Please read carefully, as there has been some confusion lately. Read VERY carefully, please please! I have three different patreons that are meant to cater to different types of shoppers. If you want no extras and just stories, there are two …
A Little about the Monthly Patreon…
When everything isn't on fire, I do a lot of fun things with my monthly patreon, which you can find here. I do a read along, which tends to average once a week, but sometimes has x3 a week when I'm behind and everything is on fire... like right now. …
I’ve made an error! Smashwords doesn’t have preorder functionality (but it does have wishlisting!)
After a reader made a comment, I investigated Smashwords to discover it doesn't actually have a preorder functionality. It does have wishlisting and following of authors to send reminders. If you like to preorder/buy everything, I recommend that …
Just an FYI: 101 Ways to Die is being deliberately underpriced.
Long story short: With the inclusion of the pilot story (which is this book's bonus short story), the book is going to be over the standard $6.99 wordcount threshold. Since Amazon readers (who do not buy on Smashwords or through Patreon) won't have …
Continue Reading about Just an FYI: 101 Ways to Die is being deliberately underpriced.
How I will be addressing the Amazon Problem: an exclusive short story at all vendors except Amazon.
The title says it all. I hate the idea of punishing readers because they like a certain version of a book, and I generally prefer reward methods. So, moving forward, I will be doing the following: 1: Release dates will remain unchanged, with my …
Discussion: I may change how I publish my books moving forward.
Amazon has struck again in the form of a reader, who was very probably trying to be helpful without understanding the damage they're doing. (I REALLY understand that most readers who use this tool are trying to help. The reality is... good …
Continue Reading about Discussion: I may change how I publish my books moving forward.