This is the Egret of Regret. Now, onto the favor. Please rate the books you love. (Mine, any author's... just... rate the books you love.) I was minding my own business (read: doing admin work on Amazon) when something came to my …
Let’s talk about typos, please.
Hey, folks. You're probably tired of this subject. I know I am. It's a daily (and hugely frustrating) part of my life. Every day, I have to log into my Amazon account to see if someone, who is likely trying to be helpful and is completely unaware …
Leashed I Could Do and Serial Killer Princess 2…
These two stories will be in one of the two planned anthologies for the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series. Why are they not being placed in the main series? All the stories in the main series have something to do with the end game …
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Let’s Play a Game!!
Rules: Anything you suggest in the comments may become cannon fodder for a novel project. (Granted, the allowable entries are so vague that you may or may not be able to identify if I selected your comment to become cannon fodder.) By commenting, …
Pen Name List with Series/World breakdown
R.J. Blain This is a page in the menu. I am still trying to figure out if I've missed something. This excludes some of the stuff I have covers for. Please refer to this post for the current preorders. * indicates the series is yet to be …
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Please do not panic: site updates coming soon.
I will be giving the website a face lift in the near future, so please do not panic! I need to add pages that better go into reading order, pen name details, etc, etc, etc. As such, things are going to start being moving around. P.S.: If you …
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