Dear humans,

We have been asked about upcoming books. While we posted about this in the State of the Blain post in February, we are posting again. We’re in a mood, so please expect plenty of snark. And frankly, we get rude at one stage. We’re really not sorry for being blunt to the point of rudeness, but we really do not want any misunderstandings on this.
So, here we go.
Silent Stalker releases March 17, 2022.
Plaidypus releases May 17, 2022. (*Correction: We put 15. We don’t know why. It is actually the 17th.)
Dirty Deeds 2 releases June 7, 2022.
(Sorry for the lack of links, humans. They’re available at all major ebook retailers.)
Now, as the female is Really Tired of addressing messages of people begging for more clues or to be just told (ugh, we’re sorry, but ugh…) this is how this is going to work.
Nobody, and we mean literally nobody, is welcome to slide into the female’s private messages or comments to ask about the Sekrit Projekt. (If the female wishes to discuss it with you, she will come knocking on your door. Don’t expect any knocking unless you are her editor, very close friend, or her cover artist.)
If you want current news, join patreon on the lowest tier. Patreon will have updates on it, but the same rules apply.
They are as follows:
Thou shalt leave the female alone about the Sekrit Projekt.
Thou shalt trashcan any complaints regarding the sekrit projekt. (The female will not be reading the reviews. At most, she will have Jenny cherry pick compliments to show her at some stage in the future.)
So, if you hate something, you’ll only be working to turn readers off on the series. The female will not be reading or checking or caring about your complaints.
She wants to write for people who are looking for the next book to love, not for those who can’t seem to get through a day without getting upset over books.
Readers fucked her over regarding the Royal States books with their toxicity, and the Sekrit Projekt will not be likewise ruined. We understand it isn’t every body, but there were enough people doing it that once you hear the same bitching over, and over, and over… it isn’t welcome. It’s just not.
If you don’t like those types of stories, stop reading them and go read a book you will like.
The female no longer has any desire to try to cater to people who simply will not or does not like her books.
As such, steps are being taken.
In a nutshell, there is a very strict boundary in place. She is not welcoming communication or questions regarding the Sekrit Projekt.
As the female is not the bitch of any reader (especially not for the price of $5.99 for a book), the rules of engagement are as follows:
If you, the reader, likes the idea of the Sekrit Projekt, thou shalt offer forth a payment of $5.99 at the vendor of your choice upon locating the Sekrit Projekt. (Good luck, humans!)
If the female, the author, is pleased with the writing and has a good time, and receives sufficient payment to continue investing in the Sekrit Projekt, she will continue to publish them. She will be writing them regardless, but publication is a different story altogether. (And no, she really is NOT under any obligation to publish anything, especially if it makes her miserable. She knows this. She LIKES telling stories and making people who read her books happy, which is why she continues to muddle through to the best of her ability.)
Seriously, she wants to continue writing… but she is done with the pressure and the problematic elements of publication.
The author to reader contract is simple, so let’s start with that.
If you, the reader, continues to wish to partake of the Sekrit Projekt, thou shalt offer forth a payment of $5.99 at the vendor of your choice…
Over and over, for as long as everyone is pleased with the author to reader contract. All parties may choose to sever the contract at any time.
You, the reader, are never obligated to leave a review. It isn’t in the author to reader contract. The contract only consists of the author writing and publishing the book and the reader paying the author the asked price for the book.
Seriously, nowhere in the author to reader contract states you even need to READ the book…
Positive (especially 5*) reviews are an active way to communicate to readers they should buy the book… and it sends a nod to the author that their hard work is appreciated and that you want more.
Reviews tell other readers that others like the book and why they should buy it or why they think other readers should NOT buy the book.
This is where things become a little sad. Reviews are not a method of communication with the author. (That said, many authors absolutely will go look at the positive reviews to see that people are happy. The female uses review numbers (and the overall rating) of a book to determine if she can realistically take the fiscal risk to continue publishing the books.)
For example, The Vigilante Magical Librarians world series will likely die with the final book in the series; there are enough people who simply didn’t adore it that it’s worth the up-front investment. Maybe that’ll change later as the series goes? But Booked for Murder has a 4.2* rating over 1,800 reviews, which says there are a lot of people who just weren’t in love with it. The second book is better at 4.5 with 700-ish reviews, but the female generally views books with 4.6+ as the ones she should be focusing on, and that people just don’t enjoy the other books as much.
In comparison, the Magical Romantic Comedy series (the past five books) all have 4.6* or greater ratings. This is the signal that people really just want more of the books. The Fox Witch series has been prioritized as it has 4.7 and 4.6 ratings, and is generally well received by readers. (Death’s Door will be worked on as a play project around the scheduled ‘catch up’ books being worked on, including Requiem, etc.)
And yes… that matters. It really matters. The ratings really do tend to predict how people will buy future books.
If you want to send a love letter to an author, go leave 5* reviews on their books. That says “I loved this book!” All you have to do is write, “I loved this book because (any fucking reason you want.)” That’s it. Liked Bailey’s napalm bender in Playing with Fire? “I loved this book because there was a fire-breathing unicorn who went on a napalm bender. Fun!”
Reviews are THAT simple. (Really! It is!)
And authors love little reviews like that. They matter.
In the female’s case, she will have her PA go to new releases and cherry pick purely positive reviews like that, just so she can get those little love letters from readers now and then. (Anything negative will be excluded.)
Simply put, the female has anxiety and no longer has the will or desire to see people yucking on her yum. The days of checking reviews are over. Too many people yuck on her yum.
There’s nothing in the author to reader contract stating the author has to deal with negativity from readers. That includes in reviews.
Authors only owe you the book they wrote. Nothing more, nothing less. Authors aren’t the bitches of readers. They aren’t literary slaves. They’re people.
Positive reviews are appreciated, although after the incident with Runaway, it’s unlikely the female will be directly reading many of them.(We’re sorry in advance for the extra work, Jenny…) But know this: by leaving those positive reviews that suggest other readers should read the book, you’re helping the female continue writing books. You’re directly helping her.
That’s truly appreciated. It’s a gesture of support that might help convince someone else to engage in the author to reader contract.
The negative reviews? Well, you’re telling people not to buy the books. That hurts the author directly, and that sucks… but nothing in the author to reader contract says you can’t.
If you hated the book, you hated the book.
But, psychologically, more people are willing to speak up when they’re unhappy rather than praise when they’re happy. It’s human nature.
It doesn’t make life any easier on authors, but it is what it is.
The female is just joining the ranks of authors who won’t be partaking of that part of her career.
The book has been written.
It isn’t being changed to appeased someone who didn’t find it to their taste.
Future books will not be changed to appease those who didn’t like the book.
Now that we’re done being rude, we hope you all have a wonderful night.
And remember, folks. Please do not bother the female regarding the Sekrit Projekt, okay? All she’s going to do is deny, deny, deny.
(Imagine we are blowing kitty kissies your way.)
P.S.: We’re spoiled rotten thieves who enjoy stealing things from the female. (We’re also so adorable we will get away with our theft.)

I’m sorry to hear that the female has been getting beat up on by folks who wanted a different book, and sorry to hear of the coming demise of the Vigilante Magical Librarians series. I truly enjoyed it.
Ah, well; so it will be. I expect to enjoy the Sekrit Projekt in it’s time, as well as the other items listed above. All of which I have on pre-order.
I just want you to know that I enjoy your Mag Rom Com series. Apparently, there’s a thin line between violence and humor, romance and snark, humor and insanity. I’m pretty sure you’re using that line as a jump rope. I have no doubt these books are a challenge to write, but they’re a pleasure to read!
Please, please, please continue the Librarian series because I
Love them also Hypnos…still waiting patiently for more, at your convenience of course xx
It will be continued to the end of the planned five books. I just won’t be including a jumping point to do additional books or begin a second series within that world. It will simply stop at the conclusion of the final planned book in series is all.
Understood Boss. Your world. You Writing. Your decision. MY awaiting anticipation. Bless you.
Yeah, It’s just a lot of investment to do a series. It’s at least a thousand dollars per cover alone. I’m just not willing to take the risk on something that isn’t like the Fox Witch World stories, where I have a bunch of trilogies I’m willing to gamble on, along with a fun concept for a longer series.
Yay! 5 books of Vigilante Magical Librarians! Love them! Thank you for all your hard work.
The Vigilante Magical Librarian led me to the Magical Romantic Comedies which let me to The Runaround and its sibs . . . and I bought them all. And have made them my comfort reads. They’ve helped me be sane in a long, difficult winter. Respectful hugs to the human and pets to the Furred Management.
I love your books and joined Patreon just to get more updates. I count down the days until I get to read new books – so now I have 3 firm dates on my calendar and they are all pre-ordered. I will leave a comment on Apple because I love Runaway and the Royal states. Take care of yourself
I LOVE this!!! Everything about it is amazing. Kitties you rock and protect the human which is something I wish all people had. The human must be protected at all cost, she is unbelievably talented and absolutely fabulous! Sending all the positive vibes and reviews your way ❤️
I’ve enjoyed all of your books..Runaway was not what I expected from the title but I loved the story and characters..thank you
Thank you!
I just want to say I have loved almost ever one of your books I have read. I really adore the royal states world and the creativity you have put into it. Likewise the librarian books are some of my favorite right now to go re-read because I feel like you are so detail oriented in them and make me want to go back to see if there is anything I missed. I totally respect your rights as an author to choose what you want to write. Thank you so much for all of the books you have done so far!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sekret Projekt has been pre-ordered because I love the author’s work and would love to see her love her yum again! I’m taking the advice on reviews and working on leaving more because I didn’t understand it was that easy. So looking forward to everything to come this year!
You don’t owe anyone anything. You are an author and if you want to write a book that pleases you, and happens to please enough people that they will buy it, that’s all you need to do. I don’t read all of your books because they aren’t my cup of tea but I don’t go around writing negative reviews because I don’t like what you wrote. I just don’t buy more in that series. Same as other series/authors. Sometimes I have to give up on a series, just like you have to give up on a series. I look forward to the upcoming MagRom and will probably look into your new project book.
I absolutely LOVE your books and look forward to the next one always. You as the author should always write what you choose. It is for us to enter your universe, not you ours. I truly have enjoyed all the royal states novels as well as the magical rom coms. Your Bernadette Franklin novel have made me chortle more than once. I have read all the works under Blain,Copperfield and Franklin more than once and have enjoyed them each time. Thank you.
Looks like I need to submit some reviews. Maybe I can help boost some scores.
The Librarian books are the first of yours that I read; and those led to the rest. And I have been wonderfully entertained. Thank you for all of your efforts.
Please don’t steal your humans writing utensils, she needs them to write those wonderful stories. Ask her to play chase the strings with you. This should distract her long enough for you to steal her hugs and cuddles. I would purr at her for stories, but my accent is terrible. Have you asked her to tell you some of the stories? Hugs and pets.
Good for you!!!
I am delighted that you are quiting reading reviews. They make you so unhappy. I love your books and look forward to reading them for many years to come.
I completely understand about not wanting to read the reviews, the yuck on your yum is just depressing. I love your magical romantic comedy books, while all of your characters are awesome, I have to admit that Ernesto is my favorite character. And I love that he made a reappearance in your client from hell. Can’t wait for more!!!
I love several of your series, but not all of them, and that is my choice. Some are just not my cup of tea. However, no one has the right to bitch and complain that a book is not their cup of tea. They chose to read the book, no one forced them to read it. If they do not like it, they should read something else and not complain about reading a book they did not like. It makes them sound like an idiot and just spreads negativity.
Yep. Just… yep.