Findaway has fixed the various issues with the files, and as such, I have reenabled distribution on Vampire of Montana, even at the vendors where the shitstorm started. (Once again, I do not know if people changed their reviews or ratings upon learning it’s a valid dialect/form of speaking, nor do I care. I don’t even want to hear about it at this stage.) It’ll take however long it will take to go back on sale with the changes to foal’s pronunciation.
This is not changing my stance on putting the Royal States series on hiatus, nor is it going to realistically change my mind about the Agents of the Royal States series.
I’m bitter over this whole situation, and until that changes, I’m simply not going to be dedicating 350+ hours of my life per book to a series (or its spinoff) where people (who are fans of this series, supposedly), are incapable of handling something they dislike or is different from them.
This is harsh, but it’s appropriate: “Don’t be the reason your favorite author quits.”
Don’t like something? Put that phrase on your monitor and think long and hard about it before deciding it’s worth making a fuss over. Don’t like a pronunciation? Stop listening to audiobooks with that narrator. That’s the only “punishment” you need to do. Don’t like an author’s way of storytelling? Stop reading that author. That’s the only “punishment” you need to do.
Wish the author would write something a different way? Write your own book and do it better. And if you’re not willing or able to write your own book and do so better, you’re certainly not in a position to judge someone who is sitting down and doing the job you can’t do.
No, I am not asking you to change your reviews, post reviews, or leave ratings. The damage has already been done. It will do what it does from this point. And honestly, I’m not even going to look or care about it anymore. That bridge was completely and totally burned.
Ultimately, I will probably keep continuing making audiobooks, although at a much slower rate, as they’ll have to pay for themselves AND their fair share of the household bills. I do that for accessibility.
Unless you are blind, dyslexic, or have some other form of issue that makes audiobooks necessary… you’re listening purely for entertainment purposes, and you’re just benefiting from what I’m doing for others.
This is where the second reminder comes up: if you can’t say anything nice, perhaps don’t say anything at all.
Someone brought it to my attention that an author pair I highly admire (Ilona Andrews) had similar issues with audiobooks and listener entitlement.
I’m not going to repeat what they’ve said, but they’re on the ball about it. Go check out their website and read their posts. They say good stuff about the realities of this business.
Readers, unfortunately, can be nasty, seem to be afflicted with an overabundance of entitlement, and shit in the pool for other readers.
But, as this entire fiasco did make me have a very long discussion about changing my field of work with my spouse, I think it’s important that readers remember the only thing that they are entitled to is the product they purchased.
Accessibility (in form of accessing the author) is nice, but no author owes you that. Your opinion is yours, and if you have one and want to share it, do so in reviews. (I’m avoiding them beyond checking the ratings to see if a world or series is worth expanding. Unless it’s a project I truly absolutely adore, if it’s below 4.3*, it’s going to be a wrap moving forward; I will find the first reasonable place to end the series, and that is that. That may be one or two books instead of the 6+ planned, but that’s life. I have a list, which I will not be sharing, of the series/books that are exempt from my 4.3* rating rule.
Yes, the Vigilante Magical Librarian series will be continued through all five books only because there’s no place to end it sooner. But, I have already scrapped any thoughts of continuations in this world. The world is done due to the ratings/sell-through of the series. (Y’all voted through your ratings, and that’s that.)
This is what it boils down to. This job is hard enough without readers making it harder, and if you actually like books, then… don’t treat the people who write them or narrate them like garbage.
Because some of y’all said some pretty awful things about Keira Grace (and some of my narrators as well), as though you’re entitled to an opinion on who I use for narration. I’m used to people saying shit about me. That’s par for this course. I just block and kick them from my page when they show up, because I certainly don’t want people like that reading my books if at all possible. (And I remove them from my blog’s mailing list/block from the blog as I can.)
Spoiler alert: readers aren’t entitled to anything other than receiving a book they pay for.
“Don’t be the reason your favorite author quits.”
Or, as I also like to say… “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
And I know way too many talented and skilled authors who no longer write because of readers treating them like garbage. It’s equally common with the money not working out.
Being more stubborn than them doesn’t make me a winner. It just makes me more willing to take the hits. (And boy am I tired of taking the hits.)
And no, I’m not asking anyone to do anything about this situation. I am asking those noisy, negative so-and-sos to sit down and shut their mouths.
That behavior is not welcome here.
And it’s certainly not welcome in my private messages.
And, much like lancing out an infected wound, I’ve said my peace on this matter. I expect nothing from readers regarding this. I don’t want apologies from those who were in the ‘treat the author like garbage’ camp. I don’t want changed reviews or new ratings or people to buy it for support. (Buy only what you want to read, folks… series fail all the time because people don’t want to read them, and that is fine. The ratings are what I go by, especially now that I’ve changed my method of book production.)
If I do decide to return to the Royal States for fun, I may reserve those projects for Cinder+ on Patreon and skip full production. As I’d already started Iron Unicorn, (Agents of the Royal States #2), the Cinder+ crew will be reading along while I draft it, unedited drivel style, I’ll be doing that starting in September probably. I don’t expect to do more than one scene a month. (Even before this stuff happened, I was very, very slow at working on Iron Unicorn, and I’m pissed off I even started it in the first place.)
be warned: you’re going to see an even more raw version than what my editor gets, as I go back and correct things when I write. I will not be doing this with Iron Unicorn. What gets written first try is IT. Typos, inconsistencies, errors, and all. It will be in an utterly unpublishable state.
I’m doing it to just purge out the book so it isn’t sitting in my brain space partially finished. I hate leaving things unfinished. I will not be leaving the scenes in the archive, removing the posts shortly (within a week) after they’re uploaded, as Patreon emails everyone in the tiers with the content so it’s accessible to those who are subscribed.
I’m doing it for me, and I figure the Cinder+ crew can benefit from it, as they’re my biggest supporters. (And seriously, thank you. You are appreciated.)
With luck, the bitterness will end sooner than later, but this is one of the downsides to being a Taurus water pig.
And this is the end of that. Just don’t ask me about the Royal States series moving forward. If I change my mind about publication hiatus on the series, you’ll find out via my blog… or if a book mystically appears.
And no, sharing the draft with the Cinder+ crew is not any indication that I will actually invest the remaining time or money into publishing the book. I have zero desire to spend the $3,000+ on editorial, nor the hundred+ extra hours on editing it. Writing it to get it out of my fucking brain will be time-consuming enough.
I’m just doing this for my peace of mind.
May your day go better than mine.
I’m so infuriated for you. I love Royal States and Vampire is one of my favorites. I cannot fathom that kind of behavior. I hope you get some peace and relaxation.
“May your day go better than mine.”
thanks for the good wish; I’m old enough to know that temping Fate is a bad idea. I’m sorry I can’t do anything to substanially help, other than to NOT be one of those who poop in our collective pool.
Be well, stay safe.
It’s a shame, Royal States is a great series and I’ve been eagerly awaiting Iron Unicorn to be written. I enjoy your audiobooks and I’m grateful for the ones that you’ve published. I hope your day gets better
*Sigh* I adore Keira Grace, and my absolute favorite of her (so far at least) is MacKenzie Little. Totally enjoyable combination of writing (“What now, spawnling??”) and narration. Thank you to both of you for a wonderful bunch of hours laying on the beach listening to a great book.
Then you’ll be delighted to find out that Null and Void will be coming to audiobook narrated by Keira Grace very soon! While Reba did a fabulous performance, I don’t have rights to that recording (and did not wish to buy them), so I had it rerecorded by Keira… and it just went through prooflistening, and will be released into the wilds within the next month or so.
I so feel for you. I hope your brain gives you a break after Iron is done. Sounds like you really need some hours on the beach chillin’! Take care of yourself.💕
I am so sorry that you have had nasty feedback from people. I have enjoyed every book of yours that I have read you have a great sense of humor and amazing story telling.
Sorry to hear that assholes have caused you to stop this series I truly enjoyed reading the royal states books it was my 2nd series that I read that you wrote and from there I have read and enjoyed your other books I look forward to seeing where you take me next
And to the assholes
Writing and the reading of books is a form of art the interpretation is in the eye or the pen of the artist so stop your yapping let the rest of us enjoy what you are to rigid too
I love Ilona Andrews books too! Kate Daniels is so much fun. I am a teacher so all of this resonates with me, and sounds just like what we get from parents and the public sometimes. Everyone has an opinion, but never a solution, just complaints. There are the good ones, but the really bad and ignorant entitled ones make you wonder why on earth you chose that career….it’s not for the money!
Pfui* on those who combine an ignorance of regional accents with the gall to call them wrong.
*Those who can read my mind know that my thoughts are a smidgeon harsher.
Well, having read this and your former posts I am sad about the Royal States but so glad that you are finally thinking of yourself! Desperate to find out what happens in Iron Unicorn so, I am now a very rotund pixie on patreon. Sorry but on my pension cannot afford more.
I have most of your books on audio and have enjoyed them all especially Wesley Nelson’s reading of Hoofin’ It. Nothing wrong with Kira Grace, she is very talented.
Also, as I am probably nearer than most, do you think you could get me a date with Lucy and a turn with the rapist arseholes?Please and thank you xx
I have to say you’re right! SOME people are assholes! But not ALL of us!!! I really believe most of your faithful readers thoroughly enjoy your books. They come from a fertile imagination and a place where most of us are unable to draw from. But you must do what you love and you must decide what that is. But please don’t let others decide that for you. Personally I would love to see you continue with your Royal States series and the Royal Agents Spin-off. A lot of us love your writing and maybe we should be more vocal than your critics.
That’s just it. The critics are loud. The supporters aren’t loud until they realize the critics were louder and ground the whole shitshow to a halt.
Yes… people who like things SHOULD be louder. (Or, at the very least, be bothered with leaving a positive rating!) But the critics are always louder because it’s much easier to get into a state of indignant wrath than it is to love something.
How do I get on Patreon or the friends of sneakykitty list?
Royal States has been a series I have reread so many times my kindle is worn out…I am appalled and saddened that nasty people have poisoned that particular well…
It sounds like we the readers who care need to band together and a) get you a vacation and b) offer to help…proofread? Hunt down the nasties online? Hunt down the nasties in real life and send them fire ant starter kits?
Please don’t stop writing The monthly patreon $25+ tiers are what give access to the Royal States readalongs.
Mostly, just tell other readers off when you see bad behavior and tell them if they can’t say anything nice, stfu.
Greetings from Norway :). I love the Royal State series and the spinn-off. I’m reading books from all of your author names and enjoy the different series a lot. Don’t stop writing just because some ppl are a…holes :).
Looking forward to your next book – in any of the series.
I totally understand your position on this. It angers me that people were so hateful and narrow-minded to make a huge fuss over dialect. I bought the audiobook and enjoyed it.
But once again the haters win and ruin it for everyone else. You have to do what you need to do. If the idiots sucked the joy out of the series, I am angry at them. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the series and Thank you. I hope time heals and you eventually are inspired to continue the series… but that is just my hope not pressure.
I also want to thank you for revisiting your stance on audiobooks. The National Library Service for the disabled has very few books in this genre. So, I very much appreciate authors who have their books narrated. (I have purchased all of your books.)
I am happy to pay authors for their work, but not all print disabled can afford that luxury. I was a voracious reader before I became disabled. While I am not poor, I do not have unlimited resources. I cannot afford to buy the number of books that I would like to buy as a book dragon. Your books were ones that I chose to spend my money. So I wanted to thank you for your work. I will wait with anticipation for your future books. I wish the National Library would put them on Bard if they are not profitable for you to produce.
Not everyone is a hater. They are just the loudest. So as a non-hater, I wanted to say thank you. I hope it mitigates some of the damage caused by the haters. If the joy has been sucked out of writing this series, I am very sad but understand your position. I will look forward to what you are inspired to create next.
Please look into a kobo plus subscription! It’s $9.99 for ebook AND audiobook, and it’s unlimited for what’s in those libraries. All of my ebooks and audiobooks are available in the Kobo Plus library, so that will save you a LOT of money and give you the ability to do things.
And as for the National Library Service, I have no idea how I’d distribute to that specific system, but if you can inquire about my titles, you might make progress. (I’m a huge supporter of libraries, and I have all of my titles distributed to library systems that are available to independents.)
But thank you for your kindness. It’s very appreciated.
I’m sorry the a-holes have ruined a wonderful series for you (and the rest of us!) I hope that you do eventually change your mind, as I, unfortunately, get my fix of your books through my local library. My budget doesn’t allow for memberships right now, but maybe someday!
I love your books, keep your chin up!
I didn’t buy the audiobook of Vampire of Montana, so I’m really not up on the controversy. I don’t know if this would be useful, but perhaps just have a rote response for those who have such virulent dislikes? “I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it, but the books and audiobooks are proofed and edited. Regional dialects and pronunciations of words are a real thing, please keep this in mind as you read or listen.” Frankly I would never suggest personal responses to the haters or arguing with them. It just eggs them on and solves nothing. I’m one of those who enjoy books without saying thank you by leaving a review. I’ll try to do better!! Best wishes for a better day!
Eh, they’ve gotten exactly what they deserve: the series has been taken away from them outside of maybe a release every 2-3 years.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The Patreon supporters on the Cinder+ level will get to enjoy it, and they’ll sit shelved until the Patreon earns enough to pay for the full production costs.
They’re the reason their so-called favorite author quit something, essentially… and that’s something they’re going to have to live with (or not.)
Actions have consequences, and sometimes, that consequence is a slap to the wrist with a ruler and the thing they’re bitching about being taken away from them.