Dear 2020, We come in peace. Please put away the Molotov cocktails, the chainsaw, and... is that a whip? We come in peace. We come in peace. I'm totally curious about that whip, though. Will it smack the male human? The female human? Are …
A Cat Answers Human Questions.
Dear humans, The female is totally done with today, so you get to be tortured by yours truly. I'm so cute you don't mind though, do you? Suckers. Some humans had questions for the female, but I will be answering them. Q: Purple or Orange …
License to Kill/Wild Wolf now available for Preorder at Barnes & Nobles, a Q&A Session, and a picture of the humans in the icy wilds of Sunnyvale, California.
Dear humans, Today, the female went curling. I am exposing evidence of her as an actual rather... ungroomed... human. Post falling on her ass several times while flinging a 45 pound stone across frozen water. You may laugh. I certainly did. In …
State of the Blain Address: Updated Preorder List, List of Current/New Releases
Dear humans! Here is your one stop shop for new and upcoming releases by the female! With a bonus adorable picture of yours truly. The female is tired. As soon as Steel Heart unlocks, she will be updating it. Die Hard is playing in the …
New Preorders, Chaos.
Dear humans, Look at all of the zoom zooms lined up, waiting for their chance to be flying zoom zooms! The female has been hard at work doing everything EXCEPT write, and she feels like this line of zoom zooms waiting to go flying. It took …
Migraines suck, humans.
Dear humans, In good news, Blood Bound is currently 52,300 words long. It is a good length novel. The female is having much fun. In bad news, Blood Bound is feral, it releases in late January, and as such, she's going to just have to commit to …