After so many asked how I could be better paid off Amazon, I found an elegant solution to the problem. I created a “per creation” Patreon. Every time I release a new novel, it will be released to subscribers of the patreon 3-7 days prior to general retail release.
It is a completely separate entity from the standard patreon, which is on a monthly basis. (Patrons of the monthly patreon will also be getting books; they will either get it right before release or on release day, depending on their tier.)
The patrons of the monthly patreon also get a lot of other goodies, including more direct access to me, behind-the-scenes interactions, and so on.
The “per creation” Patron will be more distant. It’s there to be the vessel for novel delivery.
All books, regardless of length, will be priced at $5.99. Right now, there’s only one tier, which will get you all solo novel releases I’ve written regardless of pen name. I will eventually expand to be by pen name, allowing people to customize their offerings somewhat. But only somewhat. (I will NOT be doing mix and match; if you only want RJ Blain, that’s easy to do… but I can’t do tiers for those who want RJ Blain and Susan Copperfield.)
For those who want selective books only, general vendors will still be the place to go. Otherwise, you’ll have to cancel your subscription, wait until the book you don’t want releases, and then resubscribe.
(Sorry, it’s just not viable to overcomplicate this.)
Books will be delivered by bookfunnel and will come in ePub and Kindle format.
The first book to be released on the new Patreon will be Plaidypus. Dirty Deeds 2 is NOT part of this patreon, nor are any other multi-author anthologies I participate in. Sorry, I don’t have rights to release these titles this way.
Yes, you can do both if you really want to. I’m not going to try to stop you!
Thanks for all of your support in the past few days.
And yes, since people have been asking, I get paid the most if you contribute via Patreon, even including the yearly Bookfunnel fees.
Amazon charges 30% + transfer fee per book.
B&N and Kobo charge 30%.
Apple charges 30% + Draft2Digital Fees. (I could avoid the D2D fees if I wanted to deal with Apple directly, but I don’t…)
We don’t talk about Google Play. (Okay, I sell a limited number of books a month there, so it’s not really a vendor I worry about.
Patreon charges 8% plus payout fees and sales tax. I think overall, it works out to 9-12% total? BookFunnel costs me around $20 per month which is written off as a business expense.
So, yes, I get paid significantly more via Patreon.
So, yes, you can read on your kindle if that is jam through my Patreon, just select Mobi/Kindle when you are claiming your book. The links will be active for 2 weeks following the book’s release, so make sure you claim and download/save your copy of the book promptly.
I like your idea. Better yet it fits my budget. I’ll be signing up. Thanks for the innovation.
You’re welcome!
If I get my books through BookFunnel, do I choose which format I get, or can I get ePub and mobi in one go? If so would it not cost you because people don’t buy multiple versions of the books? I’m still doing my math homework to see if I can upgrade my Patreon to the, get books version.
You get to pick one or the other iirc, but honestly, I don’t care if you get both versions for your personal use. You’re buying a license for you to have a copy of the book. If you want both a kindle and epub version for yourself that’s fine.
I’ve already signed up but I had a question. Would this include the sekrit project? If so, I have another one I should probably cancel.
Yes it does
Hi, this is a great idea. I have pre-ordered Plaidypus already on Kobo, and I was wondering if it would hurt you if I tried to cancel that and sign up here? Also, I have switched to kobo from Amazon after reading from a lot of authors, how badly they are treated – could you let me know if you think that is the right choice – in your opinion?
Thank you, and keep on creating, I will keep on buying, you are great at what you do!
Dso..ive preordered everything that has been available to preorder..so do I go and cancel them before I sign up and does that affect your sales numbers then?
I don’t mind my sales numbers taking a hit. I have given up on USA Today on new releases; if it happens it randomly happens (and I won’t even know unless someone checks for me) ahahaha.
Don’t worry about that. Im not 🙂
You can go ahead and cancel whatever preorders you want. Just reminder that Dirty Deeds 2 is not going to be part of either patreon.
? “We don’t talk about Google (play) oh, no, no, We don’t talk about Google (Play)” ?
Just wanted to make sure I understand correctly – all the books you are giving away are in E-format.
Kindle or epub digital formats yes, except the we sniff books category which is print books.