Today, I’m focusing on the monthly Patreon, especially considering the changes I’ll be implementing to it. As a reminder, the monthly Patreon is a subscription service where you throw pennies my way (with minimal platform fees I pay). Depending on which tier you pick, you get stuff in exchange.
The Tip Jar is just that; it’s a tip. Tip Jar members get access to news updates like the free members, but they also will get access to any short stories I post to the monthly Patreon. There’ll also be some coloring pages I’ll post as I actually finish inking them and all that snazzy jazz.
Stuff starts getting fun when you’re a Pixie Patron. We’re about to finish our read through of Storm Surge, which is an unpublished novel (in third person) that I’m working on rewriting into first person. When that’ll get done? Who knows. We’ll see.
Once Storm Surge is completed, we’re going to begin a read along of Playing with Fire.
Each of the read alongs comes with author note commentary about what I was doing and why. I also usually include a photograph I’ve taken as a little treat, along with what I remember about what the hell I was doing when I took the picture.
In the near future, the Cindercorns and Spicy Ponies with Bite will begin reading two different projects: Murder Floof (Bernadette Franklin) and The Trickster King (Susan Copperfield.) Frequency for chapter postings will be approximately once every three weeks. (Expect beginning of September for the read alongs to begin.)
These projects will be removed from Patreon shortly after completion as a read along.
No, Otters will not get access to the read alongs of the Trickster King and Murder Floof. They will have access to the finished products as usual, however.
Assuming all goes well, this will be the new norm, with one or two read alongs going at it for the Cindercorns and the Spicy Ponies with Bite and one (of a previously published work) to the Pixie Patrons, Otters, Cindercorns, and Spicy Ponies with Bite.
Yes, eventually everything posted to the Cindercorns and Spicy Ponies will be published, although depending on finances, it may take some time after the read throughs are completed and the books are taken down.
Note: All previous read throughs, excepting Storm Without End, will be removed from Patreon. Storm Without End and Storm Surge will remain on Patreon for Pixies, Otters, Cindercorns, and Spicy Ponies until I’m closer to rewriting them.
Prices of Tiers are as follows (without mistakes this time…):
- $2: Tip Jar.
- $5: Pixie Patrons
- $10: Otters
- $25: Cindercorns
- $100: Spicy Ponies with Bite
I have my Patreon set up for a 10% discount for those who pay on a yearly basis.
Books are delivered by bookfunnel, although as the monthly Patreon requires prepayment, I also allow direct downloading. Books are delivered approximately 3 days prior to the retail edition, and it includes the bonus short story and a Patreon-only behind the scenes about how/why the book was written as it was and anything else I wish to babble about.
For the sake of transparency, 60% of my post-tax earnings from Patreon goes to the household, paying rent/bills, etc, and the remaining 40% goes to future book production.
This info upped turned me from an otter into a cindercorn, lol. And it’s awesome to be able to put your patreon towards household stuff. Bravo you!
I’m making that sleazy Amazon vendor pay for my monthly writing bills. LOL may as well make them useful for SOMETHING. Hahahah <3 I hope you enjoy your stay as a cindercorn!
Thank you! from a Cindercorn! I always look on patreon money as money well spent. At least one of my authors periodically give thanks when unexpected expenses occur and she can handle them without the pre-patreon financial worries.
Happy that patreon helps pay some of the household expenses. And cat treats!
Patreon is VERY appreciated, believe you me!Even when it’s stressful.