Hey, folks. I went to the beach yesterday, and I took this picture out of the open window of the truck. No phones were dropped or damaged during this reckless photography session. (The husband has learned my battery recharges REALLY well at the …
Behind the Scenes: Choosing what to write next. Plus a Patreon…
You're getting the human today for several reasons. First, I'm tired, second, the cats are tired, and third... we're all tired here. That's okay. Mostly. Over the past few days, there have been a lot of questions, especially regarding series, …
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Updated Book Order form – now including Swag Orders!
Hey, folks. So, in an effort to make my life easier, I have revamped the order form for the 20Booksto50k convention. With a twist. If you have already filled out the old form, you don't need to do anything. However, if you DO fill out the new …
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The Process of Writing a Book.
Dear humans, This is my new hobby. I ask my furless mommy to put the cold thing on my eye because it hurts, and then we sit quietly for ten minutes until it stops hurting. My furless mommy isn't the brightest, because the first time I asked for …
Yes, Sandra and Jonas are the stars of the entire trilogy…
It seems, judging from some commentary, people missed the memo; the Magically Hellish series is a one character led romp. Sandra is the lead perspective for the entire trilogy. That's why it's spun off as it is; it's ONLY about Sandra and her …
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And here comes the bad news… re: preorder date changes.
Hey, folks. Honestly, this is too important to put in the hands of the felines, who are recovering but are still a bit grumpy. I will be moving all of my preorders out a month. So Booked for Kidnapping will be moving to October. Up in Smoke will …
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