Dear humans, The female has been busy. She is revamping as much of her books as humanely possible as part of her 'make words go better' campaign. So, there's a lot in the works, and the wench is making me tell you all about it. Do I look like a …
A State of the Blain Address, Plus Blood Bound Released!
Dear humans, The male was mean to the female. He made her get rid of the desk she's had for fifteen years. (That's almost my entire lifespan, female! It was old! Let it die!) It was bad for her back and neck. She now has one that goes up and …
Continue Reading about A State of the Blain Address, Plus Blood Bound Released!
Shammed Audiobook, a new Preorder, (It’s something special, y’all!) and Other News from the Trenches.
Dear humans, The female bought us a present. It's a television stand with a fireplace built in, and when she flips the magical switch, it makes us warm! We like it very much. She also put our laser pointer toy on the Booze Shelf, and they keep …
From the Department of Unsolicited Advice: A Cat’s Guide to Having a Good 2020.
Dear 2020, We come in peace. Please put away the Molotov cocktails, the chainsaw, and... is that a whip? We come in peace. We come in peace. I'm totally curious about that whip, though. Will it smack the male human? The female human? Are …
A Cat Answers Human Questions.
Dear humans, The female is totally done with today, so you get to be tortured by yours truly. I'm so cute you don't mind though, do you? Suckers. Some humans had questions for the female, but I will be answering them. Q: Purple or Orange …
State of the Blain Address: Updated Preorder List, List of Current/New Releases
Dear humans! Here is your one stop shop for new and upcoming releases by the female! With a bonus adorable picture of yours truly. The female is tired. As soon as Steel Heart unlocks, she will be updating it. Die Hard is playing in the …