I don’t watch television or movies. I don’t like them, it’s not for me, and the only thing you’ll catch me watching? Dinosaurs eating people.
As such, when I named the Many Deaths of Mr. Magoo, I had picked the name because “it sounded right.” There’s another Mr. Magoo… and while it has nothing to do with my thing, I also don’t want there to be people thinking I used to watch the show or movie. (I haven’t seen either, don’t want to see either, and no, I don’t care what I’m ‘missing’; I don’t enjoy television. I would rather be writing books.)
So, I’m changing Magoo to Magee. Yes, there are other people and things named Magee. The key thing here is this: I just don’t want the overlap, especially in google. (I want people to be able to find my book.)
I’m not married to the names, so switching Magoo to Magee is fine. I just lose the ability to Goo Mr. Magoo, and that’s the only real loss in this one.
But we can get a good laugh over the Goo of Mr. Magoo on the blog.
Trademark or copyright wise, there is zero obligation or legal reason for me to make this change. I’m not doing film or comics, which is where the original trademark (which is actually now deceased) resides. I write novels. The only overlap would be comedy, and let’s face it… written comedy is a hugely different fish than visual / television comedy.
I just don’t want the association with the character I don’t even know (or like) with what I’m doing. As such, Magee is the better choice.
So the Many Deaths of Mr. Magee is going to be the that fun thing I’m doing. It’ll still remain a one off R.J. Blain book unless it does a great deal better than anticipated.
Fun one offs? I can fit that into my schedule. (Because I can’t typically write back to back same characters or series without losing my fucking mind. This is just a creative quirk y’all are gonna have to live with.) A whole new series? Nope, I ain’t got time for that, not if I want to pay the bills. I cannot afford another failed series.
As it is… Audrey Greene is going to be limited to a book every 3-5 years because however much I love that world and the just super chill and lovey nature of it… it isn’t fiscally doing well. And well, Lilith Daniels doesn’t seem to have much commercial viability, either… and that’s two series/worlds that are eating money.
I just can’t afford any more money eaters than money makers.
Yes, yes, I finish what I start. Stop worrying. I just slow the hell down and focus on the things that pay the bills and let me waste money on series few people like. And yes, I know I’m fortunate because that is a formula not many authors CAN afford.
Now, back to the grind. I have to finish the short story for the back of Grave Affairs (for all vendors excepting Amazon), get Dead Weight’s audiobook edition dealt with, and a bunch of other things on my to-do list.
Much love and happy reading, folks!
Quick question. You had mentioned in previous posts that you were including un-edited shorts in non-‘zon purchase sites. What is the best site for your fiscal situation? As long as I can get an e-pub, I can send to my Kindle. Thanks so much!
My Patreon store is the best for me being paid. After that, Smashwords.
I’m old enough I watched the Mr. Magoo cartoons as a kid. If you ever get a chance, they were kind of fun. He wore very thick glasses but couldn’t see well so ended up in all sorts of mishaps, emerging unscathed always. I look forward to the book, whatever it’s called. And I really like the Audrey Greene and Lilith Daniels books so I’ll be grateful for any and all further books in those lines. Cheers
Yeah, I just do not enjoy television in the slightest, alas.
Thanks for changing mr magoo! I did watch the cartoon as a child and every time I see the name that image comes up. I just figured that was my problem and I’d just deal, but this will make immersion in the story easier. Sorry the 2 names weren’t commercial. I’ve reread moon tamed several times and look forward to grave affairs. Are there any other titles I missed under those names so I can snap them up? Looked on Amazon and didn’t find any
A Light in the Dark for Audrey Greene is available for preorder and comes out in July.
Thanks for the update. Kind of glad you changed it as this isn’t Mr Magoo. lol Have a good weekend.
Magoo is not just restricted to that show… it’s a rapper’s name, and it’s an ACTUAL name… It’s been used for military vehicles, a bunch in music, and… it’s just PEOPLE’S NAMES.
… I knew of it from military references, personally. So, it’s kind of sad that people think this name is restricted to some show when it’s a legitimate name people have. (Or a legitimate name of an object.)
This sort of thing is, honestly, highly irritating as a creator.
Sounds like fun! And I enjoy all your books – I will happily read whatever you write!
Love anything you write! You do you and I will patiently wait for the excellent results….no matter what you call it.