If you did not go the refund and purchase route, your book should be fixed with Kobo now. If it is not, get in chat with Kobo customer service so they can push through the correct file, but removing it from the device and redownloading it should provide the corrected file at this stage.
Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I will be doing envelopes with little presents for those who filled out the form next week over the holiday as time allows. (I Have to check to see what stickers, etc, I still have. If I’m completely out, I’ll order some from somewhere first.)
I will no longer be using StickerMule for personal reasons, so I have to find a new provider for my stuffs. (Whee.)
Other than that, I’m going into my hole for the rest of the day, eating cake, and working on Prince of New York just to give myself a bit of a brain break. I’ll be starting Booked for Theft in earnest next week.
Happy reading, and I hope everyone has a great rest of their week.
RJ, you definitely need a happy and relaxing weekend! You made the last 2 days wonderful with Partner in Crime! It was worth the wait! I have already downloaded Light in the Darkness and can’t wait to get started. You are talented and quirky enough to keep me engrossed. Keep up the work (sanely, of course!).
Thanks for the update.
Whoo! Sorry didn’t get to the refund part since my work week just ended now. But I’m looking forward to the fix and really appreciate all you’ve done. Rest and take a mental health day…the work on books. Looking forward to everything you write. And no need for gifts, your books are the best gifts ever, a gift for me I get every time you publish a new one. YAY ๐๐๐๐
Thank you. I am sorry the universe is trying to see how strong you are. Hugs.
I managed to still read the whole thing despite the issues. Then as of early this morning, finished light in the Dark. Both were excellent and I would like more please. But I do understand your need for work/life/earnings balance. So I will just wait here quietly till you give us the next tome of goodness!
Have you locked up the Nook books? They booth show as purchased but neither can be downloaded. Other books buy and download fine. None of my other pre -orders have hit lately so the glitch could be on my Nook.
I have done nothing with the nook books, so I fear it’s a problem with your nook. ๐
Thank you for the info. I have just been trying to read a couple of books I know will be great and my bedridden old Irish butt is Jonesing for fresh input All will be fixed sooner or later. Thanks again for the response and I hope you are doing better soon.