Greetings, folks! It’s almost time for 101 Ways to Die to release in early June, hooray! The price will be increasing to $5.99 on roughly June 4th or 5th to account for the length with the short stories added. I doubt it will make it up to $6.99, but if that changes, I’ll let you know. (I’m writing the shorts right now because I am a rabid squirrel with my time management lately. Rabid squirrels have time management? Precisely.)
For those of you who have read 101 Ways to Die in the Dirty Deeds 2 anthology, the core of the story has not changed. Some typos were found and eradicated. One tiny detail was corrected. A sentence here or there got a snip. Otherwise, it’s the same as what you read in Dirty Deeds 2.
What has changed?
There will be over 10,000 words of short stories included in the back of the book per the cover, all of which are direct tie-ins with the short novel.
One short story features Josephina McMarin meeting with her family after her promotion. Another features her dealing with the theft of her precious mugs. (Oh noes!) For the most part, they’re slice of life style stories just meant to spark joy.
These stories will not be appearing in any other anthologies and are exclusive to this version of the story.
And yes… it’s three novels three or so weeks apart from each other, all back-to-back! Happy reading! As a reminder, Doggone Mess releases on May 16. (Happy birthday to me!)
As another end note, I will be adjusting the timeline for the magical romantic comedy (with a body count) series, as there will be at least one new novel added to the lineup, which will be entitled Herding Polecats.
Happy reading!
Woohoo! I can’t wait! I’ve already pre-ordered everything except the Herding Polecats. I’m re-reading all of your books under all of your pen names and making sure to give my reviews. 100% positive. Your books are wonderful. Thank you for writing! You have a true gift!
You’re introducing wood pussies into the mix? I don’t know, RJ, I can’t think of a plot that wouldn’t stink. ??
Yay. Looking forward to all the books. Thank you and Happy Birthday a little early.
Yay!!! More stories!! Thank you, thank you! I LOVED Vampire of Montana!! Read it in one sitting. Could NOT put it down! Excellent story, character development, etc! Great work!! I love ALL your stories no matter which pen name you use or which genre. It is your talent for writing and your characters ( whom I would love to meet for coffee!!). Please keep writing! ( I am selfish). I want to keep reading!
I love the title, Herding Polecats! As a teacher, I know how hard it is to herd cats. It is just like my students. Except a lot more fun as cats tend to be WAY cuter than my 7th graders. I can’t wait to read about the shenanigans of polecats! Squeal!
All great news! The Vampire of Montana was excellent and I’m really looking forward to Doggone Mess and 101 Ways to Die. Happy birthday to you; I hope it’s the best yet!
Yay! Just Yay! Working my way back through the Royal States novels so I can make informed reviews – it’s amazing how much I pick up the second or third time through that I missed the first time! Please, keep them coming! BTW, loved Vampire of Montana – was crying through the scenes where her new talent ambushed her!
I absolutely LOVED the pilot in 101 Ways to Die. I think that would be a wonderful world to explore. But I also loved the Vigilante Librarians, and was very sad when you said it would only be a trilogy with no offshoots. Regardless, please keep writing. I love the way you look at known paranormal tropes and give them a twist.
No, I said I WANTED to make it a duet with no offshots. I will still be doing all five books in that series. I just will not be doing them in a timely fashion because they lose me money. Please re-read the posts regarding that series VERY carefully.