Last week, the male really, really, really wanted to order a CostCo ham dinner, so badly that the female asked a friend to buy it for them and ship it using her CostCo card. The male and female don't have a CostCo card at current. Their apartment …
April 2, 2020: Book Talk, Life talk, the female is a little sick. Poor female.
Dear Humans, The female has been playing a daily game. It's fun. We call it "Allergies or Plague." Symptoms of allergies: Coughing, sore throat, sinus issues, aching, sometimes fever when they're reaaaalllyyy bad, and so on. Symptoms of …
April 1, 2020: No pranks, only book news. (We’re tired today, humans.)
Dear humans, One of my favorite hobbies includes climbing onto the female's desk and trying to steal things. I do this approximately two or three times a month, after giving sufficient time to lower her defenses. How annoying I am about it is …
Continue Reading about April 1, 2020: No pranks, only book news. (We’re tired today, humans.)
March 31, 2020: Send cookies. Spike them with Vodka.
Dear humans, Please enjoy this picture of a mountain road cutting through the Sierras. It is pretty. The female enjoyed the drive. Send cookies, and spike them with vodka. The female is having a day. She needs to get writing done and editing …
Continue Reading about March 31, 2020: Send cookies. Spike them with Vodka.
March 30, 2020: Has it really been two weeks already? Life, The Universe, and Everything… plus some books.
Dear humans, This is an accurate representation of the Blain Household at current. The female would be the one sitting on the male, and yes, I still do sit on Princess as I see fit. If I fits, I sits! There is so much of Princess for me to sit …
March 29, 2020: In Which the Female Tried to Teleport Us All into 2030. She tried, we’re sorry she failed.
Dear humans, Have a picture of my sister laying claim to the new hammock cat tree. This one is hers, and it goes where the male usually works during the day. My sister has, however, decided to sit near me while I work on this missive for your …