Dear humans, Please take a moment to enjoy this pretty art the female has licensed for advertisement purposes. Is it not pretty? It was licensed because it's that pretty. So, there are teasers! So many teasers! All of the teasers. Enjoy. The …
Dirty Deeds is now available!
Dear humans, Hooray! Today is the day! Dirty Deeds can now be purchased at your favorite retailers! When the going gets tough, the tough get their hands dirty. Join NY Times Bestselling author Faith Hunter, USA Today Bestselling author R.J. …
A Teaser from Faith Hunter’s Bound into Darkness (in Dirty Deeds.)
Dear humans, The female claimed she would be doing a Book Faire today... she picked up a book, and read. And then she kept reading. Then she read until her eyes went all droopy, and then she remembered she was supposed to do the book …
Continue Reading about A Teaser from Faith Hunter’s Bound into Darkness (in Dirty Deeds.)
Happy holidays! Murder Mittens is now out in the wilds.
Dear humans, Murder Mittens is now available in the wilds. You can grab your copy at the following vendors: Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, and B&N. This snippet was stolen from the female for your enjoyment. Why was murdering irate, …
Continue Reading about Happy holidays! Murder Mittens is now out in the wilds.
License to Kill (Karma Book 2) has released!
Dear humans, License to Kill is out in the wilds! You can acquire your copy at your favorite vendors, but here's the link to Amazon, since that's what most people request. (The female is on the last of her deadlines, so we're chopping so she …
Continue Reading about License to Kill (Karma Book 2) has released!
Grave Humor was nominated for ReadFreely’s Best 50 Indie Books of 2020! Voting is live.
Dear humans, The female has a migraine. She requires light to see, but the light stabs at her eyeballs and upsets her stomach. We have begun therapy treatments, which involve purring and covering her face with our warm, fuzzy bodies. She mumbled …