My guesses: 1 is Montana, 2 is Nevada, 3 is California, 4 is Washington?, 5 is Arizona?, 6 is Texas, 7 is ? , 8 is Louisiana, 9 is Florida, 10 is Georgia, 11 is Carolina?, 12 is Virginia, 13 is New York, 14 is Maine, 15 is ?, 16 is North Dakota, 17 is Illinois, 18 is Minnesota, 19 is Ohio?, 20 is Nebraska?, 21 is Kentuckessee?, 22 is Hawaii, and 23 is Alaska
My guesses: 1. Montana 2. Nevada 3. California 4. Washington 5. New Arizona 6. Texas 7. Moarkhoma or Oklahoma 8. Louisiana 9. Florida 10 Georgia 11. Carolinas 12. Delaware 13. New York 14. Maine 15. Vermont 16. North Dakota 17. South Dakota 18. Minnesota 19. Illinois 20. Colorado 21. Kentessee 22. Hawaii 23. Alaska
I’m curious whether kingdom 15, in the North East is known as the Northeast or Northern Kingdom, at least colloquially, instead of a state name. I apologize if the info is on the books – I just don’t remember.
It’s a nice puzzle. I’m tempted to go raid my niece’s toy storage to find her wooden US block puzzle to figure Kingdoms. I’m sure masking tape would come off the puzzle easily. 😀
I’m being a bit silly, but the current geographic northeast area of Vermont is often called the Northeast or Northern Kingdom (this might be mainly known by the surrounding states and not the general US). I thought it might amuse the Vermont royal family to have the only kingdom in the royal states that was always called a Kingdom, even when a pre royal states world. Kingdom nicknames?
It’s not general to the US, and no, the Vermont royal family would go by the regular naming conventions. It was a condition of rulership.
They erased the old and started the new. The only thing that stayed was name of cities/towns and the lead state/state determined to be the ‘ruling’ entity of the merger.
Because the Vermont royal family was able to defend its territory from NY/Maine? That’s how this happens… Vermont held its ground, so therefor it remained its own kingdom. Why would the royal family merge with Maine if it can hold and defend its own turf??
Thanks. I didn’t pick that up.
I’m definitely raiding my niece’s toys for her map puzzle.
Oops sorry I hit SEND before I was done. Once you save the image you can upload it to any number of free programs (I used to convert it to your choice of format
Thanks! I’m still slowly making my way through ‘Beginnings’ and in ‘The Captive King’ it was mentioned that Pennsylvania was now a part of New York. Were some of the former United States divided when the Royal States were formed, for example, Pennsylvania being split with some going to New York and some going to Illinois?
Cool; thank you!
Utterly off topic: Once again I was fooled into entering my sign-in data in the usual order and having to delete and correct. Congratulations are thus due to the genii designers, for fooling someone again.
OMgoodness, I love this map! As a non-resident of the USA, I have enjoyed the Royal States series immensely. THIS however, is a game changer. Hoping that this is going to be included with a key – I’m a huge fan of maps in books. Call me nerd, I care less what others think.
I am surprised that 14 is Maine and not Massachusetts! Were names chosen purely on land area, or population and other amenities (industry, infrastructure, etc.) ? Or on the state of origin of the royal family?
Usually the state was named by the royal family taking it over, and the royal family for the area came from Maine. The rival families got their asses kicked. Don’t mess around with a royal family who can use their talent to burst open your internal organs at their whim. It doesn’t work out. (The Mass royal family was from Boston, thought it was a good idea to talk shit first, and got taken apart before they finished informing the Maine royal family they were Irish, basically.)
Takeaway: There’s a reason the villain of Bonds turned out like he did and it wasn’t because the Maine Royal Family were kind-hearted.
OMG!!!! This is fucking AMAZING!!!! As an Aussie, this helps so, SO much!
I mean, yes, I know more of your states than most of you know of ours, even though we have, like less than 20% of yours by number, but I am by no means an expert at US geography!
Squee! This is so neat. I was wondering where my home state of Washington ended up in the split. But did Washington or Oregon win the rule and naming? I like how Montana ate Idaho and Wyoming but was like, “Nah, those coastal PNWers are weird. Keep ’em in their own kingdom. ~side-eye~”
My guesses: 1 is Montana, 2 is Nevada, 3 is California, 4 is Washington?, 5 is Arizona?, 6 is Texas, 7 is ? , 8 is Louisiana, 9 is Florida, 10 is Georgia, 11 is Carolina?, 12 is Virginia, 13 is New York, 14 is Maine, 15 is ?, 16 is North Dakota, 17 is Illinois, 18 is Minnesota, 19 is Ohio?, 20 is Nebraska?, 21 is Kentuckessee?, 22 is Hawaii, and 23 is Alaska
Go look at a map of the US and try again.
7 is Kansas, 17 is South Dakota, 19 is Illinois
Ooooo thank you! I like this.
LOVE THIS! Thank you so much!!!
My guesses: 1. Montana 2. Nevada 3. California 4. Washington 5. New Arizona 6. Texas 7. Moarkhoma or Oklahoma 8. Louisiana 9. Florida 10 Georgia 11. Carolinas 12. Delaware 13. New York 14. Maine 15. Vermont 16. North Dakota 17. South Dakota 18. Minnesota 19. Illinois 20. Colorado 21. Kentessee 22. Hawaii 23. Alaska
Each state is named after only *one* of the states, but you’re very much on the right track. 12 is not Delaware. Delaware is part of New York.
Ah it’s Virginia
Yes, 12 is Virginia.
I love that Michigan is a howling wolf of the Midwest. The rest of the Midwest are frills on the wolf…. wolf bling.
Michigan is part of Illinois, so you mean Illinois.
That’s so awesome!
Very nice, I live in landmass 19.
P.s.did your sneaky self also drop a new pre-order for your new series? I pre-ordered BTW! ? it’s a year wait but I don’t mind!
It wasn’t sneakily done. Patreon users and mailing list subscribers were flat-out told and given a link.
A lovely map, thank you.
I’m curious whether kingdom 15, in the North East is known as the Northeast or Northern Kingdom, at least colloquially, instead of a state name. I apologize if the info is on the books – I just don’t remember.
It’s a nice puzzle. I’m tempted to go raid my niece’s toy storage to find her wooden US block puzzle to figure Kingdoms. I’m sure masking tape would come off the puzzle easily. 😀
That would be Vermont. 14 is Maine, 13 is New York.
That makes sense.
I’m being a bit silly, but the current geographic northeast area of Vermont is often called the Northeast or Northern Kingdom (this might be mainly known by the surrounding states and not the general US). I thought it might amuse the Vermont royal family to have the only kingdom in the royal states that was always called a Kingdom, even when a pre royal states world. Kingdom nicknames?
It’s not general to the US, and no, the Vermont royal family would go by the regular naming conventions. It was a condition of rulership.
They erased the old and started the new. The only thing that stayed was name of cities/towns and the lead state/state determined to be the ‘ruling’ entity of the merger.
I live in VT. I’m curious as to what decided you to make it separate, and not include it with Maine
Because the Vermont royal family was able to defend its territory from NY/Maine? That’s how this happens… Vermont held its ground, so therefor it remained its own kingdom. Why would the royal family merge with Maine if it can hold and defend its own turf??
Thanks. I didn’t pick that up.
I’m definitely raiding my niece’s toys for her map puzzle.
Can you provide the map in a downloadable form?
Kevin, if you right-click on the map you can “save image” in your choice of format. Hope this helps!
Oops sorry I hit SEND before I was done. Once you save the image you can upload it to any number of free programs (I used to convert it to your choice of format
I couldn’t do it from the email but when I went to the website it worked. Thanks
Thanks! I’m still slowly making my way through ‘Beginnings’ and in ‘The Captive King’ it was mentioned that Pennsylvania was now a part of New York. Were some of the former United States divided when the Royal States were formed, for example, Pennsylvania being split with some going to New York and some going to Illinois?
Yes, some states were split, but it wasn’t common.
Cool; thank you!
Utterly off topic: Once again I was fooled into entering my sign-in data in the usual order and having to delete and correct. Congratulations are thus due to the genii designers, for fooling someone again.
I’m re-reading the series now for the umpteenth time, and the map will help a lot! Thank you
Cool! Thank you. As I live in 21, I am curious if it’s named after Alabama, Tennessee, or Kentucky. I will guess Tennessee.
Yep, Tennessee.
Love the map! Did you think about adding New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and P. Edward Island to 14?
No. Canada defended those more strictly because of the sea port issue, which is why Alaska and Montana got chunks out of Canada on the west side.
Cool! Thanks for the explanation.
OMgoodness, I love this map! As a non-resident of the USA, I have enjoyed the Royal States series immensely. THIS however, is a game changer. Hoping that this is going to be included with a key – I’m a huge fan of maps in books. Call me nerd, I care less what others think.
I love that Maine took over Mass, and got NH as a bonus!
Thank you! This helps me make more sense of the areas. It’s interesting to see which states didn’t have boundary changes.
I am surprised that 14 is Maine and not Massachusetts! Were names chosen purely on land area, or population and other amenities (industry, infrastructure, etc.) ? Or on the state of origin of the royal family?
Usually the state was named by the royal family taking it over, and the royal family for the area came from Maine. The rival families got their asses kicked. Don’t mess around with a royal family who can use their talent to burst open your internal organs at their whim. It doesn’t work out. (The Mass royal family was from Boston, thought it was a good idea to talk shit first, and got taken apart before they finished informing the Maine royal family they were Irish, basically.)
Takeaway: There’s a reason the villain of Bonds turned out like he did and it wasn’t because the Maine Royal Family were kind-hearted.
OMG!!!! This is fucking AMAZING!!!! As an Aussie, this helps so, SO much!
I mean, yes, I know more of your states than most of you know of ours, even though we have, like less than 20% of yours by number, but I am by no means an expert at US geography!
Squee! This is so neat. I was wondering where my home state of Washington ended up in the split. But did Washington or Oregon win the rule and naming? I like how Montana ate Idaho and Wyoming but was like, “Nah, those coastal PNWers are weird. Keep ’em in their own kingdom. ~side-eye~”
Oregon won.
If you read Bonds, you may notice Maine competing with Oregon over baseball.
Thank you, this is great!