Hey, folks! Your resident crazy person… er… author here! I’ve got news! Fun news! Happy news! Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Coraline Patten enjoys nothing more than facing new challenges, but when she’s asked to evaluate Moonriver’s ruling faction, she worries she’s bitten off more than she can chew.
Allasandro Stephans has reigned since she’d been a child, unwavering in his dedication to Moonriver. His heir, Calden, has supported him every step of the way. Together, the shapeshifting widower and his son appear to be the perfect men for the job of preserving and protecting their home.
When Moonriver’s heir asks her to free his father from the burden of leadership, Coraline is determined to do what is best for her people, even if it costs her the love of her life.
Moon Tamed releases on December 6, 2022 and is available at the following retailers: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books | Google Play

As a member of the RPS, Daphne Niell, also known as the Vampire of Montana, lives to serve.
On a good day, she hunts terrorists and eliminates them before they can strike.
On a bad one, His Royal Majesty of Montana, also known as her twerp of a cousin, sends her overseas to play nice with foreign monarchs.
Upon landing in Spain, the Vampire of Montana learns she’s been played, and her first job involves securing the life and liberty of everyone in a busy airport. To do her job, she needs more than just an excuse: she needs a partner.
Selecting a tall, dark, and handsome stranger from the ticketing line to become an unwitting accomplice in her plans isn’t her style, but desperate times call for drastic measures.
What she doesn’t know might kill them both and forever change the course of the Royal States and the world.
You can preorder the Vampire of Montana at Amazon. Other vendors coming soon. (They’re processing the preorder now.)
The Vampire of Montana will release on May 16, 2023.
In case you missed it…

Single, female lycanthrope: check.
Bills to pay: check.
A bounty for the hottest single lycanthrope on the block: check.
As the sole holdout of the corporate buyout of her apartment building, Joyce Gray is determined to transform her stubborn pride into a masterpiece in order to stay off the streets. Dipping her hands into the dark world of bounty hunting would give her the funds needed to find a new home, somewhere safe from the wolf who’d infected her with the lycanthropy virus.
On the surface, the job is simple. For a period of three days, she must keep Wayne Barnes from returning to the New York City area. The owner of the corporation determined to reduce her apartment complex to rubble has a reputation of being straitlaced and playing for keeps. Worse, her virus is ready to roll over to have her belly rubbed and enjoy some positive and intimate attention.
But with twenty thousand on the table and a chance to get ahead for once in her life, she’s prepared to get her hands dirty no matter the cost.
What she doesn’t know will change her life and plunge her into the murky depths of the black market, where secrets are worth more than money, life is cheap, and anything can be purchased for a price.
Doggone Mess releases on May 16, 2023, and can be preordered from the following vendors: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books

Fairy tales are as old as time, and yet…
In SHATTERING THE GLASS SLIPPER, fifteen talented authors take on these age-old tales and transform them into bold and brave new visions. Discover worlds where the Seattle Space Needle acts as Rapunzel’s tower; where seven princesses plot their own rescue from the fae; where a magic mirror is connected to an app on your phone…and shows you more than you may be able to handle. Get hired by a giant to climb beanstalks, each with its own problem to solve…or by the Goblin King to turn Tweets into gold. Hunt a firebird for a single feather. Use the internet to find a prince for a princess. And more!
In each of these stories, there is a thread of the familiar, spun by magic or technology into something new to achieve the improbable and, often, the impossible. Through ages past and into the future, our writers are traveling roads less traveled with characters that are light, dark, and always unpredictable. Join Marie Brennan, Lucia Iglesias, Alyse Winters, Rebecca A. Demarest, R.J. Blain, Miyuki Jane Pinckard, Rachel Swirsky, Angela Rega, Alethea Kontis, Y.M. Pang, Patricia Bray, Cat Rambo, Rhondi Salsitz, R.Z. Held, and José Pablo Iriarte as they turn Happily Ever After inside out!
My contribution to this anthology is a short story that involves the line that reads “get hired by a giant to climb beanstalks, each with its own problem to solve…”
Let’s just say Jack is in for one hell of a ride. (Sorry, Jack. I don’t know what it is about characters I name Jack, but I just don’t take it easy on y’all.)
You can preorder Shattering the Glass Slipper (releasing August 1, 2022) at the following retailers: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Regarding Patreon
Those who are signed up for the monthly Patreon (in $10+ tiers, including the Otters, Cindercorns, and Spicy Ponies with Bite), do not need to do anything. They will receive all above books (excluding anthologies; I do NOT have distribution rights to Shattering the Glass Slipper, and it’s not a book contribution; it’s a short story) as part of their membership.
Those who are signed up for the per release patreon (Everybody is a Cindercorn) (Billed once for each title, $5.99, NOT a monthly subscription) will receive a charged post for Moon Tamed and a charged post for Doggone Mess. There will be a direct sales link for those who wish to purchase the Vampire of Montana included with Doggone Mess’s delivery email. This is to keep the promise that there would never be more than one charged post in a month, respecting the budgets and fiscal situation of those who cannot buy unlimited books monthly.
I know this offends some of you, but I am sorry. This is the best way to make sure everyone has access to the books. The Vampire of Montana’s direct link will be $5.99 plus relevant taxes, identical to the per release Patreon.
Regarding Kickstarter
The preorder Kickstarter store will open around June 1 as scheduled. The preorder store will close last day of June with no exceptions. Delivery time will be slightly delayed. My designer was under the weather, and I do my best to avoid asking someone who is sick to work. We’re working on the spreads as fast as we can, but we’re human, it’s a huge amount of work, and so on.
The Royal States and Magical Romantic Comedy series books will be completed first, in order of demand. Those who ordered the Whole Kitten Caboodle will get their books last in a collection of shipments.
Thank you for your understanding. But, things will start shipping as early as late July, especially in the case of those who just ordered the Bailey books. Trust me on this one… I want this to shipped as much as you do. (But in good news, I have some REALLY fun swag ordered!)
What’s Next?
Outside of the three novels up for preorder, I will be taking a few weeks off. This is something I have not done in years. (At most, I’ve taken a single week, and it was a working vacation.) These are the only preorders going live until I have completed something, have ordered the audiobook production, and know when everything can release at the same time.
Due to at least one Patreon opting to pirate Plaidypus (right in front of me, on my own discord server…), I will be maintaining 3-7 days ahead of release for all future titles on Patreon. In good news (or bad, depending on how you view it,) Patreon users will get the super polished version of the book.
I will still be continuing the special edition Patreon versions, which include notes from the author regarding the writing process, fun facts, and so on. I just won’t be able to do 4-6 months in advance while waiting for audiobook production to complete.
The damage a pirate can do 3-7 days prior to release is significantly less than the damage they can do in 4-6 months. I wish this were otherwise, but thanks to the pirate who really thought it was a good idea to come onto my own discord server and pirate the book, this isn’t negotiable. (Fool me once, shame on you… we will not be fooling me twice regarding piracy. I expect it will continue to happen, especially when it was proven to happen the very first run out of the gate.)
I hope the 3-7 days of advance release plus the author notes are sufficiently pleasing for patreon members.
In good news for audiobook and print listeners, both of these editions will release at the same time as future e-books.
This does not apply to Moon Tamed, Doggone Mess, and The Vampire of Montana. These novels will be continued under my current advance e-book release with print and audiobook editions coming out as completed.
So… you’re looking for something new? Something exciting? You’re in the right place!
I will be working on two “work” lists moving forward. It will look a little something like this:
List One: Series Continuations. (If I have a book in it, and it is a series, it is on this list, in an order I’ve only partially decided.)
List Two: Fun Stuff. (Anything goes.)
Once Moon Tamed, Doggone Mess, and the Vampire of Montana are finalized, I will be trying out a new-to-me work method. It looks a little like this:
Monday – Wednesday, 8 hours a day: Series Continuations (one book at a time), admin work.
Thursday-Friday, 8 hours a day: Fun Stuff (however many I want to do at one time.) Admin work, but only when necessary.
Weekends: No workie, no workie, no workie! Unless it is fun stuff and I’m bored.
In the interest of wrapping up series, the first series continuation I plan on finishing is the Witch & Wolf World novels. This includes: Old Secrets (Karma #3), Dual Nature (Sean, Nature of the Beast #2), The Edge of Midnight (Wolf Hunt #3), Dustin Walker Stories.
However, while these books will finish the main storyline, I will leave myself open to add in Standalone Novels (worthy of uppercase) to the world at my discretion. I literally have a binder with 60-80 story concepts set in this world, and some of them I’m not quite ready to give up on. So, as such, there will be no more trilogies or duets, but you can hold hope in your lovely little reader hearts for standalones, some of which may or may not include old friends.
The Fun Stuff list will be passion projects. They may include things to be continued and so on, but it’s my “freedom” work. They are things I want to write for the sheer love of writing them. And yes, that could mean I might end up working on Old Secrets Monday through Wednesday and skip over to sweet little snarky Dustin Walker on Thursday and Friday.
There are no rules for the fun stuff, and I can do whatever the hell I want. Freeeeedoooommmm!
Requiem for the Rift King is not being forgotten. I moved it to the fun stuff list, fairly high up, because I need to be in a TOTALLY WEIRD mindset/mood to work on them. Mon-Wed scheduling just would NOT work for it. I genuinely expect to work on these books over the weekends like some rabid beastie on a sugar hive fresh out of a rave.
Whatever works, right?
Since some people missed it:
Leashed I Could Do is the sequel to Last but not Leashed (Dale/Ethel), and it will be in a Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) collection/anthology. Serial Killer Princess 2 is the sequel to Serial Killer Princess (Tulip/Justin), and it will also be in the same collection/anthology with Leashed I Could Do.
They were a footnote buried in a paragraph in the mag rom com post, and a bunch of people missed it. They will be done, but they will not be standalone releases.
I hope you all have a great day. Take care!
Squeeee! Thank you! It all sounds wonderful. Enjoy your vacation. I have no idea what that means anymore. Not entirely true. I visited my sister for a week back in November. But my husband and I going anywhere? 2013, if memory serves. Our 25th is next year and I’d love for us to go to Ireland. We’ll see. In the meantime, travel while you are relatively healthy and mobile.
As far as the sequels sound, I’m really looking forward to Karma #3, and Wolf Hunt #3. The other ones will be thoroughly enjoyed when the appear as well. Any chance a certain foxy lady will show up (shifters unite! [wrong universe I know])? ? And enjoy on your fun days, that’s the whole point, right? Hugs and thank you!
I notice a cat and a corgi on the Doggone Mess cover. Might they be Kitten, Destroyer of Worlds and Puppy, Savior of Worlds? I really enjoyed No Kitten Around.
Your new work schedule looks much more sustainable than what you’ve been doing. Have a wonderful break/vacation.
No, they’re actually the bad guys of the book XD
Yeah! Please enjoy your FREEDOM. Your greedy readers will appreciate knowing that your schedule will allow us to get your fabulous stories and you will be able to recharge the creative batteries and have time for YOUR “fun writing”. Love your new plan and hope it scuppers the pirates (at least a little).
Is Doggone Mess going to be significantly different than the one in the anthology book?
Yes. It’s only going to be about 100,000 words longer than the anthology.
Woohoo! Weekends are sacred. Enjoy the regular breaks and have fun on your time off when that comes too! ?
I am so glad you are having fun! Have a safe and restful weekend.
Preorders all placed!
And yes. DO take time for yourself. Much as I enjoy reading your books, I’d much rather have fewer/later books and a happy author. Yes, selfishly, I hope to see more in my favorite series, but only when – and if – you’re willing and able to tackle them.