“What’s that you say?” asks the hawk.
The Vampire of Montana has released! You can buy now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play. Yes, it is available in the Kobo Plus library!
Prefer paperback? You can buy the 4.25×7 (mass market) edition here (Barnes & Noble) and the 6×9 Trade edition here (Amazon.) To add further confusion, you can get the 4.25×7 (mass market) on Amazon as well.
Audiobook edition will be coming in the next few months. It was booked this morning, along with a huge number of titles from the backlist.
As a member of the RPS, Daphne Niell, also known as the Vampire of Montana, lives to serve.
On a good day, she hunts terrorists and eliminates them before they can strike.
On a bad one, His Royal Majesty of Montana, also known as her twerp of a cousin, sends her overseas to play nice with foreign monarchs.
Upon landing in Spain, the Vampire of Montana learns she’s been played, and her first job involves securing the life and liberty of everyone in a busy airport. To do her job, she needs more than just an excuse: she needs a partner.
Selecting a tall, dark, and handsome stranger from the ticketing line to become an unwitting accomplice in her plans isn’t her style, but desperate times call for drastic measures.
What she doesn’t know might kill them both and forever change the course of the Royal States and the world.
News re: hardbacks.
In the upcoming months, due to Ingram removing the base fees to produce hardbacks, I will be going back through the entire collection and redoing all hardbacks. They will only be available through retailers. I will not be doing a kickstarter. They will have new things and fancy art inside of them, so the process will be slow. The hardbacks will also be very expensive, as there will be exclusive content within them and are meant to be special edition prizes.
I hope all this happy news pleases you!
Happy reading!!
Love your books!! Sorry for your problems with Amazon’s handling of error comments. In my not so humble opinion, those who take the time and effort to point out perceived grammar or other errors are not offering constructive criticism but are expressing a pathological need to feed superior.
Yay! Have read it 3 times now, and am very happy wandering through the Royal States again ❤️
Thanks for an enjoyable read.
It did leave me wondering about the size of the file on odd breeds of horses that you must have!
My brain is a strange and alarming place, full of horses!
Yay! I’ve read it twice already and I’m about to dive in again. You’ve outdone yourself on this one. And the news about print options makes me very happy indeed. Of now to order
*Off now to order. Darn autocorrect!
That is the most awesome of news!!! I’ll be buying them as soon as they come out 🙂 I absolutely LOVED The Vampire of Montana!!
Thanks. Vampire was a fun read.
I’m a special kind of stupid. At my office the book funnel link, was there. Now I’m home on my tablet ready to download it and I can’t find it. Any help will be most appreciated.
You have to go into your messages on Patreon to retrieve the link.
I loved the vampire and I love that there will be hardcovers (one day)
Another wonderful read. Every time I read a Susan Copperfield book, she becomes my favorite author.
As Darynda Jones says: Autocorrect is our own worst enema.