Dear humans, The female has successfully navigated through the waters to have the preorder for Client from Hell moved to July 27, 2021. This allows her to do important things including not work herself to death, sleep, breathe, make food at the …
A Chip on Her Shoulder has Released!
Dear humans, After a deal with loan sharks sours, Darlene’s brother is permanently transformed into a chipmunk. Not one to accept impossibility as a good excuse for failure, she’s determined to rescue her brother and secure revenge against those …
Updated Release Dates: Wild Wolf and The Flame Game
Wild Wolf's new release date is now January 19, 2021. This will be updated and announced to vendors soon. Assuming I get approval from a booked promoter, The Flame Game will also be rescheduled for the end of November. Expect November 24 for the …
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The Delicate Art of Scheduling: 2021’s tentative schedule, plus other book talk and news!
Here. Have a flower. Dear humans, The female has had a lot of comments lately asking (or quietly grieving) that the next Vigilante Magical librarians book has a 12-18 month release window. I know, I know. Waiting sucks. It does! But, as we of …
Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews: Four paws up and a squeak!
Dear humans, We of the Blain Household would like to take a moment to squeal over Ilona Andrews' new release, Emerald Blaze. it kicks ass. We think you should read it. It was just a super fun continuation of the Hidden Legacy series. We won't …
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Junkyard Cats is available today!
Dear humans, The female's soul sister, Faith Hunter, has a new ebook release today. Junkyard Cats can be acquired at all major retailers, so if you like post-apoc and kitties, you're going to love this. The female has already read it, and has been …