The Pre-Order list is small… but it will be growing very soon! Here are the three projects swiftly approaching my minimum percentage completed to be put up for pre-order. (And I will be doing these within the next few weeks.) Plus I need to do a Mag Rom Com (for December) that I haven’t started yet HAHAHAHA.
This is the GOOD NEWS!! post! Hooray!
First, please allow me to do the base introduction of the first preorders to be on the list. Meet Lilith Daniels! This has been on my to-do list for a bit, and after acquiring the cover (as a glorious premade made by Rebeccca Frank), I decided this will be the replacement series for the Booked line. (Booked will still be completed, and I am planning for the next one to release in 2024.)

I am expecting February or March 2024 for this title, with the preorder launching as soon as I can. Why a year-long preorder?
1: This book is not a fast write, and this is good! But I know it will take me literally another eight months. I’ve already been working on this book for four months or so now.
2: I am writing a lot and this is my REWARD project. It’s my glorious carrot. I love everything about writing this story. Yes, it’s a slow write. That also means everything written after will be a slow write, but I don’t actually expect to stop writing on it (beyond a mandatory 1 month break to clear my head on something else).
This is about a retired police detective who retreats to Dragon Heights after being accused of necromancy. Becoming embroiled in the affairs of dragons will have grave consequences… for her and everyone around her.
I fucking LOVE Kinsley.

I expect a late 2023 release for Old Secrets, the conclusion of the Balancing the Scales series. Currently, I’m planning for late November 2023, but I’m going to decide this, in earnest, in the next week or two. (December should have a Mag Rom Com release, but it might be pushed to January just to give me a bit of breathing room after Old Secrets; I will decide this in the next few weeks as well. End of December is my current target, on Christmas week. (I will probably do Christmas Day because I can.)
Karma and Jake venture forth to find the truth about her past and put an end to the group that has been terrorizing them from the very beginning…
This is the cover of the Mag Rom Com that will be in December.

What, precisely, is Whiskers on Kittens about?
… good question, I honestly don’t fucking know. (I know what series critical thing must be covered in this book, but I do not yet have the specific plot for these characters…)
1: Lucifer will essentially be in all the rest of the books to at least a minor degree. There is a REASON the last book is called Heir of Hell. And Lucifer happens to be that reason. (And Kanika… but yeah.)
2: I haven’t sat down and storyboarded precisely how the missing pieces/major plot points I need to finish fit into Heir of Hell… which has been meticulously plotted several times and I finally have the key plot points happily situated. (Yes, yes, I know the ending for the series usually before I know the rest because I can’t confirm the things I need to happen are going to happen if I don’t know where the strugglebus is spluttering off to.)
Last but not least, Pat and Jessica return in the last of the planned books featuring Pat as a protagonist! Due to how the book has panned out, I will be formally including this directly into the series, although it will be placed after Runaway in the order and not in the chronological order.

Why am I doing this?
Because the events of The Prince of New York and New Waters happen directly because of the machinations of one Patrick Laycal.
The Prince of New York’s tie-ins to the Trickster King are more subtle. New Waters? It’s very in-your-face obvious of its importance.
As I very much am a “read in the order the series is presented” author, it belongs best before Prince of New York and New Waters, so that these very important events are fresh in the minds of readers.
Please try not to cry too much about Pat and Jessica riding off into the sunset happy and secure in their glorious ever after. You’ll get to see them now and then in the Agents of the Royal States series, right up until the series rides off happily into the sunset. (Yes, I have a set ending spot for the series… good things MUST come to an end, and this series is not going to extend beyond more than 12-15 books per series. (12-15 for the Royal States series, 12-15 for the Agents of the Royal States series.) The Agents of the Royal States line has more room for expansion, since it’s really about the RPS agents and I can write however many of them I want.
When the series rides off into the unset, I will do so with a bang!
I will be writing a duet or trilogy (depending on how it writes out) dedicated to the Monster of Montana and how the Royal States came to be.
Yes, I will be ending the series with its beginning, with possibly one or two additional side stories/novels about the day magic flooded into the Royal States world.
So, please don’t cry, reader. This is a good thing. (We all know how painful it is to watch a series be beaten to death because people wanted more books but there was no direction for those books.)
The Royal States was always meant to have a finale and a glorious ride into the sunset, with all being well in the kingdoms and with the characters you love.
Yes, it’s only like four or so books, but I am being kind to myself.
I am hoping for August or September for Trickster King.
Now, about Booked for Theft, the next installment of the Vigilante Magical Librarians series: I am expecting a November 2024 release for the book. After the four books that are listed above and all off to the editor, Booked for Theft will be added into the rotation as the primary project.
As for the rest “As I have time” is how I will be working on the books, but this should hopefully give you something to look forward to.
Yes, I am working on the next Bernadette Franklin book, but it is the slowest book to have ever been written. I really like the book, but… it just doesn’t pop out fully formed and I end up spending 1-2 hours on 250 words, and that’s how the entire book has been written thus far.
Soooo slooowwww.
(The next Bernadette Franklin book will be Murder Floof.)
I hope this update on what I’m working on in the future pleases you.
Whoo hoooo! Sounds wonderful, all of it.
Can’t wait 🙂
sounds like a fun romp. we shall look forward and enjoy when available and then whine like children when it’s all over. then we shall all reread our various favorites I. order and relive it all again. you will be able to bask in our appreciation of your efforts and ignore any whinging our our part as we will be like overexcited children fighting going to bed after a grand adventure at Disney World!. Thank you in advance and try not to overstress on the planning of our many upcoming adventures with your characters!
You do know, if you have Whiskers on Kittens, that somewhere in there, you *must* have a bright copper kettle, right?
And brown paper packages tied up with strings.
You’re one of my favorite authors. I’m always looking to see what new works you have going on. Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take time to watch the kittens play.
So you know, Mewschief and Meowstry pounced at the cover of Whiskers on Kittens. The cover alone doth please the core of the void cat horde.
lots of fabulous things to look forward to – thanks for the update.
LOVE your books! Eagerly waiting and looking forward to them.
I’ll be eagerly awaiting all of the above. Regarding the time to declare a series end, another author (I’m not sure who) declared it was time for his series to go over Reichenbach Falls. And went on to comment that as far as he was concerned, the planet Arrakis had been ruined by tourism.
Must pre-order! Must pre-order NOW! Must get it done before my students come in! I must pre-order now so that I don’t have to grade papers!
… I have to put them up for preorder first, gimme a week or three. I’m still trying to figure out best timing so I have a healthy and happy 2023. <3
Really looking forward to when they come out. All of them look like a blast to read.
Everything sounds awesome and I’m going to be patient and await every release. I adore your books and look forward to each and every one!
I’m honestly really excited about your new penname, Grave Affairs (based on the newsletter) is right up my alley!
I have a Patreon question: I know the by book patreon is all of your books, regardless of penname – but is the Otter level of the standard patreon also all pennames, or just your RJ Blain one? I did not see Moon Tamed in the list of locked posts, but might have missed it.
Along with that, do you have a # of books across all pennames that you target releasing each year? {I know titles/dates are not locked down, but figured for budget/time planning you have a goal on publishing at least}
Yes, I’m doing math 😉
The new books are removed from patreon after three weeks; new users don’t get the backlist of releases. Yes, otters will get all upcoming novel-length books. 🙂
Great! Right now I’m on the $5 tier plus the per novel patreon and just debating whether it makes sense to switch to otter. Which would mean cancelling both today and resubscribing tomorrow.
$5 + novel is going to work out to be a little cheaper for you, and you’ll only miss some of the sneak peeks and bonus material with your current, which isn’t as much material as I would personally like. <3 If I were releasing 12 books a year, otter would be cheaper, but I'm not. (Ah, if only...)