Because I've gotten many, many, many messages from those who really, really believe the author note in Plaidypus was a lie... no, no, I promise you Lucifer is the Lord of Lies, I'm just the poor author saddled with tracking his truths and …
Kickstarter Preorder Store Coming Soon!
All right, folks. The moment is almost upon us! The preorder store via backerkit is coming. US addresses will be able to get books for $25.00 each with $3.50 shipping plus taxes per book. The $25.00 is the same as what was charged in the preorder, …
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Author to Author: A Brief Guide to Publication
Every now and then, I do these posts, updated to account for the changes in the publication world. Since I'm hot off Plaidypus hitting USA Today, I thought I'd go through the entire step-by-step process of books come to the market. Complete with …
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Upcoming Release Schedule: Moon Tamed, Doggone Mess, and the Vampire of Montana. (Also included Patreon updates, kickstarter, etc.)
Hey, folks! Your resident crazy person... er... author here! I've got news! Fun news! Happy news! Let's get right to it, shall we? Coraline Patten enjoys nothing more than facing new challenges, but when she’s asked to evaluate Moonriver’s …
Regarding the End Note in Plaidypus.
The timeline I listed in Plaidypus is correct Lucifer is the Lord of Lies, and him (and his minions) cut their teeth on lying . If you want to know why Lucifer might lie about it, consider the lab incident with the vampire. Start doing some …
Plaidypus made USA Today (#135)
I did not expect this today. I was 99.99% certain there was no chance I would make the list with this book. But that 0.01% reminded me good things can happen to those who work hard and keep trying. I am over the moon, but please don't pinch me. …