I did not expect this today. I was 99.99% certain there was no chance I would make the list with this book.
But that 0.01% reminded me good things can happen to those who work hard and keep trying.
I am over the moon, but please don’t pinch me. (I’d rather not wake up right now!)
In anticipation of 99.99% chance of failure, I had penned in eternal disappointment between 2-5pm (PST.) Instead, I now have to deal with 0.01% of elation partnered with disbelief and a heft side dish of “what the hell just happened?”
I have not yet come to terms with Plaidypus hitting USA Today.
But boy, am I so, so happy it was this book.
This book brought me so much joy to write, which only makes this victory so much more precious to me.
This is my first solo new release (full priced) to hit USA Today.
Thank you so much for your support. Without you, this wouldn’t have happened.
Fantastic! Congratulations! You deserve it. It is a fantastic book! The only wonder I had was what are road melons? I’m guessing that it only grows in desert/tropical areas. ?
No Road melons in Tasmania, Australia. ? again, congratulations and ‘you little beauty!’ ‘Bonza’ and all that stuff. ?
That’s correct, they don’t grow in Tasmania. They’re a mainland Australia AND Californian plant. (Yes, we have them in California!) They are desert plants.
cool. I searched but couldn’t find them. I thought maybe it had another name or something. I stopped using google, and use a different search engine in protest of some of their antics. That might be why. I’m still not going back. ?
Being a small island next to a large island continent we share some, but not all species. There’s no Koalas down here either except in wildlife breeding facilities. But we have a certain loud, nocturnal creature population that had facial tumours recently that share a name with Lucy. So I guess that makes up for it!
I’m so pleased for you! Hopefully Plaidypus will climb even higher too!
I am sure they do but I was able to find them via paddy melon. Got the reference from an Australian friend. From there, i discovered one if the variants also grows in California. Heh.
Cool, I thought it was pretty epic to have ammunition just growing out of the ground. I just didn’t know what it was. You have the best references. I love how correct they are in this book. As it’s a big country there’s always going to be differences in climate. So, I meant no offence, just couldn’t find it. I’m off to search for paddy melon, which I have a vague recollection of hearing about. ? thanks! You’re an awesome writer! From this book dragon to you, I hoard all your books and when I finish a new one I have to go through all the others to get over the book hangover. Keep writing your world beautiful.
Nope, google didn’t have an answer for rock melons either when I searched lol and I live in Nevada so I figured it was an Australian thing…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddy_melon <-- Road Melons / Paddy Melons. (Plaidypus) https://www.ufseeds.com/product/honey-rock-melon-seeds/MEHR.html <-- Honey Rocks (Grave Humor)
Thanks for the links Ms. Blain. It was exactly what I had a vague recollection of. I asked my mum too in the end, who moved here from the mainland in the mid 80’s she agreed that it was definitely something one the mainland. ? big place compared to where I live. Thanks again.
You’re welcome!
Congratulations! Glad people are reading it and more people will.
I’m doing a full happy dance for you now.
I am glad and so happy for you. You deserve it. I have all of the rom com books including Plaidypus and love everyone of them i will not confess how many times i REread them. I am looking forward to your new series. TJ OTTER
Happy, happy day. Congrats. Wonderful book. I always reed one of your romantic comedy books when I need a break from grim everyday life. (So….pretty often! 🙂
Yay!! Happy dance. You deserve all good things.
Congratulations! I am 80% through Plaidypus and enjoy reading it but don’t want it to end.
Loved the book, and I love reading this. Congratulations!
Congrats!!! You deserve it far more often. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope you are celebrating!
Loved it. Couldn’t put it down. ?
Many Congratulations!!! Plaidypus is IMO one of your best and I’m so happy that others saw that too. You do amazing work that should not go unnoticed.
Congratulations!! Hope it spawns many more fans and sales, your hard work deserves it.
So happy for you. As you said, hard work can be rewarded. You (and your amazing stories) deserve this.
That’s wonderful news! I remember when you first announced this book last year, and the discussion about making the list. So pleased for you; Plaidypus is amazing and deserves the recognition.
Yeah. So happy for you.
Congratulations!!! So glad it happened for a book that you enjoyed writing!
Congratulations. I enjoyed the book as always with your books. Enjoy!
Congratulations…I will happily read anything you write and /or recommend ?
Congratulations!! Love, love, love the book! How wrong is it that I cheered when Lucy appeared?!?
Congratulations I just loved this book. I lost sleep over it because I didn’t want to put it down. Keep on keeping on you’re doing great
Congratulations. I enjoyed the book. I enjoy most of your books and it is a well deserved.
I love books that entertain and inform (I’ve Googled so many interesting horses since becoming a fan of your work – now it’s on to weaponized produce!). ?
I am suggesting that Icy’s species be called the Chilled Chocolate Mousse.