Dear humans, The female is totally done with today, so you get to be tortured by yours truly. I'm so cute you don't mind though, do you? Suckers. Some humans had questions for the female, but I will be answering them. Q: Purple or Orange …
State of the Blain Address: Updated Preorder List, List of Current/New Releases
Dear humans! Here is your one stop shop for new and upcoming releases by the female! With a bonus adorable picture of yours truly. The female is tired. As soon as Steel Heart unlocks, she will be updating it. Die Hard is playing in the …
New Preorders, Chaos.
Dear humans, Look at all of the zoom zooms lined up, waiting for their chance to be flying zoom zooms! The female has been hard at work doing everything EXCEPT write, and she feels like this line of zoom zooms waiting to go flying. It took …
Karma-Karma-Karma-Karma-Karma Chameleeeeoonnn! Blending In is on Sale! (And other stuff inside.)
Dear humans, As promised, Blending In is now on sale! You can grab your copy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play! Blending In is also available as an audiobook, and you can download it from Audible, Kobo, iTunes, …
Behind the Scenes: Blood Bound
Some books, like Steel Heart, are feral. Others, like Blood Bound, are unicorns. The female still has a lot of work to do on the book, but she is really enjoying the work. Unlike all of her other books, she has been naming the chapters after funny …
Updates, Giveaways, Stuff. (The Furred & Frond Management is tired.)
Dear humans, Today, we are so tired that we are not sharing a picture of our handsome selves. Instead, you get a picture of the female's new fox pewter mug, which she is currently drinking water out of. She is so tired she's not capable of …
Continue Reading about Updates, Giveaways, Stuff. (The Furred & Frond Management is tired.)