This is a test of Patreon’s shop system and audiobooks. If this works, I will continue to do things this way, which essentially means that those who use Patreon will get access to the audiobooks 3-12+ days ahead of general retail. You do not need to be a subscriber (paid or free) to access the Patreon store. The audiobooks are priced the exact same as general retail.
What you DON’T get is the fancy interfaces and streamlined automated reading. You will be on your own on getting the files to work. You will receive a zip file of all the mp3 files. I CANNOT customer service this for you. I don’t listen to audiobooks, I barely listen to music, and I am completely unfamiliar with all the listening apps. I’m sure you can create an album or something that will let you easily listen to the book in order, just don’t ask me how to do it, because I don’t know how.
Assuming people report back that this system works, I will begin uploading my entire audiobook collection MINUS the ones I do NOT have rights to sell personally. (There are a few in the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series. If the system works particularly well, I will see about negotiating a contract adjustment with my production studio so that I can upload them and pay out to the studio monthly for their share of the earnings. (Odds of this happening? Pretty good.) But for now, there will be audiobooks missing from the Patreon store until those contract stuff can be hammered out, and it isn’t worth hammering out if the system doesn’t work.
So, here you go. A mostly direct-sales version of audiobooks with the bonus of you getting them a few days or weeks earlier than retail.
Comment if you like it. If you don’t, you don’t need to tell me. Your silence speaks plenty loud enough. (AKA, I’m looking for how many want to say yes to this; those who are going to say no aren’t going to buy and aren’t the audience, and that’s fine. Your silence is heard.)
Yes, yes, I’m working on the weekend, I got bored, okay?! When I get bored, I find things to do… and I didn’t want to clean. So I tried to sort the audiobook nightmare out.
P.S.: 101 Ways to Die is in proofing now, which means it is approximately a month out from retail upload for release.
Is it horrible that I think Ivan should do all the bonus snippets? It would set them apart, and it was hilarious.
Yeah, I really like Ivan’s voice, and he will be getting a bunch of my male stuff that isn’t already in series Cameron’s doing.
I have Cameron booked for like 1-2 years at this point, so Ivan will be working my new series. <3
Yes! I love this idea if I can figure out how to make it work. I’m audio book obsessed! I have almost all of your books on Audible already. With my PTSD and other medical drama from the military, audio allows me to escape in a book and knit or whatever. Thank you so much from a much appreciating lover of you books! If I could Cindercorn or Pony with Bite, I would in a heartbeat! Much caring to you and yours! 🤗
You’re welcome! Good luck figuring it out… I’ll admit, I’m an idiot when it comes to audiobooks because I can’t listen to them. (Anxiety is real.) But I hope you figure out whatever method works best for you!
Ok I’m confused. 101 ways to die I already bought so is it being released in audio?
Yes, it is coming out in audio.