The preorder version of Partner in Crime will very probably have a character name mishap. It has been fixed and will be uploaded on release morning as soon as the book unlocks. In the meantime, be aware that the error exists, and that it will be corrected. I am going to attempt to correct the print edition as soon as it unlocks, but you might end up with a misprint if you buy it early. If you do, just use my contact form and plop your mailing address in it along with the typoed character name and one of the page numbers the misprint occurs on. If you have the misprint and know what it is, I will send you a signed book plate so it can be extra special.
“It’s complicated.” (Reality: we all done fucked up, and I should have caught this. Thanks to the Patreon subscriber who spotted the error!)
So, yeah. It’ll be corrected on release day. (And Barnes & Noble and Kobo might release with the corrected version, but otherwise, it will be corrected rapidly as well.)
Apple is questionable about how long it’ll take, but it’ll be queued up for correction tonight.
No, I’m not saying which character is the error so those who want the signed bookplate can write in with the character name and the page it’s located on.
Thanks. (And sorry.) (I’m just going to go to a corner, cry, and possibly expire from stress now.)
I love your books.I once waited anxiously for a book to come out in hard cover .a pre ordered brand new release. Lined up with everyone took it home and found the text writen on Sticky Notes throu out the book. I should have kept it , it is probably worth a mint. now I remember the notes but not the author or the book. Please keep writing. Waiting with un-bated breath.
Nah, don’t cry. I did a lot of editing in my career and no matter how careful, and how many eyes are on a piece, errors will happen. Gremlins?
So this is a major error out of HOW many books with only minor typos (if any!)? And you had a bad year too! “Shit happens” I’ll still enjoy my copy, TY!
Dang. I missed the numbers AND the name… I need to go back to editor school…
Dear SK, please come out of the corner and enjoy the fruits of your labour as your readers will certainly enjoy Partner in Crime. I cannot wait to read it. Thank you for “fessing up”.
Thank you for your wonderful mind that gives us the stories that you do. I hate that some people are so picky. I’m usually enjoying the book that I hardly notice if there is a typo. Again, thank you 😊 I love your books.
Jaunita James
I think your bookplate response is fun and creative. I chuckled when I read it. Much more proactive than crying in the corner.
It happens, don’t beat yourself up. An author I’ve read for many years once changed an important supporting character’s name halfway through the book, and not one of the many people at both her English and U.S. publishers caught it.
I think of it as a really cool Easter egg in the book! Don’t sweat the small stuff like this is it’s not going to stop me from buying a copy either way as I just enjoy your really unique brand of humor and wit! *hugs
No, plz do not cry and definitely do not expire! These things happen and, as CandyB said, it’ll be like a cool Easter egg! The true fans get it.
Hi, first of all, obviously I am buying Partner in crime. I love your books and can hardly wait to read it. But this morning I am a bit sad, since KOBO notified me, that “We were unable to fulfill your pre-order for Partner in Crime” on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 due to a technical issue.”
Thankfully I can still afford slightly higher price. But you may want to talk to them, since if this happened to a lot people and not just an accident for me, it could seriously affect you sales in the first week.
Thank you for all you do to bring adventure and laughter to my kindle and my mind!
Okay, that is weird, because I got a notice the book was published to kobo fine.
Okay, yeah… they deployed the placeholder despite having uploaded like four different versions.
Also, Partner in Crime was not the book that was price changed. That was A Light in the Dark. Partner was always on preorder for $7.99.