The Derp Hawk wishes to inform you that all male-recorded audiobooks from the Mag Rom Com series are being redone by the same gentleman who has done the Royal States series.
Once I have rights back for A Guiding Light, he will also be doing that one as well. (And I have approached the rights holder about doing a better version of the book, where I own the files but they are given distribution rights until my contract with them ends. This publisher is not all that smart, which is why they’re using the dated covers on the audiobooks no matter how many times I just hand them the completed files going “please use these, they sell better.”
Hopefully, they will allow a re-record on my dime with my fines, in which case Keira Grace will be handling them all except for the male-led books, in which case Cameron Hill will be doing the recordings.
Here are the audiobooks currently booked with my producer or being booked within the next two weeks. No I do not have dates for when they will be ready, please don’t ask me, I don’t know. If it is not on this list, I do not have dates. Hell, even on this list, I do not have dates!
In the case of Hoofin’ It, Cheetahs Never Win, and No Kitten Around, the current audiobooks will be removed from sale. An entirely new version will then be put on sale for those who wish to preserve their old copies.
I am debating if I will go back through the magical romantic comedy series and have all female leads, with the exception of Playing with Fire and Burn, Baby, Burn (Contractual reasons or cost-of-production reasons), voiced by Keira Grace.
I will be keeping Tracey Rooney for the series she has done work on. (She is just as fabulous as Keira Grace, so when Keira isn’t available, I love having Tracey lifting weights on the team!)
To be Produced:
- Inquisitor
- Winter Wolf
- Blood Diamond
- Silver Bullet
- Shadowed Flame
- Wolf Hunt
- Wild Wolf
- Vampire of Montana
- Doggone Mess
- Dead Weight
- The Trickster King
- Hoofin’ It (Rerecorded)
- Cheetahs Never Win (Rerecorded)
- No Kitten Around (Rerecorded)
In production:
- Karma
- License to Kill
Chirp and Kobo / Kobo Plus are my preferred retailers at this point in time. Just because I like them both a lot.
Thank you, and I hope this makes your listening hearts happy.
P.S.: Vampire of Montana went on sale yesterday. Apparently, most of my profits from my new releases are going to audiobooks because my audiobook sales don’t cover this many new audiobooks. Send help, diamond art kits, and coffee. (What have I done?!?!)
You can buy now the Vampire of Montana at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play. Yes, it is available in the Kobo Plus library!
Thanks for the audiobooks. I adore listening to Cameron Hill read. He is so fantastic when he brings the Royal States novels to life. I wondered why he didn’t read A Guiding Light instead of Reba Buhr. I will happily repurchase any audiobook he reads that I currently own. I can’t say the same for Kiera Grace.
Reba works through the publisher, and the publisher did not put the appropriate gender onto the book as they were not paying attention. Reba did a wonderful job, but yeah.
I very much enjoy Keira’s work, and will continue to use her. If you dislike her, then I recommend sticking with the ebook edition of the book, because I’m not entertaining a change of actress at this point in time.
She does good work in a timely fashion.
Thank you thank you thank you for doing audio books of the wolf and witch series!!!! I love them and I enjoy listening to all of your books.
I love the audiobooks and having them to listen to at work is a life saver. I seem to be channeling my own derp hawk today though because I’ve confused myself. If we’re own the previously recorded versions, will our files be gone or will we have to repurchase the titles?
Please excuse my terrible typos, I really am a derp hawk today.
You will have to repurchase to hear the new audiobook versions. If you don’t want the new versions, you will have to do nothing.
Vampire was fantastic! What a delight to read.
Youpi! That’s wonderful news, I love listening to my favorite books when I work my art, so if it help, you are helping another creator, thank you, thank you, thank you, MaouLouv/Redbubble ??⭐️?⭐️
Oooh, very exciting! You’ve consistently gotten great readers, but Cameron Hill is very dynamic. Looking forward especially to Guiding Light, Reba Buhr is great but the disconnect between sex of the reader and sex of the character can get to me sometimes.
I don’t know the ins and outs of audiobook publishing or how you get/request/they assign (??) voice actors for readings, but I really loved Courtney Holly in Playing with Fire. The accent, the attitude, just……mwah! Chef’s kiss. If there’s ever an opportunity to do the rest of the trilogy with Courtney Holly, I will totally buy them again.
Unfortunately, Courtney is no longer available to do audiobooks. She moved on into a different branch of the career field and no longer works with the studio I record with.
I loved Courtney’s swagger, but she had hit or miss among listeners. people either LOVED her or HATED her. There was little middle ground.
Keira generally receives praise/is liked/is tolerated, so she’s definitely my go-to. <3
Ooo, that is always a pickle, I run into that a lot with actors I like. People either love ’em or hate ’em. I know how hard it is if you like a book but the audiobook reader is someone you can’t listen to, it’s frustrating. I’ve liked all your audiobook voice actors, so I’ve been lucky, imho.
I’m sure the new performances will be awesome! I must say though, the deadpan, accented descriptions of Kitten, Destroyer of Worlds were *chef’s kiss*
Looking forward to the redos and new audiobooks. I’ll use this as my excuse to get the redone books on kobo or chirp.
The audiobooks definitely improve my commute, I’ve listened to many of them more than once. Thank you!