Achlys has officially been added to the “play project” roster, and preliminary work on drafting this is now underway.

At the same time, due to the general complexity of the story, I am also working on Day of Reckoning. (I don’t want to get too deep into the series before doing the World War III book.)
That leads me to the third book I will be juggling in at the same time. How does Memento Mori link in with Achlys and Day of Reckoning?

The character in the Zodiac Warlock was born at a very special moment. I actually started writing Memento Mori before Hypnos was even a thought in my mind, and the character in the Zodiac Warlock is why you have Hypnos now.
I stopped writing it because a close friend (and a beta reader, who had been with me every step of the way until the point I stopped writing the book) had passed away.
Yeah, that left a mark. I’m finally now at a place where I can resume writing this, but the grief remains: my friend had really wanted to see this one through to the end.
While these titles will take me a while to complete, I am pleased to report that I am now in a place I can reasonably work on these titles.
And yes… dealing with the death of my friend did help contribute to why it took so long for me to get back to work on Seeking the Zodiacs in addition to the issues of COVID.
But, there is some good news for you.
I am expecting a late 2025 for all three of these books, and will be prioritizing them for serious work after Booked for Theft comes out. I may release Memento Mori earlier, as the book is well over half done. I just need to go back, make sure I correct inconsistencies, and finish a big chunk of storyline.
And make certain I don’t spoil anything from Seeking the Zodiacs while I do it, as The Zodiac Warlock does take place after Seeking the Zodiacs concludes.
Side note: I plan on leaving a few hints and things about what is to come in Seeking the Zodiacs, and I will probably have a small prize for anyone who is clever enough to make correct predictions regarding these titles when thy release.
Well this is a nice birthday gift for me today. Woohoo!
Happy Birthday!
yay! love this series! just finished listening to hypnos for the xth time before moving on to relistening and rereading the adventures of pepper lowrance.
Groovy. (As an aside, this website got me again. I commented “Groovy” and went on to filling in my info. And typed it in in the normal order. I was halfway through my email address when I remembered that no, this was to be in the line above; I need to put my name down here. Caught again. Bleh.)
Yay! I have been looking forward to this series continuing.
Squee!!! Yep. That’s a 66-year-old fangirl squee! I have been waiting (not so patiently) and hoping these would fit back into your schedule!
I am truly sorry about your friend passing, and glad you are now in a better place (somewhat). I basically drew a line beneath 2020-2021, and I’m never going there again. I think a lot of people are doing that.
I am so very happy with whatever you put out, when you put it. I don’t know if it matters to you, but in a very unscientific 1-person feedback, my favorite series of yours are:
Witch and Wolf
Mag Rom Com
Royal States
Moon Tamed
Dead Weight Preview
I feel like I left a bunch out, but they’re in there!
Yea! Fun things to look forward to!
Yay! I got in a reread recently and was a bit sad that you hadn’t gotten to the next book. (I realize eating is an important part of an author’s priorities and try to *never* complain about their choices. You will get to it when you can and decide to.)
This such a rich world – nobody else that I’ve found has done anything close to this original with a follow-on to WW3. You made one assumption and everything else follows (mostly) logically!
This announcement is almost an embarrassment of riches – not one book but eventually at least 3! If I weren’t a senior citizen, I’d be jumping up and down.
Thank you the previews. I am truly looking forward to these books, but I grab all of your books – because they are all great!
Now to possess myself in patience until the next book comes out…
I have reread and reread and reread AND reread Hypnos so often the characters feel like family. So much anticipation! Thank you for letting us know. 🙂
Hot Damn! I so adore Olivia and her badass idea of keeping people safe. Her and Detective Hunk are so cute together. Just the whole crew is fun to read.
I am really excited about this! I loved the first but completely understood why you tabled it.
On a related note, after thinking about the various ratings discussions I’ve decided that I am going to make a pass at upping my ratings on first in series books for the various self published authors whose books I enjoy. I may not like how rating usage has changed/skewed publishing but if that’s what it takes to keep favorites alive that’s what I’ll do. I’m just one voice of course, but it adds up.
If you want to rate more harshly, goodreads is the place to do it. Amazon and vendors are where people actually SHOP for books. Goodreads is a great place to go to vent about, criticize, etc. Authors know to avoid goodreads and their reviews there for the most part. I’d rate in a more friendly fashion on Bookbub as well, since people are buying off that site.
Goodreads is where the lower starring folks tend to go.
Those are the more critical readers… where Amazon and co are all about finding out if they should buy a book.
Eh, I’m not a harsh reviewer. It’s just that when I started using the option to rate books it was to influence my recommendations. So I looked at it as 5 was amazing/exceptional and 4 is an I love it with 3 being a mere like. But clearly no one does that anymore.
And now I’m realizing that since I always just hit the star within kindle when I finish reading that I have no idea how I rated books before I switched!
Yeah like… I don’t rate or review because it’s considered conflict of interest (If I LOVE a book… Imma gonna tell my readers about it.) I could lose my account rating / reviewing books, so I don’t do it.
So what I do is things like the book faires for books I haven’t read, and I’ll share books I loved with everyone.
Right now… I’m still looking for my latest favorite read. Not having any patience or interest in books with sex scenes is making this hard for me. (And right now, my aggravation with sex scenes is enough I don’t finish the book, it goes into the DNF pile until I’m in the mood for sex…)
Too many authors hide plot-important stuff in the sex scenes nowadays, so I can’t just… skip… sigh.
If you are looking for a non sex series to read, I suggest the Cape High series. They’re about a school for young super heroes and I find them funny and enjoyable to re-read
I don’t read YA books as a general rule. I want to read about adults with adult problems, but not about adults screwing each other.
Yay! I’m so glad you’ve gotten to a place where you can continue the Zodiac books, I loved Hypnos. Looking forward to all of them!
Wonderful! I’m glad you’re in a place where you can come back to this world:)
I adore Hypnos and am really excited about this.
Love hearing about books to come. Question, an ealier story with wolf with blue and purple fur was left hanging. Are you going to finish that story in the future?
It will end up in an anthology, not within the main series.
Woot woot! Woot woot!
Yes, please. I love the first book of Seeking the Zodiak, Hypnos, and want to read more.
The most memorable part of Hypnos was when Olivia pulled the coffee directly from the pot to her mouth. I don’t know about anyone else but that made me so envious! I would love to be able to do that in the mornings. I love that image! Thank you for coming back to the series. I love all of your series but I really liked that one.
Just finished Hypnos. Quite enjoyed it. Was entertained throughout, but for some reason “Crows knitted with my hair before handing the mess off to a cat” had me roaring with laughter. Thank you for the story.