Since Friday, I have been called a liar over how some people say foal like fowl/foul. To open up, thank you to those of you who say it this way who stepped up to confirm it’s a real accent. You’re appreciated.
I first heard it in Tennessee, where I lived for six or so months out of every year during my childhood after my parents divorced. I didn’t think much of it when the first person messaged me asking. I just confirmed that it was the accent used, confirmed the region it originated in, with someone who lived there, and moved on.
Diversity is a good thing.
I caved and had it changed because of how many messages I got, in my personal account (please stop doing that, seriously… I’ve generally been fine if you wanted to drop into my personal account and say something nice, but that venue is NOT for your complaints. I have a typo/correction form and a contact form for your other complaints. Please use that.)
Audible should have the book updated within the next twenty or so days, because that’s how long Audible takes. Findaway is broken again, and it may have to be taken completely off sale and then redistributed, so it might be longer.
I like including people not like me in my books. That my narrator(s) are able to include accents that are from people NOT JUST LIKE ME is a good thing. That I had to erase one of these elements really, really upsets me.
Because essentially, it was erased due to racism.
When you can’t accept something that isn’t just like you, that’s a symptom of racism. If you prefer the term prejudice, use that, but when it’s something like “this is how someone sounds because they were raised in a specific region of the world”, I lump that with racism as a general rule. (And no, I don’t care if I’m right or wrong on the terminology at this stage.)
What matters is this: I caved to racism this weekend, and that disgusts me on such a deep level that I wanted to just stop writing and go find another line of work.
*IF* I had any applicable skills, I may have just done that. I don’t, though.
I’m angry, I’m hurt, and I’m feeling, frankly, terrible for those who DO have that accent and got to hear it present in a performance art.
It’s no different from someone in the LGBT+ community being excited that there was a healthy polyamorous couple (and this is going to be interpreted in numerous ways, so I mean any coupling, be it two, five, ten, etc people, not as in couple as restricted to two people, although you CAN have a polyamorous couple that invites more people into their family unit) in a novel, or someone of mixed-Asian descent being the star of a novel, or a person of color being a prominent character without being the token person of color.
Language is a core of who we are. That’s why I use so many regionalism. That’s why I literally SEEK THEM OUT when I’m writing a book so I can add them.
Every time I do that, it’s a love letter to the person I’m including. “I see you.”
A bunch of people, who can’t accept things that are different from them, essentially robbed me of being able to do that for a group of people.
This really, really upsets me.
I hate myself right now because I caved.
Because you know, I need to pay the rent, I need to be able to pay for the future audiobooks that I do SOLELY because of accessibility. (I can’t listen to audiobooks because I have an anxiety auditory processing disorder; audiobooks trigger deep and intense anxiety that my medications cannot beat.)
I do them to be accessible.
So, yes, this weekend, I really thought about just canceling all my preorders and walking, because this is not where I want to be. This is not what I want to be doing. And there are going to be people who want me to sit down and shut up, because it ruins “the books” for them when I’m upset and not an endless fount of positivity.
I am human, and I value other humans. That people view accents as mistakes, things to be erased because it’s not just like them… this is so shameful.
Accents are not unnecessary, nor are the people who speak with those accents.
Accents. Are. Not. Unnecessary. Nor. Are. The. People. Who. Speak. With. Those. Accents.
We’ve been here before about how regional groups drop “to be.” And how the inclusion of “to be” is often a sign of an affluent upbringing. How I’ve been reviewed negatively because I grew up poor as dirt so I dropped to be because that was how I was taught.
Do I use to be now? Unfortunately, more than I like. Because caving is easier than explaining to someone why they were taught “to be” was so important. (Hint: it’s status and wealth. You’re ‘better educated’ and ‘better than those other people.’)
I still, when writing about a character who isn’t from an affluent community, remember to drop the to bes.
Because that represents them, accurately.
These things are not unnecessary. Including people, how they speak, and their accents is necessary, because it is life, and life isn’t all pretty, and we aren’t all just like the next person. Nor should we be.
I am angry, I am unhappy, and I am tired of being told I should be positive to the point of toxicity, because what about the comfort of my readers?
If something in all of my books ISN’T making you uncomfortable, you haven’t been paying attention, because I include life in my books… and that means going places that are uncomfortable.
Accents are not unnecessary. Everyone should be able to pick up (or listen) to a book and hear (or read) when something is about them.
I’m going to finish all the books I’ve promised, but I am so tired of the hate, the prejudices, and the snide commentary, especially when it infiltrates even my private/personal family accounts.
I will lose readers over this, and I’m fine with that.
I’m not fine with what has transpired since Friday. I’m not fine with being told I am a liar when I confirmed what I thought about the accent, learned my proofer had grown up in an area using that accent, and told everyone so there was an understanding of why something wasn’t as expected.
I was told I was a liar.
Because I confirmed how that accenting came to be.
I was told a liar for being honest about why a word was spoken as it was. Mistakes happen.
This was not a mistake. This was representation I was forced to change.
I’m not fine, and I refuse to lie to you and claim that I am.
I worked this weekend to appease racism, and I will never be okay with that. And yes, when you can’t accept an accent or something that is a part of another human, solely because it is not what you are used to, that is the heart and soul of racism.
Do better.
I am still thinking about quitting, because this is NOT where I want to be. But I love to write, and I love to write for those who find an escape in my books.
But this is not where I want to be.
I catered to fucking racism this weekend, and I hate myself for this more than you can ever know.
I love all of your books, regardless of pen name, accents, publishing errors and non-errors. Sorry you are being bullied by haters. Please don’t let them win. You are one of my favorite writers and the world would not be a better place if you quit. And to all of the haters, if you don’t like someone’s books then don’t read them.
You know what? Bullies are easy enough to handle; I just recognize they’re pitiable creatures who only do it because they have no other way to feel good about themselves, so they lash out. This isn’t really a matter of bullying. It’s more a matter of people who can’t accept anything different from them, and that’s a different kettle of fish. The entitlement has been an issue, too… but I also recognize a lot of the entitlement is wanting to feel a part of something, and why SHOULDN’T they feel a part of it? I get that.
What’s bothering me isn’t the potential element of bullying, although calling me a liar over something I have no reason to lie about (and can be verified as fact) is just stupidity, really.
It’s the fact I caved, and I truly hate myself over this. It would have been one thing if everypony was like “oh, accent. Cool. Let’s roll with it!” (And a bunch of y’all did.)
but the people calling me a LIAR over this? And deliberately going to sabotage the series? And that there were those who ended up having to change their reviews because they did assume “it’s not what I’m used to, it’s a mistake and ruined the audiobook for me”… that bothered the hell out of me.
And will for a long time.
But it’s the people who are going “this is unnecessary, why would you even do this” and on the next breath, complaining there aren’t more books with people just like them… that is breaking me.
I am sending positive vibes to you! You people attack when they feel jealous and insecure. Your talent in writing and the joy your stories bring me is immeasurable. Try to concentrate on pleasing yourself and not the rest. You can never please everyone. Someone will always find fault and autocorrect is such a pain!!!! Who cares about your accent! Just be you and enjoy what you live doing. Don’t let the haters tear you down!! Love and hugs sent your way🦄🤗🤗🤗
I’m so sorry you’re hurting. How can I help?
I really wish I knew. I’m just going to dust off, pick myself up, and continue writing tomorrow. I need to make progress on four different projects, get stuff done for the kickstarter, try to do more on the blog master list of books with links, and a bunch of marketing crap.
Maybe if I work myself exhausted, things won’t seem so damned bad by the end of the week. If I’m too busy to breathe, well, maybe things won’t suck as much.
I’m so sorry there are bullies and racists out there attacking you. I love that your books make people think and laugh and cry and giggle and THINK!
I am so sorry that those who feel entitled are running amok with their poisoned nastiness. Dialect is dialect and I personally I would expect to hear that in stories read aloud just as I would in a good movie or theatre production. If people want precise diction that has no dialect they can go listen to the news. When did purchasing anything give permission for people to be asses?
In the book world? Since forever. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have people who take pride in being a “critic”
I feel your pain. I empathize with having to compromise your standards/values but please don’t give up. I love your books!
Please, don’t stop! We need your voice! We need your willingness to go to all the places (good or bad) and write all the characters, no matter how different they are. Please, rest and heal as you need to, and then come back to writing as only you can.
I am so sorry you had to go through this. I personally don’t listen to audio books. I’m old fashioned and like to read them myself. I would never and have never written to an author over something like this. I only do positive. I was taught if you don’t have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I’ve enjoyed all of your books that I have read and will continue to read them.
I LOVE your books and COMPLETELY agree with the fowl/foul. I live in alaska and know people up here who pronounce it the same way.
I did not know that it was done that way up in Alaska! That’s pretty incredible. Thank you for telling me it’s up there as well; I never would have guessed.
I really feel like I should do something but I can’t post any cat pictures here. I know how bad all of it can make you feel. I really love your writing, no matter what pen name you use.
I absolutely LOVE the results of your creative efforts. I appreciate that you try to create characters and settings that help to reinforce or further develop the stories you are producing. I understand that you are writing what you would want to read and the (mostly) happy by-product is desired by your readership. I’m so sorry that a vocal few (with no manners, couth, or understanding of private boundaries) have been able to invade your privacy and safe space to bully and badger you to the point that you are tempted to give up an avocation you love. I can only emphasize that the stories and worlds you create and share are entertaining, thought-provoking and a joy to read. Unfortunately, we seem to be in a world that encourages many (who often hide in the anonymity of the internet) that their way of thinking, acting, speaking, looking or believing is the ONLY RIGHT WAY and that they have the right to impose this on the rest of us. As a public figure, you are one of their targets. Please know that there are many more of us who appreciate when you show a different perspective or point of view that will cause us to broaden our minds and views. I can only hope that enough of your appreciative readers reach out to you to remind you that “ignorance is DUMB” (and very painful if you are its target). Your works are among my favourite stories that I re-read frequently and with great pleasure. Please take care of yourself, hug you husband, give attention to the furry Management and know that many silent readers love your work as it is and hope you continue to release these tales that we can escape into.
I wish you hadn’t felt forced to cave. I didn’t grow up around that accent but might have confused for a moment but once I read it in context I’d have figured it out and moved on to enjoy the book as written. I love your work. PLEASE DON’T QUIT (unless you really want to). Change your personal email so trolls can’t get to you so easily, or have someone scan and delete them for you Just a thought.
Sending you love and hugs.
People came to my personal FB and went to messages, because I don’t leave an easy email address out. I have a contact form on my website.
I really wish that you had not catered to the prejudice/racism. I love reading (I don’t listen to books) books that have regional accents and the author uses them. I enjoy your books and hope you do not quit. I know all authors get crappy, nasty critism and I don’t know how some of them are able to ignore it or brush it off–any negativity is difficult/impossible to ignore once heard.
Hope you get more comments like mine. Cancel the other bastards!
Me, too, but if I want to continue to be accessible, I REALLY can’t afford to have people shitting on the first book of a spinoff series. I want the series to remain accessible, so I made the decision. I did NOT change it in every other ebook with foal in it, because (redacted commentary of unpleasant nature) reasons.
I have purchased every book that you have written under every pen name I am aware of and will continue to do so as long as you continue to write them. I love your writing and thoroughly enjoy every one of your books. Hopefully, this single comment will negate at least one of the hurtful, negative comments you have received. They are uncalled for and unnecessary. Thank you for being unapologetically yourself.
I adore your work. Audiobooks aren’t really my thing, so I’ve never listened, but I understand the concept of regional dialects. Hearing someone speak differently usually brings out the “huh, well that was cool” reaction in me.
Please try not to let the bullies get you down for long. Those of us who care are here and we do want to support you, even when (or more especially when) a loud minority gets ridiculous.
I grew up in New England. Normally, I don’t have much of an accent; however, when I’m stressed (social anxiety) and tired I sometimes lose my Rs.
Student-teaching (in Texas) in front of about 30 college kids, I said the word “war,” but it came out sounding more like “waah.” The class was confused and asked what I just said. Enter the anxiety-spiral. My accent got worse, and everyone got more confused.
I ended up saying “you know with the guns, and the bang-bang” complete with finger guns. The class collectively was like “oh, war!” And had a giggle.
We laughed over the pronunciation and moved on. I wish this week had been like that for you.
Oh my god, I went to Australia, and my accent was driving them nuts because well, uhm… MINE IS REAL. And it’s such a mish-mash of so many linguistic areas that… they couldn’t figure out what the hell to do with me!
My spouse was MUCH easier for them to understand because he’s just a Canadian with a mild Californian add-on. Me?
I was mid east coast, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Canada, and now California, and I PICKED UP SOMETHING FROM EVERYWHERE.
It’s so bad.
Wa-d-ah for Water sometimes, Wah for War because YEP, I’ve done that and been there, and let’s not even start with the t-d, OR the fact I can’t do z or c or s very well because SOMEONE (a fucking dentist) thought it would be a good idea to put a retainer in my mouth to stop thumb sucking and all it did was impair my speech permanently….
I’m a Manitoban (from central Canada for those who don’t know), with a slight speech impediment and a Yorkshire mum, whose accent I have never heard. Apparently, there’s some Yorkshire (and other British) in my accent which drives my students somewhat mad.
Many of my students over the years have had speech impediments or have thick accents from their home country. Diversity as you include it is impossible.
Keep up the amazing work!
ehh our Accent is just as real, mine is more of a mid Tasman accent after 30 years as a kiwi and almost 30 years in Aus. But I don’t buy audio books .
Just finished Dead Weight yesterday,Great!
Sorry, minor but extremely important typo. I meant incredible, not impossible in my previous comment.
I am sending you wishes for calm, for peace, and for healing. I won’t reiterate what others here have said quite eloquently. Just know that your work is valued by many who would miss you if decided to stop writing.
Sorry that didn’t turn out to be a fix. I just wish I could do something to protect you.
I am so sorry you feel this way. I will admit I was one of the people who never heard that accent, and was weirded out by it. But then I saw your post that it was an accent, and I said “ah, ok, now that I know this, it’s not as much as a problem for me.” I am ashamed for the people that have to get in your Personal Business and complain that they can’t get past a legitimate accent. I love all your books and will read whatever you choose publish in the future, how ever many books you choose that to be. 🙂
I can only tell you that I support your self, and that I hope you will be kind to yourself. I once sold windows on the phone that I eventually were priced at whatever the market could bear to vulnerable people. I had to eat. I was lucky enough to be fired
Seriously. Retail is absolutely brutal, and the lines people toe is so saddening. I’m glad you were… er… fired… (Wait.. this is not coming out right.) I am glad you were able to get out even though it was in an unexpected fashion.
I need to buy a new phone case because my case sacrificed itself to protect my phone. Job well done, case! Too bad the case was like $70…
I’m very upset at what you’re going through. Accents don’t bother me at all, to the contrary, I have a problem with accents in that I pick them up after being around someone with an accent for only a short time. I never realized when I’m doing it, and have gotten criticized for it, and told that I was making fun of the people’s accent. Accents are wonderful, and part of what makes up a person. You take the accent away from the person and the person is not themselves anymore. I’m sorry for such a long comment, I don’t usually comment. You’re actually the first time I’ve commented aside from liking a post. But like I said your post upset me because it’s not right. People should be allowed to be themselves, whether they’re real or fictional. So I commend you for hurting that you caved. It shows that you care, and that people’s idiosyncrasies matter.
Oh, darling, I do understand. What is worse, I think, is when you find traces of this insidious beast inside yourself and you have trouble routing it out Be gentle with yourself and know you can’t fix all the injustice you find.
To be honest, while I really enjoy some of your books, I don’t enjoy all of them. (I love the Royal States books, for instance.) I don’t enjoy post apocalyptic stuff usually so I just don’t read them.
Sorry, I digress. You be you. I know it’s hard to ignore the assholes, but dear goddess, they are everywhere. Mostly, I think, because they hate something in themselves they can’t – or refuse – to acknowledge. Pity them for their loss and try not to take it personally.
Yeah, I don’t write my books to fit every reader every time. I expect readers to pick and choose what they want to read, and honestly, most readers pick ONE series by an author and are loyal to death to that one series. And that’s okay. I do wish they didn’t negatively review books for not being the exact same as their series of choice, but it is what it is what it is, however painful that may be at times.
And yes, battling racism and prejudice is a daily sport, and it’s not one I always succeed at, but I DO try my best to be as kind a person as I can. I don’t succeed as often as I would like.
Well, I’m absolutely bloody furious on your behalf.!!
Ever thought that these bullys’ are victimising you? It’s been going on in various forms for a fair while now. Enough.
These are your worlds, your storylines and your wicked imagination so, to quote the late great Sir Terry Pratchett …. “arseholes to the lot of them”
I am now taking my blood pressure medication and having a cup of strong tea whilst listening to Doggone Mess which, like the Vampire of Montana, I am thoroughly enjoying.
Thank you
I don’t think it is intentional bullying or victimization. I think people are prejudiced and do not like things that are different from what they know or expect. A LOT of people made the decision to step sidewise and accept something new… but there were a fair number who clung to their desires / view of the world and needed me to know they were ANGRY about it. (And how I ruined their audiobook for them, etc.)
I do not feel victimized or bullied. Angry? Definition. Hugely disappointed in this fair number? Definitely.
But on something like this, being victimized is a choice. I’m not making that choice. But, I am human with human feelings, and mine were definitely hurt, but that’s a me problem mostly.
But I’m not going to be a victim to these nitwits who can’t accept things that are different from what they know. But I AM allowed to have hurt feelings and be disappointed in them.
Yes, I understand that people are people and we are all different with differing attitudes and visions. I will admit to being resistant to change for changes sake and I feel that you have been forced into compromise because of this. Just my opinion and you are the one who is working through it with grace and dignity. I am in awe of your patience but am still taking the blood pressure pills!!🤭
Once again, thank you for keeping me going through the bad times xx
Sometimes we react to a situation and then realize it was the wrong thing to do. Do not beat yourself up for this. This is also being human. We all grow up with certain perceptions and realizing that they aren’t always accurate is hard. Racism and prejudice can sneak in and you may not even realize it until someone points it out. Then you feel awful! The point is to do your best, accept when you were wrong and move forward doing it better. You are my favorite author 😊
I understand your frustration. On a personal level, I understand how unaware we can be with regards to accents. For the longest time I thought I didn’t have an accent because most of what I heard on TV sounded the same as I did. It wasn’t until I found out that Edward R. Murrow was from Washington State and that most newscasters copied his speech patterns and accent, that I realized that yes I did have an accent and it had taken over much of the media. The only newscasters that I remember growing up with accents were Barbara Walters (Boston) and Howard Cosell (Brooklyn). If you watch older movies, the accents are more prevalent with the mid-Atlantic accent being common (Hepburn, Grant, Davis) with others being more character specific. Nowadays it seems that any accent is used for (1) comic relief, (2) to put down a group (classism, racism, etc.), (3) to evoke a historical era, (4) evoke a specific locale or (5) imply a sense otherness/foreignness. It is rarely ever depicted in a neutral manner. Much of the media produced has flattened the richness of our American experience.
A number of years ago The New York Times had a dialect quiz that when you answered the questions would produce a map that showed where you were from in the US. It pretty much nailed it for me. The map had highlights of where I was born, the states I lived in (my dad was in the Navy) growing up and where I lived now. It even pinged the states that my parents grew up in and lived prior to marrying. Moving west to east coast was a language experience 35 years ago. Standing on line vs standing in line. What? Some weren’t as jarring due to frequent moves growing up but when I said quarter with a NY accent my dad got the giggles.
We are all an amalgam of our history and our family histories. Refusing to acknowledge the truth of someone else’s lived experiences is obscene and petty.
I hope you keep writing.
I think people might be hating because that’s not how “they” would do it or have it done or whatever. But they don’t realize that we don’t want “ their book” we want your books and I listen to all of your audiobooks I can get my greedy fingers on. I love the fact that I can do other things while enjoying your books. I hope you can figure out a solution that makes you happy because you deserve to be happy. Your books have brought me a lot of enjoyment and I appreciate your work.
I’m also chiming in to say I adore your books, and my world would be worse without your writing in it. I hope you can continue doing what you love. I don’t like that you felt you had to cave in to pressure. I think all of us have been there at one point or another. It’s an icky feeling. But I think sometimes we all have to compromise, and the times we do also remind us that we can stand up other times and say “No, not this time.” But it’s so hard to do that when it compromises your livelihood.
Best wishes.
FYI I buy ALL of your e books and love them! I don’t usually get audiobooks but I just got Vampire of Montana and 2 others just to let you know that your material is valued. I hope that “foal” will be pronounced in the regional accent! Such a pain for you–I really hope that you don’t give up because of obnoxious know-it-alls who think that they know better than you and your narrator do!
It is being changed because if these… people… tank the ratings/reviews of this title, the whole series is f’ed along with possibly the ebook version. And considering how much these books cost to record? UGH.
I am so sorry to hear that. I come from an area of Australia where the local colloquial language is so clipped that it can be difficult to write down how it’s spoken directly. My parents wanted to make sure I didn’t experience the racism you describe. This goes so deep in the monetary divide that if you apply for a government position not 1/2 an hour away from where I live, you may not get a call back because they don’t like how you speak. You can’t communicate clearly enough. They will tell you that.
It was mostly drilled out of me for this reason. But given that I grew up here and have peers and needed to fit in. When I’m tired, it somehow creeps in to my speech. Which my kids laugh at. Some of the nicest people and community minded people live around me. They have kept my kids and I safe when my husband wasn’t home. I’ve lived in big cities and came back because of the attitude difference and the lack of trees. I’m sorry they can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m with you. I’m a listener, but if you still do your e-books I can use the tools my smartphone has to read to me. My anxiety is the opposite, loud noises and too many voices in crowded spaces set it off, it’s a way to focus so I don’t panic when someone I care for is having a meltdown and they are tweaking my anxiety and panic attacks. So I’m sorry for the length of this, but you have literally saved my life many times with your books in both formats. I love your work. I’m not being sarcastic or funny. You are important. You are right. Thank you for everything you have given us this far. ❤️
Oh, loud noises can also trip my anxiety trigger too, it really sucks. I can deal with crowd chatter, but somebody yelling at me in my face will trigger anxiety AND my fight mechanism… Flight is my last-ditch, and I’m far more likely to stand my ground.
I have generalized anxiety, and it creates a… lot of fun for me. So much fun. (Ow.)
I feel for you! Xx I am looking forward to all the pretty pictures of your Auzzie trip if you post them! That’s another way I regain my equilibrium, pretty photos or creating myself. You are awesome! Believe it 😎
Someone I thought was intelligent, did not like people with Southern accents, and did not take them seriously. He was totally ear blind which is ironic as he was an immigrant and had his own non-Midwest accent. Please do not give up. I greatly enjoy all your books to the extent I reread the series every year. Thank you for your imagination!
Sending good vibes to let you know I love your books! I love the way you write. I love you include the different accents or way people talk in the different regions.
I also read a lot of English and Scottish cozy mysteries. A lot of them have a brogue or accent that tells where people are from.
You are my favorite author and it is hard for me to pick a favorite series. (I am one of the few who loved the Vigilante Magical Librarians. I just finished G P Robbins “Dead Weight”. Great book with great characters. I love the unicorns and dragons. I can’t wait to read more.
So, just wanted to let you know you are appreciated as an author. And I hear you about the hate that is in the world today. I wish I could make it better but I do not have that kind of control. I am just a book hoarder and read of great books. Yours are great!!
I’m sorry you feel shitty for having to deal with shitty people and their ways that is always the worst and you don’t deserve someone else influencing how you feel.
I seriously thought it was either a different word for those breeds of horse or a European thing 🤷🏻♀️. I didn’t even know it was an accent thing until you said it, and when I thought about it I thought yeah I can see that. I have a lot of friends and family from those regions and totally see them saying it like that. But even knowing it’s an accent thing I just thought huh ok, and moved on.
I hope you feel better and stop letting the idiots get you down❤️. You are amazing and I adore all that you write, and seriously hope you continue to write.❤️
I am so sorry to hear about this. People are horrible. I love you and your books, they are my go to if I need cheering up (reading soothes me). Selfishly I want you to keep writing, but please don’t ruin your mental health over it. Maybe you could consider moving somewhere where the healthcare is more affordable…like Australia….Sending much love from downunder.
Australia would not survive me. I’m an invasive species, and my accent would slay the gentle-hearted people in a hurry. LOL
Your humour already does 😁. We love you in Australia!! And people stuff our accents up so frequently we don’t care! We would love you forever! 😊😁
I’m lighting a candle for you and sending positive energy your way. It’s easy for us to say don’t let them get you down but you pour so much of yourself into your work, it’s soul crushing when you are being attacked over something stupid like how a word is commonly pronounced in Texas (and Oklahoma, I might add). No one has the right to attack you for anything you write or your audiobooks. I hope you find your joy again in writing. Please know there are those of us who escape into the worlds you have created because we’d rather adventure with Pat and Jessica or our favorite Cindercorns and Satin than deal with reality for a few hours.
Don’t let the jerks of the world get you down. There will always be idiots and you will never make everyone happy. Your books are the best part of my week whenever a new one is released.
I love reading your books. The audiobooks I listen to on my drive to work. A chapter is close to a half hour and is how long my drive is.
I have a friend from Texas so it did take me awhile to understand her but I got what she was saying. And she had a horse with a foal and it didn’t sound like that but I understood what she was saying.
Please just take the time to relax and do what you need need to do.
Remember you are loved by many people who except you the way you are. 💓💗❤️
There’s not much more to be said that the others haven’t said already. So I’ll just say I’m sorry, don’t beat your self up and hugs. Oh and Dead Weight is awesome. I’ve read it twice already 🙂
A world without diversity of language, color, heritage or variation in culture would be so very boring. The attacks on you make me think of Terry Pratchett’s Auditors intent on making everything flat and lifeless. Don’t let them. Despite what they think – they don’t have the right to criticize. None of us do. Be strong. Breathe in calm, breathe out chaos. Breathe in serenity, breathe out the urge to beat someone to death with their own limbs. (Make your own mantra.). You put so much research and effort into you books, and it shows. Know that you are appreciated and people do think of you in their prayers (whatever form they take). Yes, I want more books. Yes, I enjoy your work – but not at the expense of your health. Be well. Be strong. Thank you for the gift of your writing.
Only because you have such empathy do the hateful comments hurt you so much. And I don’t think anything stirs my ire so much as being called a liar when I am not. Four of your last six missives to this list have dealt with this regional pronunciation. I read all of your posts here and the comments from your fans. I only comment occasionally, but have been compelled to reply to the last three. I hate to see you in such pain. And, frankly, it gives me some serious angst when you are hurting. Admittedly, somewhat for selfish reasons; I fear you will stop writing. I have come to love/need your glorious writing.
I’ve thought quite a bit about someone who would make such negative and hateful comments to your personal pages. And I realized that there used to be such a person in my life. He was successful in business and providing financially for his family, but inside he was a broken and bitter man and he emotionally destroyed them with his anger and negativity. I am so glad that he’s dead. Please be careful of letting someone else’s bitterness and self hatred damage you. I know how difficult it is to sluff off those comments, so take some strength from those of us who are so happy to have you in our lives. I have more of your books than any other author, with the possible exception of Anne McCaffrey. Stay strong, healthy and sane.
Unfortunately the racists and the bigots are the loudest squawkers and most likely to be rude as hell and invade your personal space. My guess is that the majority of the people who heard it thought it was charming or at most were mildly confused but not enough to ask.
We love you and your empathy just the way you are, and seeing diversity in your books is both refreshing and draws us as humans closer together by chipping away at the ‘other’.
I personally hope that you keep writing because I love your take on the world. I buy all of your books and follow your Patreon, regardless of whether they’re one I’m interested in or not because I’m invested in paying you to write what you love. There are a handful of writers I do this for because I feel we need these voices and takes on the good and the bad in the world. That you’re honest and upfront about the publishing process helps me because I write, and I appreciate this transparency more than I think you realize.
Hoping that tomorrow is better and that you keep writing, but I’ll support you in whatever you choose. <3
I love your books and your writings. I am sorry there are attacking assholes. Please don’t give up. I edited out my suggestions for your personal email because you are smart and will fix it without my two cents.
Hugs and energy sent to carry on.
I wish it had been my email, but it was my instant messages that I use for my friends and family they decided to invade… Emails are easy. Delete, delete upon seeing the subject…
I moved from Georgia to Florida in 1986, took a job as a server, and had a coworker from way up north make fun of me. I told her that I am from the south and this is how we speak where I come from. I told her that she is living in the south now, and I am where I am supposed to be and many of us speak with this accent and if she did not like it she could go back to where she came from. I got no more ugly comments from her. I have worked with the public and when I hear a southern accent, I smile big and tell them it sounds like home to me. Made some outstanding tips serving from those wonderful people from home. Just trying to say something good. Have a better day, and do not let the haters win. I will talk this way until I no longer exist..
Please do not let the fucking assholes win. You’ve been knocked down but you are not out. I love all your books and own all of them. You obviously are an all inclusive writer and it shows and is appreciated by everyone with more than two brain cells.
I’m sorry that people are being assholes. No one is entitled to dictate to an author how and what they write.
I hope you feel better soon.
I know this will not absolve the pain, but I am loving Dead Weight.
I am sorry some people are so self centred and unwilling to accept anything different.
Please don’t stop writing.
Always here for you. Perfectly imperfect and holding your hand. This world has no mercy.
Disgusting. Both that your private communications were breached, and that these smouldering boulders felt the need to correct something that was correct. Since these folks have never heard of Regional Accents, perhaps someone from Joisey could visit them for some attitude adjustment, yaknowwhaddImean?
Please let yourself get over these bigoted fools, and continue with the work that I and so many others love.
A side thought came to me, based on the fact that many words also have more than one correct spelling. I’d love to read that one of your characters had a sign on their wall/desk with something like Emerson’s (or was it Edison’s) comment “As a cure for worrying, work is better than whisky” for others in the story to ‘correct’ and get slapped down.
Love your books and any accent used. I am from West Virginia and we have many different accents from all over the state. Sorry for all the trouble you had to go through. Don’t quit writing. Thanks for your stories.
I just want to say that your books — both in written form and in audiobook format bring me much joy. I enjoy the various accents as to me it makes the characters more real, which I appreciate. The rain of crap that has been coming down on you lately (yes, I include the ridiculousness that is Amazon) is appalling. And somehow, I have a feeling that the reality is much worse than you have deigned to share with your readers. I wish people would just stop. Seriously, if you don’t like an author or a specific book, find something else to read! Or, if a reader is certain they could do a better job (looking at you grammar & punctuation nazis) start writing.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the meanness you have to put up with. Thank you for writing and please continue at whatever pace allows your mental health to stay well.
You are a great writer and went out of your way to help others who needed a way to hear your works. There is nothing wrong with that. People need to be respectful of others – we are in a time when rudeness is the norm and people have lost whatever manners that they had.
You should listen to A Way with Words on your local public radio station (NPR). They discussed the fact that different ways of saying the same words is NOT WRONG. Dialect is part of language – we all say words differently based upon where and when we learned them.
Grew up all over the country, got yelled at for “makin fun of me” once. Realized later that I had grown up sounding the way the kids around me did in defence {!}. Sorry, they just sound like 6 or 12 or 5 to me. Just line me up with those who love your work and do not see any sense in those nitwits.
I’m so sorry that you had to cave to racism so that the Agent stories might survive. (And money come in for bills.) I already dislike those who think it’s funny to mock someone’s regional speech patterns because it’s different from theirs. If this is the death blow to the series, my dislike will turn up another notch and I’ll sit in the corner re-reading Vampire and crying.
I’ve lived in so many places that I couldn’t tell you where I picked up things like saying “warsh” instead of “wash.” There’s always that one who thinks they’re funny wanting to know when the spelling changed. It’s even worse for those who look different or have a very strong accent or both. Some customers will demand to know where they’re from. Since one co-worker had just come back from a month in Texas, we told the customer “Texas” and broke her brain as she didn’t know how to response.
The entitlement is real as well. When I started over 20 years ago you’d page a customer hoping your pronunciation was at least close. Most would respond with “good try, it’s this.” Now they complain immediately to the manager that you didn’t say their name correctly – true story.
Reviews are almost impossible for me to read any more. A recent audiobook reviewer dinged a book because it was too young adult. Maybe because the author classified it as a young adult book.
Back to the main point – I’m sorry and angry about all you have to put up with when you’re trying to make a living doing something you enjoy. Hope you’re able to continue to write, and enjoy it, but will support any decisions you make.
If you can, please UNDO the re-recording of “fowl” without spending more money.
You investigated and verified that certain regions pronounced the word like that. No further action should be necessary.
Don’t let the racist creeps win.
It is unfortunate that people don’t just read/listen to the books for the enjoyment of the story and the escape that they offer us.
I really enjoy the world’s that you create and can honestly say I have never noticed any mistakes that take away from the stories or characters.
I have re-read some of your books so may time that I can almost remember them word for word, but still enjoy reading them again.
Thank you for the interesting worlds you create, they have helped me relax when nothing else has worked and the stress was really bad.
I, personally, don’t use audiobooks as I become engrossed in the story so if I am doing something such as driving it can become problematic. The few times I have listened the voice actors using the accent.s or regional dialects of the characters enhanced the book for me. When reading I mentally try to do that. I’m sorry you felt so bombarded by self entitled a**hole readers that you felt you had to yield to them. Please do not stop writing as there are those of us who love your work and anxiously await your new releases. Stay strong, you have supporters.♥️
I came across your books in the last few months and have purchased a majority of your titles through Kobo and Kobo plus and I would like to thank you for helping me through a difficult time.
People are idiotic and cannot stand something that is different from their normal and, as you say, you write from life, so it will not appeal to a certain section of narrow minded bigots.
It is a joy to receive a new title from your pen and I think the world would be bereft of light, laughter and love if you stopped writing.
Please, please please, keep up the good works and extend the middle digit to those who cannot handle something different.
I am truly sorry for what you’re going through.It saddens me that one of my most beloved authors wants to quit.I totally understand if you do.You should write what makes you happy.I did want you to know that I love all your work.I hope you come to a choice that makes you happy.All my best.
Please don’t let stupid ill informed people get you down and change your style it is why your books are so good and loved by so many of us.
I’m so sorry that people are making you feel that your work isn’t important. I know that your work helps me when I’m having a bad day. Every time it puts a smile on my face. Please don’t stop the smiles of your stories because of some stupid people who are part od the cancel world. Your works matter to those of us who love your books. But I see your pain and would like to remind you that you are a great writer and the books and series you put out matter to those of us who aren’t part of the cancel nation. It just puts me in the mind of Taylor swift of shake it off. People are gonna hate whether it is your work, the world, or people who don’t fit the mold of what they think is a proper. If they could they would erase the past so they could have a perfect world. I LOVE YOUR BOOKS AND SERIES IN ANY OF YOUR BOOKS.
I love your writing, so sorry that this is happening. I dislike audio books and prefer to read with the accents in my head as a Canuck. Please don’t stop writing I love getting a new book from you.
Hello! I love your books, working my way through them one by one by series. I prefer reading text to audio, so I don’t have any input there, but I really hope you continue publishing e-books!
You are absolutely right to be both angry and disgusted. Unfortunately that sort of petty thinking combined with a sense of entitlement seems to have seeped into every aspect of society. I understand your need to maintain readership, but no one has the right to demand changes or call you a liar.
Honoring your core values is an essential part of being a decent human being. Is it possible to block those people from contacting you in the future?
You are very clear in stating that should a reader not like your work, choose another author.
Please don’t allow the awfulness of some people to hurt or attempt to control you. You are amazing just exactly as your are, and they are nothing.
Hang in there and know those people are only a tiny portion of your readers. Tiny but unfortunately vocal. Deny them their voice and they will move on to someone else. That’s what abusers do.
Please never forget just how incredible both you and your books are to so many of us who don’t feel the need to comment or nitpick. We just want to read your wonderful stories and be in awe of your talent.
If I may offer a suggestion: Put at the beginning of each of your books a prominent (maybe large print) statement effusively thanking your linguistic consultant, who helped you be sure that the dialects and regional usages you use for your various characters are appropriate for the area, age, and socioeconomic background of those characters. Say how happy you are to be able to represent and validate their diversity.
It won’t work, and all it generally does is invite trouble, alas. But I appreciate that you were brainstorming looking for solutions. That is very kind of you.
Can I just send some unconditional love your way? Not because of your writing (which I do love), but just because you are a lovely person who deserves validation after all the crap that some people have been shoveling in your direction and in totally horrible ways. Breathe deep, let out the bad. Namaste.
Sure, and absolutely appreciated!
… the IRS man came for me today asking for a form. I replied, in purple ink, with a handwritten note begging for help because I don’t know what they want, I couldn’t modify with tax software, here’s the thing that caused the problems, and drew a unicorn as a sacrifice for assistance.
That’s where I’m at.
I drop a box of books and snapped like a twig. That’s how well my day is going.
You write great books. This week sucked but I would hate to not see you write more.
I absolutely adore that you have such a variety of characters in your books. I love all the series and I lost my mind in happiness when Hypnos came out: you absolutely NAILED the characters and culture in that book. I was super happy with Plaitypus as well cause you NAILED the Australia culture and places.
I love that the audiobooks have different accents etc. It gives a sense of where in the world the story takes place. I’m not from the US so hearing the different accents or ways words are pronounced in the Royal States is really interesting and I love it!
I love that you include a range of life in your books that you make you think, consider and learn.
I’m so sorry that you had to deal with all that crap about the word foal and the “it’s unnecssary” backhand compliments, that made me so mad reading it.
This week sucked. I hope the future weeks are better.
Thank you for all the effort and hard work that you and your team put in for the amazing stories you write. I am forever appreciative and grateful for the books you have done, they bring a lot of joy and enjoyment.
I am so sorry that you have to put up with this crap. I really, truly hope that you don’t quit writing because there are some people who are ignorant a-holes. Would it make your life easier if you stopped being so accessible to your readers? Would it give you peace of mind to just stop sending out the newsletters and emails? If people are going to use them as an avenue to heap abuse on you… I enjoy hearing what is going on in your mind in regard to your various series. I would miss knowing what is going to be released next, and why things are happening the way they do, but I would happily trade such info for your peace. Remember, you owe us NOTHING!
Hugs to you-
I come from Newfoundland Canada. We have some of the most diverse accents in the world. Accents are what make each person and community special. A story is not the same if the Irish, British, French German etc., If the regional way of speaking is not embraced and expressed the story is poorer for it and we all loose being able to identify and embrace all of our differences.
Forcing another person or community to speak in a way that is not part of their heritage or distinct community is racism and also colonialism. Please embrace the differences we each hold close and refuse to change because someone or multiple some ones get their “nickers in a twist” with an definite accent my Irish grandmother would say.
The absolute bad behavior of people who feel that they have the right and the arrogance, that they can tell you what you are doing is wrong and or that you have lied is driving wonderful artist out of the public arena.
You be you and know that the great majority of people like me who do not post or comment love what you do and how you do it. Or we would not buy you books.
I so sorry that small minded and entitled people can not accept that we are diverse human race and as such talk differently(accents), say things differently(words), different perspectives and have differences of opinion. That they have negatively impacted one of my favorite authors. Your books are automatically pre-ordered. I have other authors that I like but I wait until after reading the book before I decide to buy it or just read it in Kindle. I infuriates me that artists, such as yourself, are targeted by a$$holes who want everyone to fit in a very tiny, narrow box. They want to change/erase history. It is history that give us our own essence.
I just wanted to say that I feel your pain. The publishing industry is brutal and it’s hard to make your money back with all the shenanigans Amazon puts authors through. I did the author thing and couldn’t maintain the financial stability to continue on. It’s a testament to your talent and dedication that you have so many fans.
I purchase every audiobook you release since I listen while working. I listen to them multiple times because I love getting lost in your worlds. I hope Dead Weight becomes an anchor series because it’s getting great reviews.
Don’t let some nasty people ruin your ambition and drive. YOU are in control, not them.
It really is, and it’s so expensive to do it right. I really do hope Dead Weight takes off, because that would be SUCH a nice relief, and it would give me two solid series to work on, and it would make the mag rom com’s conclusion MUCH more relaxed and fun because I can put a little extra time between them and enjoy the rest of the ride.
I love your books! Your experience reminds me of a similar experience when I took a linguistics course, and we had to analyze our own speech patterns. The teacher marked me wrong, saying no one speaks that way, though everyone from my part of the state does, and if she listened to me like a linguist should she could hear it in my own speech patterns. People can be so petty.
A linguist should really know better. I’m sorry that happened to you.
I am so sorry that you were treated this way. Don’t give in to it and don’t give up. People who “go along to get along” just make it easier for bullies. I am so sorry that people who do not know you (other than in their head) decided to treat you this poorly. I see no reason to give in and rerecord a book because of vicious, ill informed people. Anyone who hacks into a personal account to spew vitriol should be denied any recognition. That is what they want and what they live for, to feel powerful that they made someone else do something they did not want to do. Sounds like a rapist, in a way. Don’t let them take your joy in what you do and twist it so it becomes a burden. These people are not the majority of your readers. Feel free to disregard them.