the best job possible with my books, but I expect people will hate it. (See Runaway’s 3.9* entry into the world because it just wasn’t the book some people wanted me to write. it is what it is.)
I am not owed positive OR negative reviews, and if people want to sabotage a book release because I didn’t write the book they wanted, that’s fine.
I generally do not read the reviews unless they’re 5* and only if I’m in a good mood. It’s for other consumers, and if you want to tell other readers why you hated a book, that’s your problem.
If you don’t want to tell readers why you loved the book… that’s also not my problem. It sucks, low review star ratings sucks, but it’s part of the job.
That’s it, that’s all.
So, collections are done. You can thank your local armchair editor who decided to go tattletale to Amazon for the removal of the collections. You can wait for sales as I sprinkle them through to give those on lower income a chance to get the series.
While I’m not asking for gratitude for saving readers money, I do expect readers not to sabotage the books with idiotic armchair editor typo reports… especially when the armchair editor forgets they don’t get to rewrite the book in their style rather than mine.
I hope you have a happy holidays. Mine’s turning out to be shit, but I guess that’s just par for the course right now.
I love all your books. Of course I love some a little more. Adored Null and Void and all the Royal States books. Tell your critics to intercourse themselves with a broken bottle. You have provided me with hours of entertainment. And I reread my books. You create, they
criticize and create nothing but aggravation.
Don’t let the a**holes of the world get you down. The majority of us love you and your books. For stress relief maybe you could kill that person off in one of your novels. ?
Seriously though, don’t let it get you down. And Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Don’t let jealous assholes get you down your work is amazing. Merry Christmas
I’m simply done with the collections. A: I lose substantial money on them, and was doing them so people on budgets could have access to the series. However, these budget hunters are the ones more likely to be overcritical armchair editors, so the collections get hammered often.
I am tired of dealing with it. So I won’t. They just shot themselves in the foot, because I’m no longer taking those losses for their benefit. They can go armchair editor someone else’s books.
It is a real shame that Amazon has so much of the book buying public in their pocket. Their policies just stink, especially the “armchair editors” who don’t have anything better to do with their time than to pick apart books the rest of us are just happy to have. Please do kill them off, maybe in the Vigilante Magical Librarians series. Do it in a truly gruesome fashion, please.
And for what it’s worth, I loved Runaway. Perfect sequel to Cold Flame. I did have a little bit of trouble wrapping my mind around pet rats, but the story was excellent.
Thank you for your hard work. Merry Christmas (anyway) and may you have a prosperous New Year.
You rock. Don’t let Negative Nelly ruin your holiday. Write what you want to write. Your fans will read it and love it. Screw the rest.
Wow, all I can say is sorry for the idiots. I didn’t even know someone other than the author could “edit” a book on Amazon. WTH!!!??? Hang in there!
What a load of ****. I read your books because I really enjoy them. These pedantic idiots should just suck it up and go back to school. Typos do not really matter to me as I can read round them. Just get a life people and enjoy what you get.
Really enjoyed Runaway by the way. Seasons greetings.
Well screw Amazon. I refuse to use a Kindle (although I love my Audible) but I have purchased the majority of your books from Barnes and Noble. They are delightful and I LOVE them. Thank you for creating the worlds you do. I wish you wrote faster… I need more Karma in my life and I can’t wait to find out what happens in Tulsa.
Grrr. I got into these books via these collections, and I thank you very much. It sucks that some, ah, individual needed pump up their ego by dumping on you.
I’m in a re-read of it right now, in fact. (Though I interrupted that to gulp down “Runaway”.)
May your days improve; blessed be.
Thank you so much for the best gift I will receive this year. I LOVE Runaway, and have read it 3 times. I am one of those high risk people that are stuck at home avoiding contact during Covid. I have been re-reading your books, and am liking your writing more and more as I find new things and understand characters better as I internalize your various realities. You are an amazingly creative artist, and I very much appreciate your commitment to your fans.
I’m so sorry that Amazon pays so much attention to trolls. Your writing is fabulous. As you have stated, no story is to everyone’s taste. However, no one has right to “improve” another person’s creation. I wish I could apologize for this troll’s actions. I can’t. But I can tell you that your writing is amazing. It is unfortunate that you will no longer be releasing collections but it’s completely understandable.
Please don’t let this sour your Holidays. You are fabulous. Enjoy your time with hubby and fur-babies. All the best wishes to you and yours.
I appreciate every word you write. I will read and reread every book I have from you as I enjoy them so much. You are talented, witty, erudite, hard working, and a favorite author of mine. I am sorry that people feel so entitled that they can “pee on someone’s petunias” because they have nothing more constructive to do.
Please have a lovely holiday with your family. You gift so much pleasure to others that I pray you are gifted in return.
Totally justified. Just sell one at $0.99 every now and than. They can pay the going rate for the remainder. Your worth it!
So sorry for the idiots out there.
(I cannot read the screen shot. My screen is too small. I am replying to the part you wrote.)
This behavior is never needed. Maybe someone was feeling intimidated since their book was not selling?
You are entitled to your anger, and then some, when this type of review is posted.
I loved the collection, but got it as swag for the Kickstarter campaign, so Amazon is not really interested in my opinion. Or at least I haven’t seen the review posted.
I already had the individual books. I think I have all of your books across the pen names. They are all excellent, including “Runaway” which I am rereading at the moment. I will try to get that review up soon.
When you get back to your day, I hope the furry part of the management will give you some love. I find that helpful most days. (I don’t expect much out of the frondy types.)
The screenshot basically shows Amazon is no longer selling the title/it’s not available for purchase.
Fuckers. Why do they have this policy. Have happy holidays. Try to calm down. I love your books and will purchase what I can probably every one. So I hate Amazon for having this policy. No one has the right to complain. The only thing Amazon is good for is keeping track of all the books I’ve purchased. To bad you can’t self publish.
I AM self-published… Amazon is SUPPOSED to be a vendor, not a ‘publisher’.
I was introduced to your work by a collection a friend recommended. I’m grateful you did them, and glad I got in on them, but understand why you feel you can’t do them anymore. Your books are so reasonably priced, it shouldn’t matter. Even solo novels are bargains [especially when you count in all the rereads]. I’m sorry you’re getting picked on by pettifoggers.
Thank you again for all you do for us.
so sorry to hear that, once again, some dumbf**k has screwed up things on Amazon for you (andu ).
your books are great, period; keep writing, so I can keep reading.
Try to let this not muck up your holidays (I can see how that might be tough though).
Thanks again for all yourgreat words (in your books and elsewhere).
Be well, stay safe (damn virus!)
Please ignore those disgusting people! I read almost 3 books a day now that I am fully retired and your books are well edited! I never complain about misspelling and grammar issues. I read books for enjoyment and don’t expect perfection. When I pay $9.99 for a book I expect perfection and I only have 10 authors who I read that charge that much. Many so-called best selling authors have somehow gotten bestselling books and their books do not interest me at all. I own all of your books and will keep buying them! Please ignore the crazy nitpickers!!!
Merry Christmas ? Happy New Year ?
And this is why I have a Kobo, don’t have a Kindle and won’t buy ebooks from Amazon on principle. It’s one of the few ways I can show solidarity with authors even though they’ll never know and I’m effectively cutting off my nose to spite my face because there are some books and authors I’d love to read but never shall.
But thank you for giving me such enjoyment from your books, and have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Nil carborundum!
Sorry for the idiots out there. I’ve had mainstream published book with typos and possible grammar errors in them. You can’t catch the all of the time.
I know you have said not to report typos etc. To Amazon but directly to you. I read Runaway and noticed the RPS was RSP on one place in the book. Can’t remember where but maybe half way through.
Thank you so much. You are a fabulous author, one of my absolute favorites in the past 50+ years of reading. Smart writing! Creative! I have my favorites, but enjoyed all of your stories. Picked up a couple of the collections just so I had the stories all together, a rereading convenience for me… Do what you need to, for your own mental health. I (selfishly) hope you don’t give up writing because of the armchair eejits! I wish you a happier holiday season. You are appreciated!!
I’m really sorry you’re having issues with people doing quality checks on your books!
I know a lot of people don’t realize that Amazon will completely block a book if “issues” are reported, they just think they’re helping or something. 🙁
Honestly, unless the quality is really awful (NOT a problem I’ve had with your books!) I don’t see why people bother. Skip over it and keep reading!
I loved the collections because they made great gifts to lure friends into reading your work ^_^ but I understand why you’re frustrated and it’s completely reasonable for you to stop.
I love, love your books. I sat up ALL night to read Runaway. It is great. People who nitpick typos, etc. need to get a life. I read most of your books on Nook so I don’t understand how Amazon allows idiots to actually edit your work. I have almost all of your books and they are , with a very few other writers, on my gotta reread list. And I have several times. Please don’t let this ruin your holidays. You deserve to relax and enjoy yourself.
I sincerely hope that Amazon doesn’t get its hands on the Louvre or the art of Michaelangelo. I’ve heard serious criticisms of both: The Mona Lisa is too small and dark for all its hype and Michaelangelo’s David is all out of proportion. Also his women look like men with breasts! All things considered, you’re in good company here. Cheers! and Merry Christmas.
hello i am sorry you are having such a bad day because of someone else’s stupid unfeeling.
What idiots. I have enjoyed your work. I consider you a great author as I can reread your books. I can’t say that about many authors. I love the language you use. Smited / smote equals laughter. Feed those nasty folks to a Cindercorn.
It is hard to dust one’s self off after this type of malicious aggression. I have a friend who says, “I always manage to underestimate the levels of ambient stupidity out in the wild”; I think that saying is apropos here. (Checks books – I have 29, the body count (cindercorns!!!) and the librarians are may favorites, but I inhaled them all.) Thank you for writing – your brain is the best. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Like, I didn’t even py any regard at all to the corrections requested. I copy pasted a notice to amazon that I refused to change to some unqualified, unskilled, and unsolicited ‘editor’ and that since Amazon didn’t wish to sell the book anymore… I would sell it over at other vendors LOL
Good for you lass! May the idiots at Amazon end up in one of the Devil’s many hell’s where the appropriate arsekicking can begin and continue until some sense is found.
I have prayed for this from the debacle over your audiobooks.
You are the author we love to read/listen to so fardles to Amazon, just keep us updated as to where we can find your books.
Good for you. For the record, all books have typos. The Code of Federal Regulations (used to operate the Federal Government) is so full of typos it’s laughable. Honestly, I can’t imagine there’s been anything written ever that hasn’t had typos. As a reader I’ve always felt that if I spot the good on me, otherwise who cares it’s the story that matters. And since I can’t write novels and I know that what I do write frequently contains my own typos I’d rather kick myself about my errors and just enjoy everyone else’s hard work. If it helps I promise to go over to Amazon right now and post a five star review for Runaway (I also typically don’t post reviews so this is a big deal for me. Please don’t anyone check it for typos :p.)
Well armchairs editors need to get a life. It’s not their business to do that. I loved your books, just found them about a year ago. I have worked my way through most of them I think. Please keep writing & don’t let the haters get you down. Just remember you have brought joy to the rest of us & we appreciate it.
So this my first time leaving any kind of revue or comment but to be completely honest… I LOVE YOUR WORK! I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE! I LOVE THE CHARACTERS! I love everything about your books and story’s. I read a lot of different kinds of authors and all for different reasons but I have re-read all of the books by you multiple times and I only discovered you 6 months ago. There will always be the few that ruin it for the many but I have had no problem buy each of your books individually as I could afford them and would do so again. So please do what you need to do to make worth it for you and for the reader. Because for those of us who love your books and characters will continue to grow our libraries one book at a time no collection needed. And forgot about the grumpy Gus’s who are just in general distastified with life.
May the Jólakötturinn find them and consume them for the holidays. This person seriously needs a run in with a ferocious feline fashionista becquse they belong in the Mighty Litterbox of Despicable Persons.
Sorry this happened. May your holidays get much better from here.
I agree! Shame, Shame SHAME on the person who did that. I pay full price for your books as soon as they become available. You are the only author I spend my hoarded pennies on every time you bring out a new book. We appreciate your efforts and money loss on the older books, even though one person needs to be dumped in a septic tank and given a swirly!
We love you my book friend!
I am sad because I bought 3 copies of the Mag Romantic comedy collection to get friends hooked (it worked) and was planning to do the same with this one. However, they are all gainfully employed, enjoying your writing, and can buy the individual titles themselves— this is more evidence that Amazon has outgrown reasonable management of their book selling. I am sorry this happened, but I hope you can be more in the black without the collection. I hope your days with the hubby and the kitties are restful and fun.
HopeT: the collection is available at Google Play Books for the same price, $9.99, in PDF format. More info here:
I love all of your books and I mean all. I have every book you have written as all of your three author names. I have probably read each of these books (series or not) at least 6 times and every time I find more that I love about it. Honey I would not listen to all these stinking naysayers that they think they’re so great let me see a fantastic book that they personally write! I will bet you money that they are just author wannabes and wouldn’t know a good (in your case great) book if it came up and bit them in the butt. I get so tire of these people bothering you that it makes me want to smack them upside the head. You are the best modern author that I have read in a very long time and I enjoy them so much. You keep doing you and forget about those idiots. Don’t let them ruin your Christmas honey they are not worth your time.
I am so sorry that someone had nothing better to do than nitpick at your books. I just started reading your books during the shutdown. I love them all and I am simply amazed at how complex your world building is. I’ve bought the collections for my friend as a gift so i could get her hooked too. It really sucks that amazon (or anyone)thinks they have a right to tell you how to write your own books. I’ve purchased books from Amazon that were so badly written I had to stop reading them because I couldn’t understand what was being said. I hope you and your have a Merry Christmas.
I’m sorry to hear about this problem. I have read for many, many years. I have only corrected an error one time. I personally emailed the author to let her know the use of the wrong name. She thanked me. When i see reviews with complaints about writing typos and grammar I skip over them; they are not worth my time reading. I don’t expect a book to be 100% correct. You have to remember when reading its fiction and just go with the flow. Thank you for writting.
I just discovered your books last year, and have been happily working my way through your backlist. I read all the ones on hoopla, and started buying the rest from Kobo. I got the Mag Rom Com bundle, but didn’t realize there was a Royal states bundle on Kindle. My bad! In my defense, I tend to buy from anywhere else, before I check Kindle. Thank you for the .99 alternative, and thanks also for the many hours of entertainment in this stressful year! Enjoy the holidays!
Happies and Merries to you and yours. May the typo obsessed get a proper comeuppance.
Your wonderful imagination has lightened the last two horrible years for me and for a dearly loved sister.THANK YOU! Please take care of your health and sincerest gratitude for refusing to compromise the quality of your stories.
It’s such a shame that so many trolls are out there. That they are taking their lack of talent out on you is sad. I LOVE everything I’ve read that you ‘ve writen. I’m going thru all your pen names and buying each book. I only discovered you 2 months ago but I’m the proud owner of all of RJ’s and Susan’s books. Bernadette comes next.
Happy holidays hope it gets better.. I don’t read from Amazon as I have been told that the older the book it can disappear from your account.. that said. I have never understood why someone would complain to a book store about a typo when it is up to you as the author to see if the change is needed. You have always said and have an area on your site if they are unhappy with one of your book. Amazon needs to fix their settings as a few is not all and there are a lot of us who have no issues with any of your books or collections
I hope you had a good Christmas anyway. While I reread almost all your books, my favorite are the Royal States. This year has been very tough and when I am down I go to Pat and Jessica. I have probably read Storm Called and Taken ten times each this year. I bought the individual books but I bought the collections also due to how much I have enjoyed them. Thank you for your time and talent.
That is horrible, and I hate that this happened to you. I am sure I’ve read all of those books. i have two anthologies by you and think they were all in those books. I never saw a thing wrong with any of them. First of all – who does that! And second of all, it’s awful that Amazon would pull a book for such a reason, particularly without asking for input from the author first.
Some words are spelled differently in different countries, for example. I find small errors occasionally – it would never occur to me to bother an author with it.
I just want to add that your books have cheered me up in some difficult times. You are great. Please keep writing. You have a devoted audience.
I agree with Pam’s comments totally
Well, I’m very glad I decided to purchase the collection on December 22. I got through all of the books and then bought the followup novels. I finished Runaway late last night and am starting to go through withdrawal.
2022 is going to have 2-3 Royal States books. :3 They’re my happy place to write, and I’ll be working on them between the older catchup books.
Yay! Love them lots!
They’re great books and I look forward to each one. Thanks.
Woo hoo! I’m so hyped! I love that series! Jessie is pretty awesome too. Let’s face it. Pretty much whatever has magic in it is pretty darn awesome from you. Thanks for that tidbit! Something to look forward to!
Good grief. I’m a self published author on Amazon. I’ve read as many of your books as I have been able to afford so far, and I just finished the Royal States collection mentioned. Fabulous! My Christmas gift was an Amazon gift card I use every year to fill my Kindle with books, so I’ve been busy getting the rest of yours. I know my own books have at least one typo. I wince when I see typos (I used to proof read IRS manuals for missing or incorrect info and typos), but getting all self righteous and complaining about it is not my thing. Thank you for considering those readers of lower income. May you enjoy even greater success in the coming years. Someday I hope to be as popular as you.
I have twitches when I see typos, but until I am perfect and make no mistakes I’ll deal with it! Some peoples kids….. Smh
I look forward to new books inn 2022 ~ typos and all! (If I can’t figure out what the word is because of a minor typographical error then I need a refresher reading course.) Happy New Year to you and yours. ?
Honestly people need real hobbies rather than being pedantic jerkfaces. I’m a constant reader I usually have a few books on the go at a time depending on my moods. I would never presume to whine about perceived typos to anyone let alone tattling to amazon like that. For what it’s worth, I really enjoy your books, all the different series, since they’re different flavours, I can usually find a series to re-read no matter which mood I’m in.
I do not comment on post ever, but this time I realkly (really) need to.
Thank you for your amazing books and that you were supplying them, fFor thoses of us who are in (in) need of some escape from the world that we live in.
The pandemic has made life a little “extreamly” harder than it was before.
I live in canada and the news anounced that food would be going up $1000.00 for a family of for this year. Sometimes the choise of buying food and a roof over my head leaves nothing for me. Covid-19 sucks.
I want you to know that you have made it better for all of us who need the escape.
Just know that you have helped countless numbers of people cope with depression with the laughter and smiles we get reading your books.
You should be proud of what you have given to us!
No one would think to redo the Sistine chaple or michael angelo’s David. Your books are works of art and should be enjoyed as such.
Sincerely and with warm regards
P.S. I am dislectsic and while some spelling errors were deliberate, others are just because
P.P.S don’t let the haters get you down. We love you.
P.P.P.S. I hope you get to read this.
I got to read it. Thank you, Lisa. And yes, the past two years have been so very hard. All I can do is continue to hold hope it will get better.
sweet and spot-on answer. happy new year from the other coast ☺
Thank you for some of the most enjoyable hours of the pandemic. I discovered your books and escaped from the covid nightmare for a little while. Please keep bringing us your unique vision. Happy New Year.
There are always those that feel the need to tear people down. Do what is right for you and the hell with the negativity jerks generate. I enjoy your books immensely and appreciate your efforts and offerings across your pen names. Keep being you and try to put aside the scrappy behaviors of others.
I have read all of your books plus listened to them as audio books (repeatedly)! I love them. They are so much better than any movie or tv program I’ve seen in years. They’re a great place to escape the daily stress.
It’s a sad world we live in when big corporations such as Amazon, facebook, and Twitter are allowed to control what we get to read or say.
As for typos, Office Outlook email thinks “they are” should be “they is”. So, if a computer spell check program can’t get it right, whose to say that your wrong!
Armchair editors don’t have to read your books if they’re that picky or so easily offended by a typo or small error! They should keep their annal retentive attitude to themselves and leave your books alone so the rest of us, who are the majority of the readers, can continue to enjoy your books along with any small flaws they may or may not have.
Please keep up the awesome work you do. Your humor, way of looking at the world-heaven-hell, and the statements you include that are so true in today’s world are totally appreciated. I especially liked your statement where the character said there was nothing wrong with her but there was something wrong in the way others saw her. Thank you for the many hours of entertainment you’ve given me and pets who get to listen with me.
Thank you for your books – the Royal States are among my favorite series. You are awesome. It’s hard to believe that Amazon would take down a book by an established author because of one complaint by one reviewer. Ridiculous. Really bad business decision on their part.
I loved Runaway, rats included. Loved the series. I bought your books through Kobo, because I find it more user friendly than Amazon, although occasionally I do have to buy through Amazon. I hate that they have so much power.
Don’t let the a**holes get you down.
Thank you for writing great stories. They’ve helped me get through these interesting times.