You can purchase Silent Stalker from all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play. Also contact your local librarians; the book is available to most public library systems.

Pepper Lowrance, formerly known as Penelope Francis, continues her search for the miscreant vampire who stole her life and her humanity, transforming her into a vampire. With the master of the Lowrance brood at her side, she takes the first steps towards toppling her father’s empire in order to protect her new kind and spare her mother from a fate worse than only death.
But when someone unleashes a horde of newly turned and hungry vampires on an unsuspecting Manhattan, Pepper pursues her role as a seeker of justice for the dead and a protector of the living. Taking to the streets as the Silent Stalker is only the beginning of the hunt for the culprits behind the deaths plaguing the city.
To find the answers she needs, she must embrace what it means to be Emerick’s partner in life and beyond death while also accepting everything she has become—including being a vampire.
Here are the links again to spare you from scrolling up: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play.
News & Things
For my future releases, you will have the option of using Patreon to receive your copies of my books. Here is how it will work:
The Monthly Patreon gets everything from all of my brands except for multi-author anthologies or anything being released under a traditional contract. You will be notified if there is a book that you cannot get as part of this patreon.
Tiers that will receive Bookfunnel copies of my titles include: Otters, Cindercorns, Spicy Ponies with Bite and Celestials.
In future, the books will be set up and launched from Bookfunnel the day they’re due for these tiers, and users who are current (paid for the month) will receive their link via private message.
There is an issue with Bookfunnel where if the emails aren’t in the system when I create the campaign, it sometimes lags or delays allowing access, so I will solve this problem via issuing the links via private message rather than post.
As such, there will be cut-off dates for when people will be able to access the books.
I will post scheduled warnings to the public so people are aware when the cut-off is.
The Per Novel Patreon is where you go if you don’t want any of the fuss and just want books. Please note that this only includes all science fiction/fantasy novels penned by R.J. Blain. I will be making another patreon for Bernadette Franklin. (Sorry, there are enough readers who do NOT want the Bernadette Franklin books but are willing to get the Susan Copperfields that I must separate them.)
I am still debating if I will do a tier per pen name for those who only want R.J. Blain titles or Susan Copperfields or the Sekrit Pen Name. But right now, there’s one tier for those who want everything I’ve written that is speculative fiction.
You absolutely can contribute to both Patreons. (It is appreciated albeit might be a tiny bit weird. But appreciated.)
For those of you asking:
1: Patreon pays me substantially more than the vendors. I pay $240 a year for Bookfunnel at current, and Patreon takes an 8% cut, plus a small fee for transferring money to my account every month/time I am paid.
The vendors all take at LEAST a 30% cut of every copy sold.
Math says I still make a lot more just from using Patreon. (Essentially, the math works out for every $500 I earn on Patreon, I would have earned $350 at the vendors… or less.)
2: Regarding cancellations: It’s totally okay to cancel your preorders. HOWEVER, I have noticed Amazon has made it harder for you to cancel your preorders. This upsets me, because this should not be difficult.
You need to use a browser on a computer now apparently, or leave mobile version of the browser to cancel a preorder.
That is really not fair to anybody, and the shady tactic has upset me.
3: But what about USA Today?
Yes, yes, I know. By moving to Patreon, USA Today isn’t happening. But that’s fine.
I would rather be paid more.
USA Today is not all that and a cup of coffee. Is it nice? Yes. Would I like it on a new release? Also yes.
4: Will I be happier making more money with less stress? Definitely yes.
5: Yes, I will still be selling on Amazon.
6: Yes, you can get books compatible with your kindle app from Bookfunnel/my Patreons.
I hope you enjoy Silent Stalker. If you did, please take the time to leave a review telling other readers why you thought it was a good book. (It can just be a one liner telling them you liked a specific character or something along that vein. It need not be a novel.)
Happy Reading,
I’ve already got it, and I’m already enjoying it. And, ooh, the spoilers I could toss in already!
I am not quite a third of the way through and loving it. It was well worth the wait to have your best effort!
Sorry I am a dummy about digital but I don’t understand Bookfunnel. I would prefer you to get paid more and am willing to open a Patreon account but what formats does Bookfunnel provide, and is it DRM’ed? I tried to look on their site but didn’t get very far. If you have a link or someone else can answer to save your time that would be great.
It is not DRM’d; they just give you files. Essentially, they’ll email you with epub or mobi (kindle); your choice.
Thank you! I just finished Silent Stalker and was impressed all over again by your gift for storytelling.
Thank you for the help with this! I’ve cancelled my Amazon order for Plaiidypus after joining your Patreon, and I also reviewed Silent Stalker while I was there. It was an amazing book and I’m looking forward to reading the next in Pepper’s series when it’s released.
Oops Plaidypus only one “i”, sorry I was a bit heavy-handed there
Wow, just wow. Just done 1st chapter and my jaw dropping. Off to bed now to read on in warm comfort as I can see this one will be an all nighter!!!
I’ve always loved otters, what’s not to love and happy to put the money into your pocket!!!! Done and done. Can’t wait to start the new book. Congratulations.
although I’m afraid that I can’t afford your main patreon site, I do love the idea of the per book patreon. The price is totally reasonable, and the fact that you get more of our money is wonderful. I just wanted to be sure that I understand something; when I sign up the first book that will get to me is the next book released after Silent Stalker?
It will be Plaidypus, yes.
thank you! I’ll get Silent Stalker from Amazon tonight then, and sign up for your by-the-book patreon right after that.
I LOVE the cover for the Silent Stalker book! You have a terrific artist. Just wanted to pass that along. I’m now about to open my Kindle and lose myself in the book. Thanks for all the hard work you do so that we can enjoy it ?
Just finished reading Silent Stalker, what an awesome read, can’t wait for Death Dance 🙂
I prepurchased on my Nook but while it shows as purchased, the book is not there.
You’ll have to contact B&N; I have noooo idea what the problem could be. I rarely use my B&N devices for preorders.
Thank you so much. I have rarely had such a good laugh over US English and UK English.
Nappy Time indeed. It was great. In the Uk Nappies are what Americans call diapers!! So, I had a good laugh and carried on.
The book was great xx