Dear humans, It is Monday. We aren't so sure about this whole Monday nonsense. The female harvested her one teeny tiny honey rock. She ate it. She was very happy, for it was juicy and delicious. Tiny but fierce, y'all. Tiny by …
2021 Writing Productivity Spreadsheet
Dear humans, The female has created an updated 2021 Writing Productivity Spreadsheet. This is the thing she uses to help manage her projects and keeps her on track. If you're an author, please enjoy and make use of this. You can access it …
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A ‘Thank you’ Book Faire, Day 5 plus a release date and news regarding Booked for Kidnapping.
Dear humans, We are pleased to announce the next Vigilante Magical Librarians book will be titled Booked for Kidnapping, and it will be available at all major retailers for $5.99 on September 7, 2021. You can preorder now at Amazon. Other …
A ‘Thank you’ Book Faire, Day 4.
Dear humans, The smoke is more gray than orange today. We assume this is good. We do not assume the air outside is precisely breathable, so we are avoiding the evil outdoors. The male purchased the female the best tacos she has ever eaten in …
A ‘Thank you’ Book Faire, Day 3.
Dear humans, We have returned. Again. The sky is a little orange here, the air is clogged with smoke, and the female is feeling a bit murderous today. As such, we are limiting our general commentary, as nobody needs us bad mooding all over the …
A ‘Thank you’ Book Faire, Day 2.
Dear humans, It is day two of the 'thank you' book faire! Thank you to the kind authors who took the time to share Booked for Murder and A Chip on Her Shoulder to their readers. We do really appreciate it! As mentioned yesterday, we have not …