Jury Duty is an honor and a duty. While it isn’t 100% confirmed I will be serving, I have been summoned back to the courthouse, and having seen the number of hardship cases among jurors, the chance of being in the standard pool or the alternate pool are fairly high. (And both have to show up for the entirety of the trial.)
I’m 100% okay with this! However, I cannot serve on a jury and write books at the same time. As the trial is a criminal case, it could last anywhere from 2-4 weeks… or longer. (We simply do not know the true duration for the case, nor am I permitted to say anything about the case even if I had details. It should be within the 2-4 week window, however.)
I have already inquired with Amazon regarding getting an exemption for changing A Light in the Dark’s release date. The new release date will be November 19, 2024… the same date as Partner in Crime. Doubling them up will just make things easier for me, as both books are “low key” compared to the R.J. Blain titles. So we’re having FUN for Thanksgiving this year!
I hope this doesn’t upset you, but I understand if it does.
For those who are curious: serving on a jury is a huge honor, and I do not want to be excused from doing my duty. I’m just glad that the case is going to be in July – August, which means I won’t have to self-eliminate due to my current travel plans.
So, I apologize for the interruption to A Light in the Dark’s release, but I hope you feel that it is a truly important reason.
(If I AM eliminated from the jury, I will still be changing the date to November; this is just a better move for me, especially with trips, etc, coming up and losing part of next week to jury duty at a minimum.)
I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Thank you for being willing to serve. Please take of yourself.
I have been where you are several times in the past. As a tax preparer, I always seemed to get my jury duty notices in February, and had to apply for an extension to after April 15. I always ended up serving in May or June. I just never figured out why they couldn’t do that in the first place after the first 3 or 4 times I had to apply for the extension …
At any rate, I applaud your civic conciousness, and wonder why more don’t look at it as the price we should gladly pay for the rest of our freedoms. Listen/observe carefully, and apply all your attention to that – don’t worry about us, your audience. We can calmly wait until you’re done with that duty.
100% support for you just doing what you need to do. It’s important that we all experience jury duty.
I worked in District Court for over 30 years, but we didn’t have jury trials. I was picked for a jury trial last fall. It was interesting to see the differences. Have fun and bring your lunch!
I just bought my lunch box and my tea and coffee containers, and everything I need to be a good little juror. I needed some new blouses anyway… it’s been… a while. (Work from home = chaos…)
I’m waving my flag! Good luck with Jury duty. I’ve never been tapped for that role yet so it will be interesting to hear about your experiences (non-gag order stuff). 😀
Serving on a jury is an honor. It honors the women who fought so hard to get all women the vote. I know not all feel that way. I am 73 so am way past the age limit but I would gladly serve if selected. I truly applaud your efforts to arrange your life in order to be a juror and not to avoid being one.
Thank you so much for being willing to do your civic duty! I’ve been called several times, but I always get struck during voir dire.
Thank you for serving. I have been called but not selected for trial or alternate. It’s interesting in it’s own right, and it’s a research bonus.
Thank you for serving. It’s interesting and important. And it’s research. I’ve been called, but not selected for actual duty.
A duty and an Honor! No worries by me, I get it. Enjoy your trips and hopefully things go smooth for jury duty. Later!
Sorry the book is going to be delayed, but jury duty is a workload on its own and very important, so the new date for release is very understandable. Hope things go well for you meantime.
I’m proud of your decision. I wasn’t called for jury duty until I was over 70 (even though I’d be registered at 21). By then my health was too bad to make it. It is still a disappointment to me.
I was called to jury duty twice. The first time I was within 2 weeks of my son’s expected due date (and obvious with him). The judge decided someone else was a better choice.
The second time was a malpractice case. I was asked what my opinion was of surgeons was. I answered honestly that I had seen and worked with wizards, artists, competent mechanics and folks I wouldn’t let take a splinter from my ex- husband’s dog. For some reason I was dismissed.
I’m still waiting to get called again.