Hey, folks. R.J. here. Rather than give you an impersonal cats' eye view of a rather troublesome problem I'm facing, I have the wheel on the blog for today. I am strongly considering, after the release of Catnapped, pulling all of my titles …
Booked for Murder is now available, humans!
Dear humans, The female is doing that scrambling thing she always does when a new book comes out, so I've stolen the keyboard for a very short period of time. Booked for Murder: A Vigilante Magical Librarians novel (Book one of five to be precise) …
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A general update!
Dear humans, According to the female's schedule, she should be finishing A Chip on Her Shoulder today. She is not finishing A Chip on Her Shoulder today. In good news, she got through the hell scene, so she might be able to finish over the weekend …
Taken (A Royal States Novel by Susan Copperfield) has released!
Dear humans, Today is the day! Pat & Jessica are back in a fun romp. We hope you have a great time with the book. Taken is available at all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, …
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The Dawn of Dae is back!
The morning Alexa Daegberht’s macaroni and cheese develops sentience, the world changes. She thought escaping poverty and moving up in the world would be the challenge of her life, but the new arrivals, who call themselves the dae, waste no time …
Life Updates, About a Book, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
Dear humans, The partridge in a pear tree part of the subject is a complete and total lie. The female doesn't have any tasty birds for me, nor does she have a pear tree. Don't listen to her. Filthy female, getting my hopes up for delicious bird …
Continue Reading about Life Updates, About a Book, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.