I figured this would happen eventually. When I changed my phones last, the two factor authentication didn't carry over, and it refused to input the codes or anything. (Bleh.) It used to be that you could confirm a login with a logged in device, and …
Pets in Space 8 is out!
This is going to be a super quick post... apartment inspections happened today, my keyboard broke (I'm on a spare, waiting for the new one to arrive), and my anxiety levels are through the roof. I'm hanging in there! Barely, with silent screaming, …
Week Two of the Whiskers on Kittens Celebration: the Hoofin’ It Sale! $0.99.
This week's sale feature is Hoofin' It! Hoofin' It will be removed from the sale roster early next week, so get it while it's hot! As a reminder, this novel will be $7.99 after the sale due to its length. About the Book! All Shane wanted was to …
Continue Reading about Week Two of the Whiskers on Kittens Celebration: the Hoofin’ It Sale! $0.99.
Whiskers on Kittens is Coming! Week One: Playing with Fire Sale, $0.99! Plus some other stuffs…
Welcome to week one of the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) sale! This week's featured book is Playing with Fire! The first twelve books in the series are currently all on sale for $0.99, so now is your chance to gather a hefty chunk of …
Just a few things! (Like a sales update.)
While the official shenanigans begins on September 25, 2023, the first six books of the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series are already on sale, and the next six will be on sale at all retailers approximately tomorrow sometime. (Some …
Continue Reading about Just a few things! (Like a sales update.)
You had questions! I have answers.
This post exists to answer questions I've received more than once recently... or once, but it was important enough it deserves an answer. There are a few questions nobody has asked yet, but I'm certain someone will be asking soon. (Albeit not many of …